

The next day, Aleesha got up and rushed straight to Home Depot. She bought new locks for the whole house and as soon as she got back home, she switched them out with the old ones. She wasn’t trying to take any more chances with Sensi, even though Aleesha knew she didn’t mean any harm. 

Aleesha wasted the rest of the day away playing Call of Duty until she realized she needed to hold an important meeting. The San Bernardino billboard was being put up in a few days and they were having a release party, but the plans hadn’t been finalized. She quickly showered and got dressed then headed to 4Twenty. On the way over, she called Sensi and Yoshi to meet her there, but it took them both about an hour to show up. Once they did, they gathered in Aleesha’s office and immediately started going over the plans.

When about three hours had passed, Aleesha received an unexpected call from Milasia. She almost let the phone go to voicemail before she reluctantly answered it. “Hey,” she unenthusiastically answered.

“Hey honey boo,” Milasia excitedly exclaimed. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing, at my lounge. Why what’s up?” she asked, continuing to talk to Milasia uninterestedly. Ever since she found out about Milasia and Savage, Aleesha kept her distance from her.

“Wanna go out tonight?” Milasia casually asked.

“Nah I can’t. I got a lot of work to do tonight.”

“Please Aleesha. I don’t know why we haven’t been talking and stuff as much but I really miss you. I know you’re busy but please,” Milasia begged.

“Even if I wanted to I can’t. I’m pregnant Mila.”

“Congrats baby. How many weeks are you?”

“I’m almost four months.”

“Dang, why am I just barely finding out?” she upsettingly asked.

Aleesha sighed. “Trust me, everyone is.”

“Dang Aleesha,” Milasia said, letting out a disappointing sigh. “I was hoping we could go turn up. I really want to hang out with you. Can you please say yes? You don’t even have to drink or worry about being bothered. I have a V.I.P table for us.”

“Fine,” Aleesha said giving in. “What club?”

“Club 909. And Ty Dolla Sign is going to be there.”

“Really?” Aleesha asked with excitement.

“Yessss bitch. You know that’s my husband,” Milasia jokingly stated.

“Crazy ass,” Aleesha said letting out a laugh. “Give me like two hours. Oh, and I’m inviting Lala.”

“Okay even better. I miss her ass too. I’ll meet you at your house in like an hour.”

“Okay, bye.” Aleesha ended the call and wasted no time calling Lala. Thankfully, she answered after a few rings. “Hey, are you feeling better?” Aleesha asked before Lala could even say hello.

“Yeah I’m feeling fine now,” Lala nonchalantly replied.

“Good,” Aleesha said with relief. “You tryna turn up tonight? Mila wants us to go to the club with her.”

“Aleesha, you know I don’t like her,” Lala straightforwardly stated.

“I know but I don’t wanna go by myself with her,” Aleesha admitted. “Please best friend,” she begged.

“Yeah, I guess,” Lala reluctantly replied. “I haven’t been out in a while and I am bored so fuck it. Give me like an hour and I’ll be ready.”

Aleesha grinned from ear to ear. “Okay just come to my house. I’ll drive us.”

“Okay. See you in a minute.”

“Bye.” Aleesha hung up the phone and began to gather her things. “I’m going out so I need you two to finish up,” she said while throwing things into her purse.

“I can’t come out with you?” Sensi asked.

“No,” Aleesha said, looking up at her with a hint of irritation in her voice. “This has to get done and my girls and I need to spend some time together. I haven’t hung out with them in a minute.”

“I guess,” Sensi said, slumping down into her seat. 

“Yup, keep guessing,” Aleesha said rolling her eyes at Sensi. She got up from her seat, picked her purse up and flung it on her shoulder. Then she headed for the door. “See you later Sensi. Don’t forget to lock up. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” she said over her shoulder as she walked out the room, shutting the door behind her.

“Yeah, whatever.” Sensi rolled her eyes, and continued going over the details with Yoshi.


