Stalker Tendencies


A few days later, Aleesha was picking her children up from her parent’s house. She dropped them off the night before because she had an event in the lounge. She didn’t want to be in attendance the whole time but she had to because Lala had caught food poisoning. They had a rule that either one of them must be in attendance when they had a special event for insurance purposes. Other than that, the lounge would be under the supervision of their assistant manager Brandy.

When Aleesha arrived, she was in for the surprise of her life. Her sister Laila was there with her daughter Breanna and one-year-old Braelynn. She was sitting in the living room, watching all of the kids run around and play but as soon as she saw Aleesha, she sprang up off the couch to greet her.

“Why do you never tell me when you’re coming out here?” Aleesha asked as they embraced in a warm hug.

“Because I love surprising you,” Laila answered back after they broke apart.

“Man, my nieces get bigger every time I see them,” Aleesha said as she began watching them run around.

“I know, more bad too,” Laila said as they took a seat on the couch.

“So what do you have planned today?” Aleesha asked looking back up at her.

Laila shrugged. “I wanted to take the kids out somewhere.”

“You’re not taking my grandbabies anywhere, you both just got here,” Renee said, joining them in the living room.

“Let’s just rent a jumper for them or something,” Aleesha suggested.

“That’s perfect,” Laila excitedly exclaimed. “You know a good place we can call?”

“Yeah, Alex’s Jumpers.”

“Okay call em.”

Aleesha looked up the party jumper place and called them requesting a jumper. Luckily, they did same-day orders and had a jumper up and running in the backyard an hour later.

Aleesha and Laila sat outside while they watched the kids enjoy themselves. They loved how well they all got along and were able to interact with each other. 

After about two hours, the kids started getting sluggish. Aniya got out the jumper and walked up to Aleesha. “Mommy, me teepy,” she said, yawning and rubbing her golden brown eyes.

“Aww come here,” Aleesha said, picking her up and sitting her in her lap.

Aniya laid her head on Aleesha’s chest and closed her eyes as Aleesha began rocking her. She knew it would only be a matter of time before Anthony came following in his sister’s footsteps, and he did as soon as he saw her in Aleesha’s arms. He ran over to Aleesha and climbed into her lap.

“Okay you little monkey, I’m not your jungle gym,” Aleesha said, staring down at him. He just laid his head on her chest and closed his eyes. “This boy,” she said with a giggle. “I’m about to take them in the room,” she said to Laila as she stood up and put them on her hips.

“I know those girls are tired, too. I’m surprised they haven’t come out yet,” Laila said, standing up. “I’ll get them and meet you in the room.”

“Okay,” Aleesha said as she began to walk away. 

When Aleesha walked into the house, Renee and their father Darion were in the kitchen making dinner.

“I hope y’all are making enough for everybody,” Aleesha said as she paused at the kitchen counter.

“Of course we did. We know our kids and grandkids can eat,” Renee replied.

“Alright. I’m about to go lay them down, they need a nap,” Aleesha said as she began walking away.

“Okay,” Renee and Darion said in unison.

Laila came in a minute after Aleesha and made her way to the room. She laid her daughters down next to her niece and nephew and they covered them all up with a blanket. Not even a minute later, they were all sound asleep.

“It’s so crazy how this used to be my room,” Laila said as she looked around the room.

“I know, it doesn’t even seem that long ago that we lived here. I remember when I first moved out,” Aleesha said, beginning to recollect with her sister.

Laila began laughing. “I remember that too. You were so happy to move in with Savage. I’m not gone lie, I thought it was stupid of you at first.”

“Why?” Aleesha asked, feeling offended.

“Because I didn’t think you guys would last,” Laila blatantly admitted.

“Shit, technically we didn’t. We broke up for two years.”

“Yeah, true,” Laila said laughing. “Do you ever regret it?”


“Moving in with him and y’all breaking up?” Laila asked as her demeanor became serious again.

“Umm ...” Aleesha shrugged her shoulders and then shook her head no. “I used to, after it first happened, but I learned to grow from it. And now that I see how crazy other people’s relationships are, mine wasn’t that bad.”

“I love you sister, but you’re really stupid sometimes,” Laila playfully admitted.

“I’m serious though,” Aleesha said, letting out a laugh. “I was happy that he took care of me and did the things he did. Most women won’t ever experience that. I know he was trifflin’ because he was fucking everything with thick legs and a pussy in between them, but that was his only downfall. He treated me like a woman and always appreciated me. Even if we wouldn’t have been together again I learned from him what I deserved out of a man.”

“Aww, I’ve never heard you talk like that before. But still, why did you go back?” Laila curiously asked.

