Earlier That Day...


“Oh, yes, Cali, right there!” Aleesha cried out. “Mmm, I’m about to cummm ...” she moaned as her juices began to trickle out of her pussy. Cali had his face deep in between her legs, lapping up her sweet juices while she squirmed from the pure bliss of his tongue. After he was finished orally pleasing her, he raised up on his knees to admire her gorgeous body.

Aleesha was five-foot-three, with velvety chocolate colored skin. She was a BBW and was plump in all the right places. Her face was flawless with pearly white teeth that could light up a room, full lips, a plump nose, and big round beautiful dark brown eyes. Her thick, silky black hair went to the middle of her back but was at the moment in a messy ponytail. She had succulent, ample 40DD breasts with chocolate gumdrop nipples, a petite protruding belly, wide savory hips, thick meaty thighs, and an onion-shaped ass, and every inch of her body turned Cali on. He couldn’t wait to feel the insides of her waiting walls.

Cali reached for his designer jeans next to the bed and pulled out a condom, then slid it on his corpulent rock hard 8-inch shaft. He spread open Aleesha’s legs, marveling over the cleanly shaved glimmering pink pussy in front of him, and slowly began penetrating her.

“Damn, baby, this pussy is good. You got a nigga wantin’ to cum ...” he said before Aleesha drowned out his voice with her own moans. They kept in tune with one another as their bodies became one, and Aleesha was enjoying every minute of it. Twenty minutes later, Cali was whispering in her ear, “I love you,” while they both climaxed. He climbed off of her and they both lay under the cover staring at the ceiling, thoughts consuming their minds.

“Cali, we can’t do this anymore,” Aleesha stated abruptly, breaking him out of his trance. He laid with his hands behind his head, and waited a few seconds before he responded to her.

“Why not?” he asked as he turned his head to look at her, not really wanting to know the answer.

“Because I’m still in love with Savage,” she declared. She shifted on her right side to look at him.

“So? That shit ain’t stopped you before, so why is it stoppin’ you now?”

“Because, you and I both know all this sneaking around and cheating shit ain’t cool.”

“But it’s okay for the nigga to do it to you?” he asked, getting angry.

“I never said it was. But two wrongs don’t make a right.”

“Man,” Cali said as he sat up against the headboard. “Why the fuck did you come back then, talkin’ ‘bout you missed me and shit?”

“I don’t know,” Aleesha answered back sarcastically.

“Now you don’t know. Cuh, if you wanted some dick, that’s all you had to say. Don’t have me thinkin’ you really finna leave this nigga and we gone work on us, when you still wanna be wit’ him.”

“I didn’t just want dick from you, Cali,” she said as she shook her head.

“Cuh, whatever,” he said, waving her away.

“You got a lot of fucking nerve right now.” She sat up in the bed. “Ain’t yo baby momma Passion expecting to see you later?”

“So what? I’m goin’ over there to see my daughter.”

“Whatever, Cali, the conversation I heard was way different, but yeah, you just going over there for your daughter.”

“Cuh, I’m not about to waste my time explainin’ shit to you.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“Bitch, shut the fuck up.”

“Oh, so now I’m a bitch?” She threw off the cover. “Fuck you Cali!” she yelled as she got off the bed and grabbed her Scout Hobo pebble leather Coach purse from the nightstand.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he yelled out after her as she walked into the bathroom.

Aleesha locked the door behind her, and set her things on the sink counter. She opened the door to the stand-in shower and turned the water on. She took her HTC One cell phone out of her bag as she waited for the water to warm up. She heard Cali trying to open the door, but to no avail.

“Aleesha, open the door,” he yelled while still trying to open it.

“Leave me alone, Cali,” she said back as she began to make a call. She didn’t want him to come in and seduce her, which for some reason was easy for him to do. She had a weak spot for him.