Aleesha, Lala and Milasia arrived at Club 909 around nine-thirty. They were let right in, and went straight to their V.I.P table. There was already a bottle of Patron waiting for them but Aleesha ordered herself a virgin sex on the beach, then the three ladies sat back and listened to the music for a while.

The club scene was the same as any other night. Women in skimpy clothing pranced around while men gawked over them. There was nothing new or exciting about the atmosphere and the music wasn’t getting the crowd as hyped as it should have. Aleesha definitely wasn’t into the club scene tonight and wished she would have just said no.

“What the fuck?” Aleesha exclaimed as she stared hard into the crowd.

“What?” Milasia and Lala asked as they tried to follow Aleesha’s eyes to see what she was looking at.

“Nothing,” she said, rapidly shaking her head before looking at them. “I just thought I saw Sensi.”

“Ugh, that crazy bitch,” Lala said.

“Man, I don’t even want to think about her right now,” Aleesha answered back.

“She getting on yo nerves huh?” Milasia amusingly asked.

“Man you can’t even imagine. She did some psycho ass shit and made herself a key to my house.”

“What the fuck. No she didn’t,” Milasia and Lala said in amazement.

“Yes.” Aleesha nodded her head for extra emphasis. “I had to change the locks today.”

“Damn,” Lala said, shaking her head. “That’s like some fatal attraction shit right there.”

“Man. I want to stop fucking with her and fire her ass but this baby has been having me hella horny and she’s always there when I need my pussy ate,” Aleesha amusingly admitted.

“Aleesha, you wrong,” Milasia said laughing.

“I’m just being honest.”

“She’s always been like that though,” Milasia said shaking her head as she took a sip of her drink. “She gets hella clingy and that’s why she’s single now. That bitch would call her nigga every five seconds. You would think he would have been the one calling her nonstop since she was a stripper, but she would call him while she’s in the locker room when she just saw him when she was on the floor. Like damn girl, let the nigga’s balls breathe.”

“Oh wow,” Aleesha and Lala exclaimed.

“Yeah. Just be careful cuz that bitch is known for carrying blades and slicing people’s faces open,” Milasia warned.

“What do you mean?” Aleesha interestedly asked.

“The same dude I was just telling you about, well, one night when he was sitting at the bar, waiting for her to perform. Sensi just so happened to peep through the curtains and supposedly saw him tipping another stripper, and she went off. She went back into the dressing room, grabbed her switchblade and ran out there and sliced him across the face,” Milasia disclosed. “I’m surprised they still let her work there,” she added.

“Damn. And I thought you were a clingy attention whore,” Aleesha jokingly stated.

“Bitch don’t play me,” Milasia said laughing.

“You know you were.”

“Shit, I still am,” Milasia openly admitted.

“That’s sad,” Lala said laughing.

“At least it’s the truth,” Milasia said with a shoulder shrug.

“Yeah. How was Savage?” Aleesha asked, throwing Lala and Milasia off.

“Huh?” Milasia confusingly asked, not sure if she heard Aleesha correctly.

“How was Savage? You know, when you fucked him,” Aleesha coolly stated.

Milasia shamefully shook her head. “How did you find out about that?” she regretfully asked.

“Were you really that doped up to forget that Sensi was there?” Aleesha retorted.

“Fuck,” Milasia sadly exclaimed bowing her head. “I didn’t think anyone was paying attention,” she explained looking up at Aleesha. “Everyone was in their own little world and I thought she was on the patio.”

“How was he?” Aleesha coolly asked, interlocking her fingers and placing her hands in her lap.

Milasia looked at Aleesha with pleading eyes. “Aleesha, I’m so sorry.”

“Answer the question,” Aleesha calmly demanded.

“Please don’t make me answer that. Please,” Milasia begged.

“Okay. Why did you do it?” Aleesha sternly asked.