“Well, it wasn’t intentional at first,” Aleesha said looking down at the ground. She sighed and looked back up at Laila. “I was really hurt from everything I was going through with Cali. I mean, I wanted to move on from both of them but I felt like I would never really be able to because every other guy I talked to reminded me of them. And I just knew I would always run into one of them because they always knew where to find me.” Aleesha shook her head, giggled, and let out a sigh, but then a serious expression appeared on her face. She looked down at the ground with sorrowful eyes. “Then I just figured that every guy I dated would hurt me like they did. So why not just stick to what I knew and who I knew.” She looked back up at Laila. “You know?”

“You deserved so much better though sister,” Laila said with empathy in her eyes. “Some men are mature enough to know what they want and know how to respect a woman enough to not cheat on her. I think you clung on to them so tight because they reminded you of daddy.”

Aleesha thought about it for a minute. “Damn, I guess I did,” she said, coming to the realization of her choices. “And it’s crazy cuz I always felt like we were raised by a single mom, and I didn’t want my life to be anything like that but I was making the same choices as her.”

“Yeah. And you can tell mom was lonely sometimes. I always wondered why she just never left him but now I understand how strong love really is. Me personally though,” Laila said as she pointed at herself, “I still couldn’t do it. I wanted someone who was the complete opposite of daddy.”

“Yes I know. Brandon is nothing like him.”

“Yeah, but you still got a good thing. Savage seems like he really changed for you. And not many women can make a man do that.”

“I know. And I really love him.” Aleesha began to break down in tears, covering her face with her palms.

“Sis, don’t cry,” Laila said, beginning to rub Aleesha’s shoulder.

Aleesha looked Laila directly in the eyes. “Laila, I’m pregnant.”

“Aww congratulations sis. So that’s why you’re so emotional,” Laila said as a huge grin spread across her face. “How far along are you?”

“I’ll be four months in a couple days.”

Laila’s smile instantly turned into a frown. “Why are you just barely telling me?”

Aleesha hesitated to look up at her. “I was going to give the baby up,” she said in an unsure tone.

“WHAT!” Laila angrily screamed.

“Shhhh,” Aleesha put her hand over Laila’s mouth. “Don’t wake the kids up. I was going to give him to Lala.” She removed her hand from Laila’s mouth.

“Aww you’re having a boy,” Laila said with excitement in her voice. “But why the fuck would you do that sister?” she asked, confused and angry.

“I cheated on Savage and the baby might be Cali’s,” Aleesha blurted out. She could tell Laila was shocked by the look on her face. “Please Lai, don’t say anything to anyone. I mean no one, not even your husband.”

“You know I wouldn’t sister. But why is Cali even relevant in your life still?” she asked as she crossed her arms. “I thought you hadn’t even talked to him in over a year?”

Aleesha sighed, “Lai, I don’t know.”

Laila let her arms fall to her side. “Aleesha,” she said disappointedly, “you’re smarter than that. And after what we just talked about you do know.”

“I know, I just don’t know how I’m going to tell Savage.”

“Well, if you don’t know for sure who the father is yet then stop stressing over it. You can lose the baby from too much stress and I couldn’t handle it if you lost another baby.”

“Me either. I’ll find out for sure in a couple days anyway.”


“Cali and I went and had a DNA test done.”

“Wow!” Laila exclaimed, more impressed than anything. “Well I hope it works out for you and regardless of the baby daddy, I’m going to love my nephew and spoil him.”

“I know. I love you Lai,” Aleesha said as she hugged her sister.

“I love you more sister,” Laila said hugging her back.

“C’mon before we wake they bad asses up,” Aleesha said as the two finally pulled apart. “The food smells like it’s almost done.”

“Okay I’m right behind you.”

They went back into the kitchen and joked around with their parents while they waited for the food to be ready. Five minutes later, they were all seated at the table enjoying lemon and herb roasted chicken breasts, mashed potatoes and gravy, French style green beans with bacon, and dinner rolls.

While they were eating, Aleesha received a text message from Sensi. She told her she was busy and would call her later, but Sensi didn’t get the hint. She kept texting Aleesha and soon began to call her nonstop, so Aleesha turned her phone off. She didn’t know what had gotten into Sensi, but she was becoming more attached and needy. Aleesha knew she would have to stop the physical part of their relationship because it was becoming too much, she just didn’t know how and when.

After eating, Aleesha received an important call from a contractor she had hired and had to leave. She didn’t have to worry about dragging the twins along because Laila wanted to spend more time with them, so after kissing them goodbye, Aleesha was on her way.

Aleesha had a quick little drive to the apartment complexes she owned. Two months beforehand, she paid all of her tenants to move out and had even helped them find temporary places because the whole apartment complex was being renovated. The parking and pool areas were being remodeled, new appliances were being added inside of the tenements along with new carpet and doors, and the apartments themselves were going to be expanded.