Cali was stocky and stood at five-foot-eleven with the most intriguing brown skin tone. He had jet black hair that was in a tapered mini afro with a Nike swoop on the left side, a chin beard that was neatly lined up and connected to his sideburns, and had a light brown/ hazel eye color. His whole body was tatted from his neck down to his legs, including a California mural spanning across his back that highlighted important moments in his life like the birth of his daughter and the streets where he grew up. Aleesha could never resist him whenever he was around, and his smooth deep voice alone made her panties wet.

“Come talk to me,” he said through the door as he jiggled the handle.

“No, I’m a bitch remember,” she said as she took a seat on the toilet.

“You know you ain’t a bitch. I didn’t mean that shit, just open the door so we can talk,” he pleaded with her.

“Please, just leave me alone,” she said as the person on the other line picked up. Cali didn’t say anything as he let go of the door handle and took a seat on the bed. “Y’all ready?” she asked the person on the phone low enough so Cali couldn’t hear her. “Aight, I’m leaving in like 30 minutes. Bye.” She hung up the phone and set it on the counter before stepping into the shower. She bathed for fifteen minutes, got out and dried herself off, and then lotioned her body. She then wrapped herself in a towel, gathered her things and went back into the room.

Cali was fully dressed in his denim blue Ricky Straight True Religion jeans, a plain black True Religion short-sleeve shirt, and sport blue retro 3 Air Jordan’s, and was sitting on the edge of the bed smoking a blunt.

“You wanna hit this?” he asked Aleesha as she walked out. She sat her bag on the bed, took the blunt from him, took two hits, and began to get dressed. “I apologize, Leelee,” he said as she passed him back the blunt.

She didn’t say anything as she finished putting her black pencil skirt and white tank top back on, along with her black unique Coach flats.

Cali leaned over to the night stand and put the blunt out, then sat back up. “Don’t be like that, Aleesha,” he said as he pulled her down in his lap.

“I’m not being like anything, Cali. I’m sorry for dragging you back in my life, but you won’t ever have to worry about it again,” she said as she tried to get up from his lap.

“Man stop,” he said, pulling her back down and planting a kiss on her lips. “You know I love you and that pussy will always be mine,” he stated jokingly.

“Shut up,” she said, cracking a smile as she playfully hit him on the shoulder.

“Nah, I’m serious though. No matter what you’ll always be bae,” he said as he gave her another yet passionately filled kiss. He began rubbing on her body and kissing on her neck. He slipped his hands under her skirt and started fingering her pussy. She tilted her head back and soft moans began to escape from her lips. “Spend the night wit’ me,” he whispered in her ear.

“I can’t, Cali,” she said as she regained her composure and pulled his hand from under her skirt.

“Yes you can. What’s stoppin’ you?” He looked her in the eyes.

“No I can’t. And I gotta go handle some business at my shop. You got plans tonight anyway, remember.”

“C’mon, Aleesha.”

“Boy, boo! If yo girl only knew,” she said between giggles. She stood up and grabbed her bag off the bed.

“Cuh, she ain’t my girl, she just my baby momma,” he shot back defensively.

“Either way y’all still fucking around, and she’s expecting you home tonight.”

“I guess man,” he said with disappointment in his voice. Right as she was reaching the door, he reached out and grabbed her, pulling her back closer to him.

“Cali, I gotta go,” she said, turning around to face him.

“I just want you to know that I’m still here for you regardless of anything,” he said as he looked her in the eyes.

“I know, Cali.”

“Promise me you still gone be here for me.”

“I promise,” she stated as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she was out of the door.

The sun was beginning to set as Aleesha walked to her car. As she stared at the horizon, she noticed a black Escalade with tinted windows parked a few cars down. She knew she recognized the car, but kept on with what she was doing. Unbeknown to her, it had been trailing her all day and followed her here. She jumped in her black on black 2014 Chevy Camaro and left.

“We gon’ wait for that nigga to come out and follow his ass,” the man in the driver seat of the Escalade said to the other man sitting on the passenger side. And when Cali finally made his exit, they trailed him.