The winner of Russia’s Go1Den ticket was 14-year-old Katie from Ekaterinburg. She made a great video using plasticine figurines of the boys – check it out on YouTube by searching for ‘One Direction Everything About You Plasticine Video’. What she managed to achieve is truly remarkable. The storyline is really funny – the boys get chased around by a Russian fan and paint a big 1D sign. When Katie went to meet the boys in New York, she wore a T-shirt with her 1D plasticine figurines on the front. She also gave them each their own T-shirt with their figurine on the front and all the boys were really impressed.
Julia is 16 and from Kurgan in Russia. She has been a fan of 1D ever since she heard ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ for the first time. ‘I fell in love,’ she admits. ‘Fell in love with their voices. Every day I learned about them. They teach fans that it is OK to just be yourself and have fun.
‘I found many people who like them and we have many common interests. To be a Russian Directioner is very nice. There are already about 33,000 Directioners in Russia. We also love our neighbours: Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan fans. Altogether we have about 55,000 fans. They’re all great. And we are one family. Occasionally we have conflicts and disagreements, but that happens in almost every family. And we all love each other.
‘We meet up and make dances together to their music. One day we painted on the pavement of the largest park in the city. We drew lots of pictures of the boys. It was so funny!’