All Hell Breaks Loose

The day after their week long honeymoon, it was back to business for Savage and Aleesha. They needed to tend to their shops and make sure everything was copacetic.  They had more meetings with suppliers coming up, and they were in the process of starting a delivery service in Arizona, but they each had a hidden agenda they needed done before they could get back on track. They both knew they had to make some visits, even if it meant betraying their marriage.

“Hey boo what’s up?” Milasia asked Aleesha as soon as she answered her phone. Milasia was the only one Aleesha felt comfortable going to when it came to Cali.

“Hey, how’s your brother doing? Is he still in the hospital?” Aleesha asked, trying to fight back her true emotions.

“He’s good. He came out of his coma a few days ago.”

“Oh really, I’m so happy to hear that. Can you ride with me to go see him?”

“Of course I will. I need to get dressed so come get me in like 30 minutes.”

“Okay, thanks so much Mila. You don’t know how much this means to me. Just please don’t mention this to Savage.”

“No problem, and I won’t. You know I got you boo.”


Cali was laid in the hospital bed, hooked up to different machines and tubes. He almost died the night he was shot, but the bullets missed his arteries and heart by mere centimeters. He had been in a coma for weeks, but had finally awoken and was slowly healing.

Aleesha and Milasia walked in the room, and immediately Aleesha stood there frozen. Milasia nudged her closer to Cali, breaking her out of her spell. Milasia walked away and stood outside the door, letting Aleesha get her alone time with her brother. Aleesha had come to tell him that because of her new circumstances, she couldn’t ever see him again. She and Savage agreed that now since they were married, neither of their exes could be a part of their lives any longer.

She pulled up a chair next to the bed, and took ahold of his left hand with her right. As soon as her hand was in his, Cali opened his eyes. “Cali?” Aleesha asked, looking into his hazel brown eyes.

“Hey,” he said back, with weakness still in his voice.

“I’m so sorry this happened to you. I should have just stayed that night with you and this wouldn’t have happened,” she said through tears.

“Look ... everything ... happens for a reason ... that was a sign ... from God ... to get my life together,” Cali slowly replied. “He gave me another chance. Even ... if you would have stayed ... that night, who says it wouldn’t have happened the next night ... or a week later. It’s not your fault ... but I’m glad you came to see me,” he said, starting to gain strength in his voice.

“I had to. Umm ...” She paused. Now she was the one with the weak voice. “I gotta talk to you about something,” she said, peering down at her ring.

“I’m already knowin’,” he said, readjusting himself a little to look at her hand. “You’re married.”

“But how did you know I was married, this could have been an engagement ring?” she asked with a stunned look on her face.

“I didn’t know for sure, but you just told me,” he said with a slight grin. “Look I’m not mad at you ... you gotta live your life, Aleesha. Shit ... do whatever makes and keeps you happy. I’m always gon’ be here for you,” he said as Aleesha began to shed tears. “What’s wrong, bae?” he asked.

“I can’t come see you anymore,” she confessed. “My husband would kill me if he knew I was here. I really love you Cali and I’m sorry this happened. I wish I could spend every day in here with you until you fully recovered. But I’m married and I have to respect my husband. So this is the last time I can see you,” she said, getting up to leave.

“Okay, I can’t do nothin’ but respect that ... but this won’t be the last time,” he said, winking at her. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Cali,” Aleesha said with a smile before she left out of the hospital room.