Case of the Ex


As the months came and went and 2012 arrived, Aleesha gradually became herself again. She and Milasia eventually sat down and talked, and Aleesha was able to pull her friend out of the destructive rut she was in, or so she thought.

It was early on a Sunday morning in February, and Aleesha and Milasia were at Food-4-Less grocery shopping together. Without even paying attention, they ran into Savage in one of the aisles.

“Wassup, y’all?” he asked as he pushed his basket by them.

“Nothin’,” Aleesha answered back, uninterested.

“How you doin’, Mila?” Savage asked, turning his attention toward Milasia.

“I’m good. How yo bitch doin’?” Milasia asked, trying to be messy.

“Maaannn,” Savage said with a laugh, “I ain’t wit’ her no more.”

“Good. ‘Cause she was finna get her ass beat. She better be glad Leelee wasn’t there.”

“Man, you ain’t ever lied.”

“Whatever,” Aleesha said, blushing.

“I’ll be right back. I gotta go to the restroom,” Milasia said, walking away.

“Whatever, bitch,” Aleesha said, pushing the basket in the opposite direction.

Savage pushed his basket in the same direction as Aleesha’s and walked alongside her. “So how you been, Leelee?”

Aleesha kept it simple. “Good.”

“So I heard you wit that nigga now.”

“Yup. I heard you still messin’ around with ratchet ass hoes.”

“Nah. I ain’t messin’ around with nobody.”

“Yeah right,” Aleesha said as she stopped and put some canned vegetables in her cart.

“So how’s moms and lil’ sis doin’?” Savage asked, stopping alongside her.

“They good,” she said as she crossed out something on a piece of paper.

“Damn, Aleesha, why you actin’ like that?”

“Like what?” she asked as she looked up at him. “I’m trying to finish shopping. I got shit to do later.”

“Damn, but you can’t make conversation wit’ a nigga?” he playfully asked her.

“I’m talking to you, aren’t I?”

“Man, Leelee, I’m sorry for what I did,” Savage apologized. His regret seemed sincere.

“Okay,” Aleesha said simply as she started pushing her cart again.

“Aight,” he said as he started pushing his cart alongside her again. “I know when a nigga ain’t wanted. I ain’t gone keep botherin’ you. I’ll see you later,” he said as he stopped and extended his arms out, reaching for a hug. Aleesha stopped pushing her cart and just stood there. “Damn, I can’t even get a hug?”

“I guess,” she said, giving in.

Savage welcomed her with open arms, and wouldn’t let her go once they wrapped their arms around each other. “Damn, I missed this. You know I still love you, right?” he asked her as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Whatever,” she said, pushing him away. She started pushing her cart away, walking toward the end of the aisle.

“Can I get yo number?” he yelled out to her.

“No,” Aleesha answered back, reaching the end of the aisle.

“Don’t be like that!” Savage yelled out and Aleesha flipped him the bird as she rounded the aisle.


Later that day, Cali went over Aleesha’s to get ready to go to the club. They were in her room, and Cali was sitting on her bed lacing his “Black Flip” Retro 3 Air Jordan’s up, while Aleesha was in the dresser mirror, straightening her hair.

“I heard you ran into your ex today,” he stated, looking up at her. She continued to fix her hair as they conversed.

“Yeah, Mila and I ran into him at the store,” she responded, sounding annoyed.

“That nigga was up on you?”

“No. Why?”

“I’m just askin’. Why you gettin’ all defensive?” Cali asked suspiciously.

“I’m not,” Aleesha answered, starting to get an attitude. “But since you wanna play 21 questions, who is Passionique?” she asked, now staring at him through the mirror.

“Cuh, I don’t know. Who the fuck is that?” he asked, looking back down at his shoe.

“Passionique. Oh my bad, Passion,” she said, turning around to face him. “She supposedly was pregnant with your baby, and had it last week?”

“Man, I don’t know why you believe everything these hoes be tellin’ you, cuh,” he said as he stood up and walked toward the door.

“Where you going? Why you walking away?”

“Damn, can I go get somethin’ to drink?” he asked while walking out the door, slamming it behind him.

“Yeah, whatever,” she mumbled to herself as she turned around to face the mirror again, finishing her hair.

They made it to Diamonds and Dimes two hours later. The whole car ride to the club was silent, besides the low sounds of Ace Hood’s The Statement 2 mixtape coming from the car’s speakers. Cali and Aleesha hadn’t spoken to each other since their last conversation, until they reached the club.

