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Sady was dead on her feet when she got to the hotel suite. CJ wanted to question her, but Harry put his hand on CJ's and shook his head. "Tomorrow," he suggested. CJ didn't argue. Sady waved goodnight and went to bed. Matt stayed up to talk with the Knight's.
"Well, Sady says there are years of photos hanging in the dressing room. She just needs time to go through them. I hope she can do that before decides she likes the money and leaves us for a Vegas career."
CJ lifted a brow. "Is she that good?"
"Unfortunately, yes. I bet she had a couple hundred dollars in tips from her appreciative audience," Matt said sourly.
"Uh, oh. Someone's not happy," Harry said.
"Would you like to see your wife half dressed with strange men shoving money down her underwear?" Matt asked.
"No. And I don't like the idea of Sady being in that position. She's not going back," Harry said with a scowl.
"Matt, can't you keep your mouth shut for once? Besides, I'm not your wife, and you're exaggerating!" Sady popped out of her bedroom to grab a snack. Her night shirt read If you don't like what you see keep waiting. Someone uglier will soon be along.
Sady planted herself in front of them and said, "I did NOT go through all this to quit after my first day. Matt's just jealous because I didn't lasso him. I checked his wallet before we left, and he had nothing larger than a ten. Don't be such a cheapskate, Matt. You'll get a bad rep among the girls. They know who the tightwads are." She got her snack and returned to bed, stopping to glare at Matt once more before slamming her door for emphasis.
When everyone went to bed, Sady sneaked out of her room and hobbled to the kitchenette. She was closing the freezer when Matt said, "Another snack? It's a good thing you're working all that food off."
She slammed the freezer door, trying to look nonchalant, but Matt knew her too well. "You weren't getting another snack, were you? What's up, Sady? I know a guilty look when I see one."
"And I know a big mouth when I see one. Now, will you keep it down? I don't need Harry and CJ wandering out to see why you're yelling."
Matt came closer. "Do I even want to know what you're doing?" he asked.
"Probably not. And I don't want you to know, so turn around and go back to bed," she snapped.
Matt's brows went up as he looked closer. "Is there a reason you have an ice pack on your..."
"Thighs?" she finished in a steely tone.
"If that's what you're calling it these days," he smirked.
"That better be what you're calling it, not me," she warned. "And yes, there's a reason. It has to do with the female reproductive system. You see..."
Matt looked disgusted and said, "Way too much info, Sady. Good luck with that, and goodnight." He went back to his room, and Sady breathed a sigh of relief.
"You can scare the men off with that line, Sady, but I know better."
"Doesn't anyone sleep around here?" Sady asked CJ.
"No one but Harry- go figure. Now, do you want to tell me what the real problem is? I know it's not monthly cramps."
"Well, let's just say spending a couple hours sitting on a moving piece of machinery, wearing a leather string up your butt, isn't conducive to comfort. The same thing goes for my inner thighs." Sady reluctantly showed CJ the raw flesh on her legs. "Please, don't tell the guys, especially Harry. If I have to wrap myself like a mummy, I'm going back to that club. I'd do anything for you and Harry. You've had my back every time I've been in trouble. It's time for me to return the favor."
"If you feel that way there's only one thing to do," CJ said firmly. "I'll call Amanda and get her out here for support. I have no doubt that woman could entertain the club for a week straight and love every second of it. It's only eleven in Michigan. I'm going to step into the hall and call her."
It wasn't quite noon the following day when they heard furious pounding on the door of the hotel suite. With a smile at Sady, CJ said, "Will you answer that, Matt?"
They couldn't see the front door from where they sat, but they heard the conversation clearly.
"What are you doing here?" Matt’s voice registered astonishment.
"I'm an invited guest, Stubbles, so you'd better move aside and let me in. The way I hear it you are here to work. So take my bags and don't get rough with them."
Amanda must have dropped her bags on Matt's foot because he howled and said, "Are you packing concrete?" There was no answer, and Amanda sauntered around the corner to greet the rest of the team.
"Did someone here request my special services?" She made the rounds with hugs for everyone, lingering a little longer on Harry.
Sady elbowed her, and Amanda replied, "He's been through so much. I was just offering a little extra comfort."
"Don't we have enough trouble on our hands?" Matt asked. "Who invited her, and why?"
"I invited her," CJ said. "We need another set of eyes in that club. Sady can't do it all, and we can't stay here indefinitely."
"I didn't see an ad for a cleaning woman," Matt said acidly.
"Then you don't need to apply," Amanda responded. "I happen to have highly valuable skills."
"Well, don't call me to bail you out when you get arrested for your skills," Matt shot back.
Amanda blew him off with a sniff. "Please, Stubbles. Go practice your charm because as my manager you're going to be selling my skills this afternoon."
"There's not enough charm in this world to do that. Besides, I'm sure pimping is still illegal, Amanda."
She narrowed her eyes and said, "You might want to find an attitude adjustment while you're at it. Before I give you one."
CJ cleared her throat and said, "Sady, do you want to tell him?"
Sady's smile grew, and she said, "Remember how the club manager was looking for a particular act, Matt?"
His eyes bulged. "Don't make me laugh. Amanda? She might qualify if this was a monster truck rally."
"I brought the whip, Stubbles, and I'm going to practice on you. After you take me shopping that is. I need a real leather outfit if I'm going to do this right." She strutted around the room, "Look out, Vegas. You've never seen a dominatrix like me."
"That's because the vice squad is doing a good job," Matt told her. "I bet the state pen has seen a lot, though."
"Just bring the credit card. It's time for some retail therapy. Your mouth is not required to be in attendance." She headed to the door. "Well, come on! CJ is waiting to kick someone's ass, and I don't want to keep her waiting any longer than necessary."
"Do I have to take her?" Matt asked, sounding like a little boy.
"I'm afraid so," CJ said with a grin. "Harry and I will check a couple pawn shops, and Sady is out of commission for now. You're the only other person authorized to use the company card."
"Sady's not coming? What do you mean, out of commission?" he asked suspiciously.
"It's the girl thing, remember?" Sady interjected with a raised brow.
Matt turned red and followed Amanda, grumbling under his breath. Two hours later he was still griping when they returned to the hotel. Amanda was ignoring him. "I keep hoping he'll go away. Maybe it just takes a little longer, like some rashes," she told Sady.
Matt went to the fridge for a beer. "Don't get too comfy. You're taking me to the Can-Can Club for my audition, remember?" Amanda reminded him.
"How could I forget? This day will be permanently etched in my brain like a bloody scene from a horror movie." He popped a beer and nearly drained it with one sip.
Amanda hauled Sady to the bedroom they now shared. "CJ explained your dilemma, so I purchased extra items. I'll explain to the manager the change in plans after I'm hired."
Sady burst out laughing. "This is priceless. I wish I could take a picture of Matt's face when you audition."