When Aleesha finally got there and pulled in, the contractor was outside waiting for her. She parked a few feet away from him and got out of her Audi. “Hey Jim, how’s it going?” she asked as she walked up to him.

“Hello Mrs. Williams,” he formally greeted her as they exchanged a handshake. “All is swell.”

“So what did you need me down here for?”

“We seem to have run across a little problem.”

“Which is?”

“There had been a small leak from a pipe inside the restroom walls of apartment 12. One of the workers discovered it yesterday. It seemed to have been leaking for some time because it damaged the wall and the whole floor. We also found mold around it.”

“Eww that’s so gross,” Aleesha said, cringing her nose.

“I know,” Jim said in agreeance as he shook his head yes.

“So what does this mean?”

“My men can fix it with no problem, but we’re going to need a bigger budget.”

“How much bigger?” Aleesha asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Just a few more hundred to get the flooring.”

“That’s fine,” Aleesha said, shrugging her shoulders. “How much longer will this add to the process?”

“About a day or two.”

“Okay. Give me an estimate and I’ll write you a check.”

“No problem, I’ll have it for you tomorrow. Would you like to take a quick look around at what we’ve done so far?”

“Sure. Lead the way,” Aleesha said, gesturing for him to guide her.

After a quick tour of the apartments, Aleesha was ready to go home and it was dark outside by the time she got there. She parked her car, then went inside and went straight to her bathroom. She ran her bath water and stripped naked, then stared at herself in the mirror. She loved the way her body looked. Even being pregnant and having had two kids, she still had her plump curvaceous shape. She looked at herself for a few more seconds, then turned off the running water. Just as she was about to get into the tub, she heard a strange startling noise come from her room. She threw on her robe that was hanging on the bathroom door, then slowly opened the door that led into her room. The lighting from the bathroom gave the room a dim light, but there were still some blacked out areas. She stepped into the room and peered around, but couldn’t see anything. Just as she turned around, something reached out and grabbed her shoulder.

“Aaahhhhhh,” Aleesha jumped as she let out a loud scream. 

“Shhh, mamí it’s me,” Sensi said, turning Aleesha around while trying to calm her down.

“What the fuck are you doing in my house, Sensi!” Aleesha yelled, putting her hand on her chest, trying to get her breathing to its regular pace. 

“Sorry,” Sensi said with apologetic eyes. “I was trying to surprise you. I missed you.”

She tried reaching in for a kiss but Aleesha put her right index finger up to Sensi’s lips. “How did you get in my house?” she angrily asked.

“I have a spare key,” Sensi said with an innocent smile.

“How? I never gave you one.”

“I had one made the day I took your car to get washed. I didn’t think it would be a big deal since I’m like your assistant.”

“Yes it’s a big deal. If I wanted you to have a key to my house I would have given you one myself,” Aleesha irately stated.

“Sorry, mamí,” Sensi genuinely apologized, looking innocently into Aleesha’s eyes. “I just wanted to surprise you.”

“Surprise my ass,” Aleesha calmly said, her tone softening up. “You can’t be doing that shit.”

“I’m sorry Leelee. Please, forgive me,” Sensi begged, giving Aleesha a peck on the lips.

“No.,” Aleesha said between kisses.


Sensi began fondling with Aleesha’s breast as they continued to kiss, and her hand soon found its way to Aleesha’s plump pussy. She slipped two fingers between Aleesha’s pussy lips, and started playing with her clit. She delicately rubbed Aleesha’s clit and when Aleesha began moaning, Sensi popped Aleesha’s chocolate gumdrop nipple in her mouth and sucked on it. “Moan for me mamí,” Sensi sensually instructed as she continued sucking on Aleesha’s breast.

“Mmmmm,” Aleesha moaned.

“Louder, mamí.”

“Mmmmmmmm,” Aleesha moaned even louder.

Sensi slid her fingers down into Aleesha’s warm, inviting hole, and rubbed them back and forth against her G-spot. “Ooh your pussy is getting tighter, cum for me mamí,” she instructed.

Aleesha let out a huge moan as she experienced an explosive orgasm. Her juices flooded Sensi’s hand, and Sensi wasted no time licking it off.

“Damn, you taste so good,” Sensi said as she kissed her.

“Thank you,” Aleesha said with grin. She kissed Sensi before turning around and going back into the bathroom. “I still want my key, Sensi,” she said, getting into the tub.

“Okay mamí.” Sensi reached out onto the floor and grabbed her purse. She fumbled around and got her keys, then took Aleesha’s key off her key ring, and set it on the counter.

“Thank you,” Aleesha said as she put her head back and relaxed.