“Is Mila and Lala here?” Cali asked as he pulled into the parking lot.

“Yeah, they’re already at the table,” Aleesha answered back solemnly.

He parked his Range Rover and they made their way into the club to their V.I.P booth. Lala and Milasia were waiting for them, sipping on cups of Grey Goose. Cali’s friends Juice and Marshawn were also joining them, whenever they made it to the club.

“Hey, bro, hey boo boo,” Milasia said when the couple approached the table.

“Hey, Mila,” Aleesha said as she gave her a kiss on the cheek, taking a seat next to her.

“Wassup, sis,” Cali said, sitting next to Aleesha.

Aleesha and Cali poured themselves a drink, and sat back to view their surroundings. The club was packed with young adults and everyone in the crowd seemed to be dressed their best that night. Women were scantily arrayed in skin tight shirts, leggings, miniskirts and booty shorts, while the men wore skinny or fitted jeans, cargo shorts, and various styles of shirts. Some of the men sat back and eyeballed the beautiful women around the club, while other’s wasted no time stalking and pushing up on them, and all the ladies played hard to get. Nonetheless, everyone seemed to be having a good time and a few minutes later, Juice and Marshawn came walking through the door.

“There them niggas go,” Cali said as he got up from the table and went to greet his home boys.

“Leelee, ain’t that Savage?” Lala asked, pointing at the booth opposite of them. Sure enough, Savage was surrounded by a group of his entourage consisting of Noelle, Marcus, and another couple.

“Yeah, with his lying ass. Nigga gone tell us ‘Oh, I ain’t wit her no more,” Aleesha said, impersonating Savage.

“Yup, he sho’ did,” Milasia said, remembering the conversation they had in the grocery store. “We should go put his ass on blast.”

“Man, I want to. But Cali would kill me if he saw me anywhere near him. We were already arguing earlier thanks to yo ass,” Aleesha said, rolling her eyes at Milasia.

“My bad bitch, you know how I get loose lips once I start drinkin’,” Milasia countered.

“Okay, but what made yo ass even bring that up in a conversation?”

Before Milasia got the chance to conjure up a lie, Cali had come back to the table with Juice and Marshawn.

“Wassup ladies, how y’all doin’ tonight?” Marshawn asked, eyeing Milasia from head to toe. He was tall, dark and handsome, with the swag to match. He wore straight-fit Black Label jeans, with a plaid Black Label sport shirt and Ralph Lauren dress shoes. He smelled like a million bucks with the scent of Polo Black lingering around him.

“We doin’ better now that y’all here,” she flirted. Everyone could tell that the two had instant chemistry between each other.

Marshawn scooted past Lala and took a seat by Milasia, while Juice sat at the edge next to Lala, and Cali sat on the opposite edge next to Aleesha.

“Juice, this is my best friend Lala,” Aleesha said, trying to get them acquainted.

“Hello,” he said in a smooth voice as he sensually shook Lala’s hand. Juice was dark-skinned with a Lil’ Boosie fade and was a little on the chubby side.

“Hey,” Lala said back, smiling.

Everyone filled their cups up, finishing off the bottle of Grey Goose they had, and began talking amongst each other. The couples became so consumed in their own private conversations that they didn’t notice the stares coming from the opposite booth.


“How that make you feel, bro?” Marcus asked Savage with a laugh as they sat watching the three women flirt with their dates. Noelle and the others that were at their table had gotten up and went to the dance floor, leaving the two friends alone with each other.

“It don’t make me feel no type of way. Nigga, I don’t care,” Savage said as his dreads swayed while he bobbed his head to the music.

“Yeah right foo’. It’s coo’ though. I’ve been there before. You just gotta shake that shit off,” Marcus said with a sly smirk as he took a sip from the cup of Jose Cuervo Especial Gold he was drinking.

“Nigga, ain’t nobody worried about her. I got plenty of bitches, I ain’t trippin’ off of her,” Savage said, but deep down inside, it was hurting him to see the woman he loved hugged up with another man. A rage was boiling inside of him that he felt would soon be released.

“Yeah, okay nigga. Ay, who that dark skinned chick she wit’?” Marcus asked, practically drooling as he stared at Lala.

“That’s her home girl, Lala,” Savage replied coolly.

“You hit that?” Marcus asked the question cautiously as he looked at Savage.

“Nigga hell nah,” Savage said with a look of disgust plastered on his face. “That’s like my lil’ sis.”

