Beach Party

Two days later, Aleesha was released from the hospital and at home on bed rest, while Savage and Lala were headed to Dockweiler beach. A party crew named Money Addixxx was hosting a beach party for close friends and family, and a few unsuspecting guests were going to be in attendance.

“Have you talked to your best friend today?” Lala asked, trying to preoccupy her mind from thinking about the day’s tasks.

“Nah. Come to think of it, I ain’t spoke to that nigga since we was at the hospital,” Savage responded as he drove.

“Yeah he’s been acting really weird,” she disclosed.

“Yeah, that nigga always been weird.”

“Why are you friends with him then?”

“Shit, why are you wit’ him?” he countered.

“Touché,” Lala said, laughing. “Um, I don’t know why I put up with him honestly. He used to be exciting and fun to be around. I told myself I would leave him, but now I guess I’m just comfortable.”

“Damn, I feel you though,” Savage said. “It be like that sometimes.”

“Yeah, what about you?”

“Man, me and that nigga go way back,” Savage said, beginning to reminisce. “He wasn’t like that ‘til he started bangin’ though, but he always had my back. So shit, that’s always gon’ be my nigga. It’s crazy though cuz Leelee always told me she liked him, but there was something about him that she felt just wasn’t right. Now I’m starting to see it.”

“Yeah, when I first told her that we we’re together she was like, ‘I knew it bitch. Just be careful cuz he ain’t the serious type.’ She was like, ‘That’s my bro but you my bitch and I don’t want to see you hurt.’ Man,” Lala said, thinking back to the day Marcus wanted to make the relationship official. “And my dumb ass was like, ‘Bitch I ain’t, I can tell he’s a nothing-ass nigga.’ Now look at my ass,” she said, making her and Savage burst into laughter. They continued to joke around and talk until they got to the beach.

Savage and Lala arrived an hour before the sun was to set. It was the middle of September, but you wouldn’t be able to tell with the weather in SoCal. Even though there was a slight cool breeze flowing in the air, the sun’s rays were still beaming down, and the temperature was in the 80’s. They saw a large group of people gathered around the same area, and knew they were at the right place. People were drinking, smoking, and having a good time. A couple of men had their grills going, and a couple of tables housed sides including baked beans, potato salad, and other barbeque-friendly foods. There were coolers full of drinks and alcohol, and the scent of weed dawdled.

“You ready for this?” Savage asked Lala as they approached the crowd.

“Yeah, it should be a piece of cake.”

“Aight, Shanika is over there,” Savage said as he pointed her out, “so go and do ya thang. I’m ‘bout to go make sure the boat is ready, and I’ll hit you up when it’s time.”

“Aight bro,” Lala said before walking away. She met up with Shanika and they both went and got something to drink.

“So, what’s the plan for tonight?” Shanika asked, trying to sucker up to Lala.

“There is no plan. We’re here to enjoy the beach party just like everyone else,” Lala casually stated. “Speaking of, where are your two friends I’m supposed to be meeting?” 

“Who, Tay and Quita?” Shanika innocently asked.

“No bitch! Santa and the fucking tooth fairy,” Lala responded annoyed. “Yes. Who else would I be asking about?”

“My bad, they’re right up over there. Come on, I’ll introduce you,” Shanika said as she began leading the way to her friends. They approached them right as they made their way to one of the food tables. “Hey y’all,” Shanika said as soon as she was in earshot of the women, “this is my friend Shayla I was telling y’all about.”

“Hey,” Tay and Quita said in unison, looking up at Lala.

Quita was dark-skinned, thick and had a head full of hair that was in a bun. She looked like the average ghetto girl with facial piercings consisting of her dimples and nose, and wore gold hoop earrings and a gold plated necklace with her name on it. Tay was a chunky brown-skinned girl with long Poetic Justice braids. She too had facial piercings, including her upper lip and eyebrow.

“Hello,” Lala simply replied back. “So, you guys know the people that are hosting this?” she asked, trying to make small talk.

“Yeah, I’m dating Fat Staxxx,” Quita said with a warm smile.

“Oh, who is he?” Lala curiously asked.

