Creating DSC configuration

The next step is to write a DSC configuration using any PowerShell editor to reflect the intent of the configuration. For this sample, a single configuration, ConfigureSiteOnIIS, is created. It imports the base DSC module, PSDesiredStateConfiguration, which consists of resources used within the configuration. It also declares a node web server. When this configuration is uploaded and compiled, it will generate a DSCConfigurationNodes named ConfigureSiteOnIISwebserver. This configuration can then be applied to nodes.

The configuration consists of a few resources. These resources configure the target node. The resources install a web server, ASP.NET, and framework, and create an index.htm file within the inetpub\wwwroot directory with content to show that the site is under maintenance. For more information about writing DSC configuration, refer to

Configuration ConfigureSiteOnIIS {   
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'   
    Node WebServer {   
      WindowsFeature IIS  
            Name = "Web-Server"  
            Ensure = "Present"  
        WindowsFeature AspDotNet  
            Name = "net-framework-45-Core"  
            Ensure = "Present"  
            DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]IIS"  
        WindowsFeature AspNet45  
            Ensure          = "Present"  
            Name            = "Web-Asp-Net45"  
            DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]AspDotNet"  
        File IndexFile  
            DestinationPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.htm"  
            Ensure = "Present"  
            Type = "File"  
            Force = $true  
            Contents = "<HTML><HEAD><Title> Website under construction.</Title></HEAD><BODY> `  
             <h1>If you are seeing this page, it means the website is under maintenance and DSC Rocks !!!!!</h1></BODY></HTML>"  