“Okay nigga, just askin’,” Marcus stated, not sure if he wanted to believe Savage. “Why I ain’t ever met her?”

“Cuz yo ass was never around when I tried to hook y’all the fuck up,” Savage countered.

“Shit, can you hook that shit up tonight? That bitch thick as fuck,” Marcus asked, looking back over at Lala.

“Nigga, I’ll see. We gotta get at them when they ain’t around them bitch boys.”

“Aight my nigga.”


“Let’s go dance y’all,” Milasia suggested to everyone at their table. Everyone agreed and Juice was the first to get up from the table, with everyone else following behind.

The couples made their way to the dance floor just as Waka Flacka Flame’s “No Hands” came on. They danced through four more songs before they were all spent and quit. Unbeknownst to them, they were still being watched the whole time.


Savage and Marcus observed the ladies as they grinded, slow danced and twerked on their dates. Even though he didn’t admit it, the more he watched, the more jealous Savage became. As the ladies went in the direction of the restroom and the men they were with went back to the booth, Savage knew this was the perfect opportunity to go talk to her. Just as he was getting up to leave, Noelle and the couple returned to the booth.

“Where you goin’, baby?” Noelle asked Savage as she greeted him with a kiss.

“Shit, I was just comin’ to find you,” he lied as they all sat down.

He and Marcus exchanged a quick glance, and he knew he had to find another way to get near Aleesha. He downed the rest of his drink, and he and Noelle made small talk until he spotted Aleesha, Milasia, and Lala headed to the bar.  

“Ay, nigga, come get a drink wit’ me,” Savage said to Marcus as he stood up. Marcus followed behind Savage as they made their way to the bar.

“Y’all lookin’ good tonight,” Savage said, rubbing against Aleesha’s backside as he and Marcus squeezed alongside them at the bar.

“Oh my God,” Aleesha said as she rolled her eyes. Milasia and Lala already had their drinks, so they stepped onto the dance floor and started dancing with each other. Marcus turned around and watched the women as they grinded on one another.

“How yo night goin’, Leelee?” Savage asked as he stared in awe at Aleesha’s body. Her pink halter jumpsuit hugged all of her vivid curves and her radiant chocolate skin made her appear even more delectable to his ravenous eyes.

“Savage, can you please leave me alone?” she asked as she moved a piece of hair out of her face.

“Damn, Aleesha, why you always gotta be so mean?” he asked, feeling butt-hurt.

“Because I’m tired of arguing with my boyfriend over you,” she answered truthfully as she looked him in his eyes.

“Why? Cuz yo nigga scared that I’ma come snatch you back up?” Savage asked with a laugh.

“Whatever, Savage,” she said as a slight grin crept across her face. “You are too full of yourself.”

“Shit, I’m tryna fill you up with me too,” he told her seductively, as he took a quick glance at her ass and smiled back up at her.

“Shut up,” Aleesha said with a giggle as she looked away. She couldn’t take staring into his dreamy golden brown eyes any longer. “Fuck, this bartender needs to hurry up,” she said to no one in particular, wanting to hurry up and get as far away from Savage as possible.

“Man, Leelee, you be playin’,” Savage said with a cute chuckle, “but ay, hook Marcus up wit’ Lala.”

“Why can’t Marcus go talk to her himself?” Aleesha asked Marcus.

“Cuz that’s yo home girl,” Marcus said as he turned around and joined the conversation.


“Ay, who yo girl over there talkin’ to, cuh?” Juice asked Cali, nodding his head in the direction of the bar.

“Man cuh, that’s that bitch’s ex,” Cali responded angrily.

“Damn nigga, you ain’t gon’ go say shit?” Marshawn asked, trying to stir up drama.

Cali thought about it for a second. He sat his drink on the table and stood up. “Yeah, cuh. Ay Juice, come wit’ me nigga.”

“You know I got you bro,” Juice said as he stood up.

They exited out their booth and walked toward the bar, keeping their cool so that no one suspected anything.

“C’mon, Aleesha!” Cali roared as he viciously grabbed Aleesha’s arm and turned her around to force her to walk, making her drop her glass. It shattered on the floor, making everyone around them stop and stare at the commotion.

“What the fuck, Cali!” Aleesha yelled back as she stopped in her tracks. “Let me go!” she yelled as she broke from his grip.

“Ay my nigga, you ain’t gotta grab her like that,” Savage said, stepping toward Cali. Aleesha stepped in the middle to prevent them from getting any closer to each other.

