Here’s a sneak preview of Wind Dancers Book 4:

Horses’ Night Out


Rise and … Shine?

In the sleeping stalls of the Wind Dancers’ apple tree house, all was quiet.

Well, sort of quiet.

Kona was snoring noisily from beneath her horse blanket.

Brisa was giggling her way through a funny dream.

Sumatra’s feet were tap, tap, tapping on her stall’s wooden floor as she dreamed she was dancing in the air.

And Sirocco’s stomach was growling. Loudly.

“Mmmm,” Sirocco murmured in his sleep, his closed eyes smiling. “A second helping of shoofly pie? Don’t mind if I do. I hate flies, but I love pie!”

As Sirocco bit into the pie in his dream, his actual teeth began click, clack, clicking.

His lips smacked wetly.

And he swallowed with great, big galumphs, even though all he was really swallowing was air.

“Yum!” said the sleeping horse.

Of course, in real life, Sirocco’s belly was still empty. His stomach was so noisy, in fact, that it woke him up!