Thanks to: the endlessly generous and terrifically talented Austin restaurant community; photographer to the stars Robert Strickland; my fabulous editor Holly Dolce and everyone at Abrams; my incredible agent Angela Miller; brilliant food stylist and certified native Austinite Liz Pearson; forever Texans Andrea Grimes and Meghan McCarron; the one-and-only Deana Saukam; Mr. Barbecue himself, Daniel Vaughn; the legendary Pat Sharpe; my loving and wonderful parents, Sarah Mason and Barry Forbes; my gorgeous and irreplaceable sister Madeline Forbes; the astoundingly helpful team of recipe testers for this book (Keegan Austin and Dulcie Austin, Rachel Collins and Donovan Gentry, Karen Anderson, Claire Odom, Amy McKeever, Will Grindle, Georgianna “Pancakes” Barker, James Prior, Freeda Brook, Christina Dennehy, Liz Mallott, Jessica Hixson, Mark Bourne, Molly Offer-Westort, Nick DePetris, Adrianne Klein, Christine Remissong, Maurie Kathan, Paul Heider, Dana Roman, Kaitlin Loyal, Sasank Ancha, Molly, Jess Eaton, Sarah Smith, and the entire vibrant Grinnell Plans community); vital cookbook advice pals Matt Rodbard, Kaitlyn Goalen and Katie Parla; the patient and ridiculously helpful staffs of Resplendent Hospitality, Giant Noise, Cultivate PR, Paula Biehler PR, and Brenda Thompson Communications; and, of course, the entire Posse gang. But most of all thank you, thank you, thank you to my love, Raphael Brion. I couldn’t have done this without any of you.