“For the money,” Milasia openly confessed. “Marcus told me about them making a drop and Savage still had the money on him. So I did what I had to do and got the money.”

“You’re really a trifling ass female,” Aleesha said shaking her head at Milasia. “You disgust me.”

“Damn Aleesha,” Milasia said with a frown.

“Fuck Mila! Is there any woman’s man you haven’t slept with?” Aleesha angrily asked.

“Aleesha, I’m sorry. From the bottom of my heart,” Milasia said putting her hand over her heart, “I really am sorry.”

“Whatever,” Aleesha said turning her shoulder at her.

They all sat in silence for a few minutes until Milasia decided to speak again. “Aleesha, I know I’ve done some unforgiveable things to you and I don’t blame you if you don’t forgive me this time, but please don’t hate me.”

Aleesha let out an irritated sigh, “I don’t even want to talk about it no more. I’ll get over it just like I got over everything else. Y’all come to the bathroom with me.”

The ladies got up from their table and as soon as they were out the door, Ty Dolla Sign was headed their way.

“Damn bitch, he’s even cuter in person,” Milasia said eyeing him up and down.

“Yess lawd,” Aleesha said in agreement, looking at him with lustful eyes while she bit down on her bottom lip. “If I wasn’t married, the things I would do to him. Mmm, it’s something about them dread heads.”

“Y’all ain’t ever lied,” Lala agreed, staring him up and down.

The ladies played it cool as Ty Dolla Sign walked past them and made his way to his V.I.P table. As he walked past, he glanced at them and flashed them a smile. They smiled back, then made their way to the restroom.

As soon as they got through the door a group of women came barging in behind them. “I know that’s not that bitch Mila,” the one in the front angrily spat.

“Who’s askin’?” Milasia asked as she, Aleesha and Lala turned around.

“You should know who the fuck I am. You’ve been fuckin’ my nigga for the past few months,” the woman angrily asserted.

“Well, that sounds like an issue you need to be takin’ up with yo nigga,” Milasia countered with a neck roll.

“Okay but I’m takin’ it up with you. Stay away from him,” the woman threatened.

Milasia sneered, “Tell him to stay away from me. You shouldn’t be worried though boo, I’m not the threat and lord knows I damn sure don’t want him. But I’ll give him back when I’m done.”


“Ay, ay, ay. Calm all that down,” Aleesha intervened, cutting the woman off. “This shit is childish.”

“Bitch, who the fuck are you?” she asked Aleesha with attitude.

Aleesha quickly reached her hand inside the side of her bra and pulled her .22 out. “I’m the bitch you don’t want to fuck with. Now, I don’t know about y’all, but I’m really not tryna get into no gunplay tonight. So please, just excuse yourselves before I commit a couple 187’s,” she casually stated.

Fear overcame the women, and they exited out the bathroom without saying another word.

“Damn Leelee, you didn’t have to do all that,” Milasia joked while laughing.

“Bitch, I’m not about to be get into a petty ass fight,” Aleesha heatedly replied. “Did you forget I’m pregnant?”

“Oh yeah, my bad Aleesha,” Milasia regretfully apologized.

“What nigga was that bitch talking about anyway?” Aleesha asked walking into the stall.

“Bitch, I don’t even know,” Milasia admitted, laughing.

“Wow Mila.”

Lala rolled her eyes. “I can’t deal with this shit tonight,” she said speaking up. “Aleesha, I’m leaving.”

Aleesha smacked her teeth. “Why best friend?” she whined.

“You know why.”

“How you gon’ leave and I drove us?” Aleesha smugly asked, thinking she had the upper hand.

“I’m going to have Kiara come get me.”

“Okay, fine,” Aleesha said with sadness in her voice.

After using the restroom the women returned to their table. As soon as they sat down a waitress came up with three drinks.

“Here you go ladies,” she said placing the drinks on their table.

“We didn’t order these,” Milasia said pointing at the drinks.