“He’s the one over there messing with the music,” Quita said, pointing to a guy next to some speakers.

Lala looked over at him. “Oh okay, he’s a looker.”

“Yeah, he is. So where are you from? You talk hella white?” Quita asked with a giggle, noticing Lala’s valley girl accent.

“I’m from San Diego,” she lied.

“No wonder,” Quita said as she finished making her plate.

“Yeah,” Lala said as she thought of something to say. “What are you guy’s names? I didn’t get to catch them.”

“My bad, I’m Tay,” Tay said, taking a bite of her food.

“And I’m Quita,” Quita responded.

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you guys,” Lala said with a friendly smile.

“You too,” they both replied.

The woman continued to converse while they enjoyed their food. After the sun had set, a bonfire was lit and everyone was huddled around it, laughing and enjoying life. Quita and Fat Staxxx had walked further down the beach, but could still be seen in the distance. She had caught him flirting with another woman, and they had gotten into a heated argument.

“So what do you guys plan on doing after the bonfire?” Lala asked Tay. She had gotten the okay from Savage, and was ready to put the plan into motion.

“The Addixxx rented out a couple of rooms close by at this hotel, so everybody is finna turn up over there after this,” Tay responded, doing a little dance.

“Oh okay, well a friend of mine has a yacht and wanted to take it out on the water tonight, so you guys are more than welcome to join,” Lala said, trying to reel the women in. 

“Damn that sounds nice, you must have some rich ass friends,” Tay said. Before Lala could get her next sentence out, Quita came stomping back. She grabbed a bottle of Malibu, took a seat next to Tay, and started chugging on the bottle. “Damn girl, you okay?” Tay asked her friend.

“Fuck that nigga,” Quita said as she sat the bottle down.

“What happened?” Shanika asked.

“Nothin’. Like I said fuck him, simple as that,” Quita responded with anger in her voice.

“We still goin’ to the hotel party?” Tay asked.

“Bitch, does it look like I’m in the mood to go anywhere that nigga is finna go?” Quita asked irritably. “I don’t even know why I’m still here. Let’s go,” she said, motioning for Tay to get up so they could leave.

“Hey, don’t let him ruin your night,” Lala said, trying to comfort Quita. “I was just telling the girls that my friend has a yacht and wants us to join him tonight.”

“I don’t know, I’m really not in the mood for anything anymore,” Quita responded, feeling down.

“Hey, it’s not every day that you get the chance to be on a yacht. I’m telling you, you won’t regret it, and it will be an experience you’ll never forget,” Lala reassured her.

“Yeah c’mon Quita, fuck it,” Tay chimed in.

“Alright, fuck it,” Quita said, giving in. “Is there gon’ be drinks on there?”

“Girl, drinks, food, anything you want,” Lala told her.

“Okay,” Quita said as she shrugged her shoulders. “I’m down.”

Lala led the woman to where the boats were docked. “Damn these are some nice ass boats. Which one we getting on?” Tay asked, admiring the boats as they walked.

“That one right there,” Lala said, pointing to a 60-foot yacht. “Come on, my friends should be inside,” she said once they arrived at the yacht.

The women boarded the yacht and followed Lala inside. “I’m going to let my friends know that we’re here. Make yourself comfortable. After we set out, I’ll bring him down here and introduce you guys,” Lala said as she walked to the stereo and played “Feelin’ It” by Cap 1 & Verse Simmonds. Then she left out of the room.

Ten minutes later, the boat was drifting in the sea. “Hey guys, I want you to meet my friends,” Lala said, walking through the door. Savage and Mac walked in behind her, and closed and locked the door.

“Wassup ladies,” Savage said, walking toward the bar. Mac followed behind him and took a seat on a barstool. Savage went behind the bar and started making drinks. “What y’all drinkin’ on?” he asked.

“We’ll drink anything,” Quita answered, checking out Savage.

As Savage made them margaritas, he slipped mollies into the drinks. “Drink up ladies,” he said as he gave Tay, Quita and Shanika their drinks. Then he made him, Lala, and Mac a drink, and the fun began.