“Cuh, I’ll grab her however the fuck I want. This my bitch!” Cali yelled.

“Okay my nigga but you ain’t gotta keep disrespecting her.”

“Don’t try and tell me shit on how I handle me and mines.”

“Can y’all please just stop?” Aleesha yelled, trying to break up the argument.

“Man, fuck this nigga cuh,” Cali said as he stood his ground.

“Cali stop, just c’mon!” Aleesha yelled as she turned around, trying to push Cali away.

“Do something, nigga!” Savage yelled.

“Baby, what’s goin’ on?” Noelle asked Savage as she joined his side. She had seen the commotion from the booth, and had bulldozed her way through the crowd when she realized Savage was involved.

Before anyone could say anything else, security had come to escort all of them out. “I’m going to have to ask all of you to leave,” he said.

“Say no mas, we outta here,” Aleesha told him as she, Cali and Juice turned and started walking away. Savage, Marcus, and Noelle did the same.

Cali, Aleesha and the rest of their crew were the first to make it outside. Aleesha, Milasia and Lala had their arms interlocked with one another as they walked. The guys walked ahead as they talked amongst each other. They spotted Milasia’s Acura once they made it to the parking lot, and waited around for the ladies to join them.

“Mila, can you give me a ride home?” Aleesha asked, brushing past Cali. She stopped and stood next to the back passenger door.

“Here we go,” Cali mumbled under his breath.

“Yeah, I’ll take you,” Milasia answered as she fumbled to get her keys out of her Alexander Wang clutch.

“Man Aleesha, come on,” Cali said, pulling her close to him.

“I’m not going anywhere with you Cali,” Aleesha told him.

“Dude, come the fuck on.”

“No,” she said as she stepped away from him. “I don’t wanna go with you. You’re drunk and I don’t feel like arguing with you.”

They heard someone else arguing, and turned around and seen that Savage, Noelle, Marcus, and the couple they were with were walking in their direction.

“Why the fuck were you talking to that bitch anyway?” they heard Noelle scream at Savage as they got closer.

“Bitch, cuz I can talk to whoever the fuck I feel like talkin’ to!” they heard Savage yell back.

Once they got in the parking lot, Aleesha smirked at Noelle.

“Boo, bitch!” Noelle yelled at Aleesha when she walked past her.

“Who are you talking to?” Aleesha retorted, pushing past Cali.

Cali grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “Man calm down, let that shit go,” he said as he grabbed her around the waist.

“Fuck that bitch,” Aleesha said.

Noelle stopped walking a few feet away once she seen that Cali was holding Aleesha back. “I’m talking to you!” she screamed as she walked a little closer. Savage grabbed her and pulled her back.

“Don’t try and act bold cuz yo nigga right here, bitch. I’ll mop the floor wit’ yo ass!” Aleesha yelled. Everyone stepped back as the two couples began to quarrel. “Babe, let me go!” she screamed at Cali while trying to break free of his grip. She swung over him trying to hit Noelle, and hit Savage on the side of his face.

“Damn, Aleesha!” Savage yelled as he felt the pain from the blow spread across his face.

“Nigga, don’t yell at my bitch!” Cali yelled, letting go of Aleesha as he stepped toward Savage.

“Fuck you, you ol’ bitch ass nigga!” Savage yelled as he let go of Noelle and took a step toward Cali. He swung two quick jabs at Cali, hitting him in the jaw and making him stumble into Milasia’s car.

“Fuck, stop!” Aleesha screamed as she hurriedly moved out of the way.

Cali regained his composure, but Savage was too quick. He rushed Cali and continued throwing blows at him.

“Stop! Marcus, please get him!” Aleesha screamed at Marcus.

Savage let up for one second, and Cali took the opportunity. He socked Savage in the mouth as he rushed him to the floor. The two men began wrestling around on the ground, swinging at each other.

“Juice, Marcus. Please stop them!” Aleesha yelled out.

Marshawn and Juice ran and grabbed Cali, while Marcus snatched Savage up.

“Mila, take Aleesha home,” Cali said, staring Savage down.

“Cali—” Aleesha started to say.

“Go!” he yelled at her before she could finish what she was saying.

Savage just laughed. “I’ma catch yo bitch ass in the streets,” he said to Cali as he walked away.

“I’ll be waitin’, pussy ass nigga!” Cali yelled back as he walked toward his car.