Dangerously In Love

A few days later, Aleesha arrived at In The Stars like it was a normal evening.

“Hey Aleesha,” everyone in the shop said in unison as soon as she came through the door.  To everyone else it was a regular Wednesday night, but to her, one false move could cost her her life. She conversed with everyone for a few minutes, and then went into her office. She balanced her books, did a little inventory, and placed a few calls. Then she made sure all the cameras were working, just in case she needed an alibi. Just like her houses, all of her shops had security cameras that watched the inside of the buildings and the front entrances.

An hour later, she was ready to execute her plan. She had a restroom inside her office with a door that led outside to the back of the building, where they kept the vehicles the drivers used for the delivery service after hours. She knew she only had about 40 minutes to complete her tasks because the shop would be closing soon, and the workers would be out there to start making deliveries. Luckily for her, she only had to travel five minutes away. She changed her clothes while she was in the bathroom, then was out the door and in a 2007 Chevy Malibu, headed for her destination.

Aleesha stopped and parked around the corner from Milasia’s house. She had on all black—a black hoodie sweater with her silenced P32 in the pocket, black sweats and some black Timberland boots. She also put on a black, short bob wig. She walked casually around the block, and when she got to Milasia’s house she made sure not a soul was in sight, then snuck around to the side of the house. There was a door that led into the garage, and Aleesha knew it was never locked. She got her gloves out of her sweats pocket, slid them on and opened the door.

Aleesha walked through the garage to the door that led into the house. She knew this door wasn’t ever locked either, so she listened to see if she could hear Milasia. When she heard the faint noise of the shower going, she rationalized that Milasia wasn’t in the living room. She opened up the door, looked around, then walked into the living room as she took her gun out. As soon as she heard the water from the shower go off, she rushed into the bedroom.

When Aleesha opened the bedroom door, she wasn’t expecting anyone else here—especially a man—so she panicked. Before the man could even get a word out, Aleesha put a bullet right in the middle of his head and he slumped over in the bed. She heard the bathroom door open and close, and knew Milasia was approaching her bedroom, so she hid behind the door.

“Aaahh!” Milasia screamed as soon as she walked through the bedroom door. Aleesha hit her over the head with the pistol and she fell to the floor, the impact almost making her pass out.

“Get up bitch,” Aleesha instructed, not feeling any remorse for her once close friend. She took her wig off so that Milasia could see who she was.

“What the fuck?” Milasia asked, holding her head, trying to regain her strength.

“Where the fuck is your phone?”

“Aleesha, what are you doing?” Milasia asked as she got up off the floor.

Aleesha aimed the gun at her head. “Bitch don’t ask questions, just do what the fuck I say.”

“Okay,” Milasia said as she walked to the dresser and retrieved her iPhone 6.

“Call Marcus, and tell him to come ASAP. It’s an emergency,” Aleesha told her as soon as she picked up her phone.

“What the fuck for?” Milasia asked curiously.

“Don’t question me bitch, just do it!” Aleesha yelled as she hit Milasia with the pistol again. The hit fazed her, but she was able to keep her balance this time. “Put it on speaker, and I swear to God if you say anything out of place, I’ll kill you where you stand,” Aleesha threatened. 

“Okay,” Milasia said as she called Marcus. Luckily he answered on the first ring.

“Wassup,” he said once he answered.

“Hey, what are you doin’?” she asked.

“Shit, why wassup? You feenin’ for daddy dick?” he arrogantly asked.

“Yeah,” she answered sarcastically. Thankfully he wasn’t paying attention to the tone in her voice. “How fast can you come over?”

“Give me like fifteen minutes.”

“Okay,” Milasia said as she hung up the phone and set it back on the dresser.

“You a good little set-up bitch, huh? Didn’t even hesitate to call him,” Aleesha said as she shook her head. “Bitch, you thought you was getting away with all this bullshit, huh? I heard you and Marcus talking. How the fuck could you do this?” she asked, trying not to let her emotions get the best of her. “You were like a sister to me.”

