Part I
Slow Down Your Brain: Let an Elephant Do Your Work for You

In Part I of Master Your Mind, we’ll lay the foundation for why you and your brain need to slow down. This foundation will be both scientific and anecdotal in nature – we’ll draw from the latest research in neuroscience and quantum physics, plus the practical experiences of our clients and ourselves.

Our aim with Part I is to help you understand you a little better.

You’re going to learn about how your brain operates on its deepest levels (hint: It’s not just a little different, it’s often the exact opposite of what we see on the surface). You’ll learn about what happens when your brain physically slows down the frequency at which it vibrates. You’ll also identify some of the “default settings” we’re all preprogrammed with, and gain some understanding into how to stop sabotaging yourself.

We believe you’ll find Part I to be not just interesting on an academic level, but enlightening on a personal level, and extremely practical in your day-to-day activities. Enjoy!