Visiting Hours

Aleesha’s appointment was at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, and she arrived 30 minutes early. The anticipation of not seeing her husband for 3 days was killing her, not to mention she still didn’t know why he was in there to begin with. She put some money on his books, not knowing how long he was going to be in there, but making sure he had enough to get what he wanted. After she was processed, she walked down the long hallways until she came to her husband’s cell block. As soon as she was in the room, she went over to the intercom and stated who she was here to see. Then she had a seat in a chair behind one of the glass partitions and waited for Savage to walk through the doors.

After what seemed like the longest two minutes of her life, Savage came strolling through the door and up the stairs. Once he spotted Aleesha, he sat across from her. Because the partition was there, they had to talk through a phone placed on each side. They both picked up the phone, and Savage spoke first.

“Damn baby, you looking beautiful as always,” he said to her with a huge grin on his face, “stand up so I can get an ass shot.” He watched her as she sat the phone down and stood up, then did a slow 360-degree turn, giving him a look at her goodies. She wore black leggings and a tight fitting purple chiffon blouse, so he was able to see the imprint of all her striking womanly features.

She sat back down and picked the phone back up. “Babe, I miss you, you need to hurry up and get out. I’m lonely at home,” she said with a pout.

“I know, babe,” he said with sadness in his voice. “Man ...” He let out a sigh. “I’m about to tell you why I’m in here, but please don’t get mad. I need you by my side while I’m in here. I fucked up, but I promise I will make it right when I come home—”

“What happened?” she immediately asked.

“Promise you won’t be mad?”

“I’m not promising you anything. You broke your promise when you ended up in this bitch,” she stated hurtfully. “I will always hold you down, but as far as me not being mad, I can’t promise that.”

“Okay, that’s fair. I know I fucked up and I’m sorry,” Savage said with pleading eyes. Aleesha’s toxic stare made him rethink telling his wife the truth, but he knew he had to muster up the strength to tell her.

“Okay, enough with the small talk, why are you in here?” she asked, getting impatient.

Savage couldn’t find the words to tell his wife the truth. No matter how he tried to explain the situation to her, he knew that there was a possibility that she would leave him.

“I’m in here for domestic violence and spousal abuse,” he said, staring down at his hands, finally getting the strength to tell her the charges he was facing.

“Wait ... domestic violence and spousal abuse?” Aleesha asked with a bewildered look on her face. “I sure as hell didn’t put yo ass in here, so which bitch was it that got yo dumb ass in here? And I swear to God if it was Noelle, I’m done with yo punk ass.”

Savage continually stared at the floor. He couldn’t face telling her what she already knew. 

“So it was that bitch, huh? You are a piece of shit for real,” Aleesha said as she gave him another lethal stare. “We haven’t even been married a month and you run back to that trifling bitch? You getting everything you deserve. Once you get out, I’m through with you. But in the meantime, I’m about to go deal with this bitch,” she said as she was hanging the phone up.

“Wait!” Savage screamed. Aleesha put the phone back to her ear. “Babe, I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, you a real sorry piece of shit,” she said as the tears flowed down her round chocolate face, “how could you do this to me, Savage?”

“Aleesha I don’t mean to hurt you, I swear I don’t,” he said as he put his head down, not able to look at her. “I wasn’t tryna have shit to do with her and I just flipped out when we were talkin’.”

“Savage, I don’t even care at this point. I knew it was a mistake marrying you,” she said as the tears continued to roll down her face. “You can’t even look me in my eyes when I’m talking to you.”

“Man,” Savage said as he looked up at her. It broke him down on the inside seeing his wife in so much pain, knowing that he was the reason behind it. “Aleesha I’m sorry,” he said as he looked at her through the glass.

“I’m so tired of your fucking sorry’s!” she yelled through the phone.

“I know babe but calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down!”

“Man ...” He closed his eyes and shook his head. “I ain’t tryna have you in here with me,” he stated as looked back up at her with tears forming in his golden brown eyes.

“Well, you better hope and pray I don’t run into that bitch,” Aleesha threatened.

“Please don’t do nothin’ to her,” Savage pleaded.

“Why the fuck not?”

He knew he had to tell her the one thing he wished she never would have had to find out. He took a deep breath, and let it out. “Cuz I’m tryna get her to drop these charges, and plus ... she’s pregnant.” He could tell by the expression on her face that it took her back by surprise.

Aleesha instantly stopped crying, and it was as if as soon as Savage uttered the word pregnant, her heart ceased beating and felt like it dropped into the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t even think straight because her mind was going at a mile a minute, and she wished she could have just strangled him through the glass. Her spirit was crushed, and just the thought alone of another woman having her husband’s first child was something she couldn’t process.

“Wow,” was all she could say.

“Look, it might not be mine,” Savage said, trying to lighten up the situation. “Babe, just please forgive me. I promise I’ll make it right,” he said with an ashamed look on his face.

“I put $300 on your books,” Aleesha said with an empty stare. “Don’t call me until you get out so we can get a divorce. I don’t wanna have shit to do with you.”

She put the phone on the receiver and walked out. Savage just sat with his head in his hands, thinking about the fuck ups he made.