Milasia just started giggling. She was high off of cocaine, having just did a couple lines an hour earlier. At first the drug had her scared and frightened, but now, she felt invincible. 

“What the fuck is funny?” Aleesha asked, getting angrier by the second.

“You bitch, you ain’t gon’ do shit with that,” Milasia stated knowingly. “The only reason you shot that nigga is because you probably got scared,” she said, referring to the man slumped over in her bed.

“See, that’s where you got shit fucked up. You’re not coming out of this room alive either. You almost had Cali killed, and I fucking lost my baby.”

“Nobody cares, Aleesha,” Milasia said as she took a seat at the edge of her bed.

“Why? Why the fuck did you do it?” Aleesha asked in tears now. She couldn’t believe someone she cared so much for was so heartless now. She knew she only had a few minutes left, but she had to know the truth.

“Why would I care about yo life when you took someone else’s away from me?” Milasia heartlessly asked. 

“Mila, what are you talkin’ about?” Aleesha asked, becoming confused.

“You know what I’m talking about, Aleesha. You didn’t have to fuck him.”

“Fuck who?” Aleesha asked, utterly confused.

“Ronnie,” Milasia stated as she gave Aleesha a deadly stare.

“Bitch, I didn’t fuck him!” Aleesha yelled. “He raped me, Mila.”

“Whatever, you always tryna play the victim. I loved him, Aleesha,” Milasia said as she began to cry.

“Mila, I would have never done something as grimy as that. He raped me and he beat me,” Aleesha said as she closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to get the images of that night out of her head. “And why would you do that to your brother? He only wanted to protect us.”

“Us!” Milasia shrieked. “He did that for you!”

“No he didn’t,” Aleesha said as she slid down the dresser and sat on the floor. “You forgot all those times he beat yo ass but you stopped Cali from doing anything to him?”

“We were in love—”

“Bitch, love don’t disrespect you and beat you senseless when it’s mad!”

“He still loved me!” Milasia screamed back.

“Mila,” Aleesha said as she shook her head in disgust. “If you really believed that shit you’re more fucked up in the head than I thought.”

“What the fuck ever, Aleesha. Not everyone is lucky enough to find the perfect man.”

“My husband is far from perfect, and I damn sure wouldn’t try and kill the people closest to me if he got killed for doing some shit like that,” Aleesha said as she began to cry. “And on everything I love I would have killed him myself if he hurt you as bad as Ronnie hurt me,” she said, staring at Milasia with tears streaming down her face.

“Everything always seemed so easy for you without you even havin’ to try,” Milasia said as she stared down at the floor and cried.

“Mila, you and me were friends for how long?” Aleesha asked as she sat her gun down next to her on the floor. “You know my life hasn’t ever been easy.” She scooted closer to the bed.

“It doesn’t matter anymore,” Milasia said as she looked down at Aleesha, who was now sitting on her knees in front of her.

“It does matter, everything still matters,” Aleesha said as she took Mila’s hands into her own. “Man Mila,” she said with a sigh, “so many people have lost their lives and are hurting over this bullshit, why couldn’t you just confront me about it?”

“Because, he was already gone. I just didn’t care anymore,” Milasia admitted hurtfully.

“I’m sorry,” Aleesha said as she hugged her. “I know you loved him, but you deserved so much better.”

Milasia began to cry uncontrollably as she hugged Aleesha back. “I’m so sorry,” she cried out, still hugging Aleesha and not letting her go. “I’m sorry for everything.”

“It’s okay, Mila,” Aleesha said as she rubbed her back and comforted her. “I love you and I forgive you.

The two women sat crying and hugging each other for well over fifteen minutes. The only thing that broke them apart was the opening of the front door and Marcus’s voice echoing throughout the house.

“Ay, Mila, I’m here baby!” they heard him yell as he got closer to her bedroom door.