“They’re compliments of Mr. Dolla Sign himself,” she said with a smile, nodding her head in the direction of the rapper. “He thinks you ladies look amazing tonight and wanted you to enjoy yourselves.”

“Thank you, but I’m pregnant,” Aleesha said, refusing the drink. “Can I have a non-alcohol margarita?”

“Shit, I’m not. I’ll have hers,” Milasia said, grabbing the other cup. “Thanks.”

“Thanks,” Lala said picking a cup up and taking a sip.

“You ladies are welcome. I’ll be back with your drink,” she told Aleesha before walking away.

“Okay thank you,” Aleesha replied with a friendly smile.

The ladies sat back and after the waitress came back with Aleesha’s drink, everything became awkward. They all just sat looking around, sipping their drinks in an uncomfortable silence. No one had anything to say and no one besides Milasia wanted to be there. Luckily, just as Ty Dolla Sign was getting on the stage to perform, Kiara called Lala. She was outside to pick her up so Lala left Aleesha alone with Milasia, which Aleesha wasn’t in the mood for. She wanted to leave but she didn’t want to be rude, plus she wanted to see Ty Dolla Sign’s performance. But once that was over, she rushed Milasia out of the club so she could go home.

Aleesha drove them to her house and made a bagel and some coffee for Milasia so she could sober up and drive herself home. Milasia wanted to spend more time with her and even though Aleesha didn’t want to, they planned to do something together the next day. Once Milasia left, Aleesha snuggled into her bed and was out cold.


Sensi had followed the ladies to the club but got bored inside so she left and waited outside Aleesha’s house for her to return home. She immediately got angry when she saw Milasia go inside with Aleesha instead of getting in her car and leaving. She was hoping to have some alone time with Aleesha to tell her how she really felt but now she knew it wouldn’t happen. And the longer she waited for Milasia to leave, the angrier she became. She knew that if she didn’t get rid of Milasia now, she would soon be a major problem in her and Aleesha’s relationship. She waited and waited until Milasia finally came out the house and got in her 2015 Land Rover Evoque. Then, Sensi let her get a safe but viewable distance away before she started up her own car and followed her.

Sensi trailed Milasia all the way to her house. She parked down the street and watched Milasia get out her car and go inside. She didn’t see her turn on any lights, so she knew Milasia went straight into her room and got in bed. She waited a few minutes before she casually got out of her car and walked to the house. She tried to open the front door but it was locked so she started trying to pry open the windows. Every single one she tried was locked and she felt herself becoming frustrated because she couldn’t get inside. She was just about to give up until she decided to try the bathroom window and luckily for her, it was unlocked. She quietly opened it and climbed into the bathtub. She peeled back the shower curtain, climbed out the tub, and crept out the bathroom.

Sensi didn’t know which way to go when she first opened the door and stepped out the bathroom, but to her surprise when she looked to the left, Milasia was asleep on her couch. Sensi crept down the hallway and as soon as she approached Milasia she took her switchblade out of her pocket. She grabbed a pillow, put it over Milasia’s face and sat on it. Within 30 seconds, Milasia began to convulse as she tried breathing for air and Sensi became a raged animal. She stabbed Milasia in her chest and abdomen repeatedly, even after Milasia’s body stopped moving. She kept slicing and slicing, ripping Milasia’s body open one quick cut at a time. She even stabbed her a couple of times in the arms before slicing all of her fingers open. 

I bet she won’t ditch me again for another hoe, Sensi thought to herself as she got up. She took the pillow off of Milasia’s face and stared at her for a few seconds, and a sick and twisted smile spread across her face. Milasia’s eyes were wide open, and the shocked and helpless look on her face made Sensi feel overjoyed. Sensi bent down next to Milasia and kissed her lips, letting out a slight chuckle before she gouged Milasia’s eyes out. After she ripped them out of the socket, she stuffed them in her pants pockets and grabbed the pillow before creeping out of the house.