Shameful Secrets


As if there wasn’t enough going on in her life already, Aleesha woke up the next morning to a voicemail message from detective Bowling. She didn’t feel like going down to the precinct to talk to him but she knew sooner or later she had to. She called Kiara and told her to come pick her up and escort her there and she told her to ask Lala to watch the twins while they were down there, which she happily obliged to do. Aleesha quickly got dressed and waited for Kiara and Lala to come. Twenty minutes later they arrived and Aleesha and Kiara were on their way to the police precinct.

Aleesha and Kiara sat in a brightly lit room at a small rectangular table. Aleesha thought it would be like a scene out of a movie and it was a lot different than she expected, but nonetheless, she still didn’t want to be there.

After a few minutes of them just sitting there, the detective finally came into the room, carrying a briefcase. “Good morning Mrs. Williams, Ms. Parker,” he greeted them as he sat opposite of them at the table.

Kiara spoke first. “Morning detective Bowling. May I ask why you called my client early this morning without contacting me first?”

“No need to get all hostile Ms. Parker,” he casually said, putting his hands up in defense.

“No need to keep up the formalities Steven,” she said with a sly smile.

“Right,” he said with a chuckle. “I asked your client to come in just to ask a few questions to help assist us with the investigation regarding her friend, Ms. Milasia Garcia Freeman. And no, she’s not under arrest, yet,” he said with a smirk.

Kiara rolled her eyes before turning to Aleesha. “Don’t worry about his last comment. You don’t have to answer any question you don’t want to, and we can leave at any time.”

“Okay,” Aleesha simply answered with a shoulder shrug.

“So Mrs. Williams,” he said folding his hands in front of him on the table.

“You can call me Aleesha,” she said interrupting him.

“Okay, Aleesha. You said you and Ms. Freeman were what we can describe more or less as best friends. Is that correct?”

“Yes,” she answered, keeping direct eye contact with him the whole time.

“And you would have known who she was dating?”


“Well, you failed to mention that she was seeing a Mr. Omar Stuart. Why is that?”

“She wasn’t seeing him.”

“According to her phone and email records, they were actually quite serious and were physical with one another on more than one occasion.”

Aleesha was shocked but she knew she had to keep her cool. What the fuck does this have to do with me anyway? If anything, they should have Yoshi up here if they’re concerned about Mila and Omar, she thought to herself. “Obviously not that serious if she didn’t tell me about it,” she quickly retorted.

“But you’re sure she told you everything else?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Detective, where are these questions leading to?” Kiara asked, becoming annoyed. “My client is a very busy woman.”

The detective ignored Kiara and kept questioning Aleesha. “Did Ms. Freeman ever tell you about her sexual encounter with your husband?”

“Yes,” she lied. She knew if she was truthful about the way she found out it would make her look even more suspect, even though she wasn’t worried because she had evidence that she didn’t kill Milasia.

“She did?” he asked, surprised. “When did she tell you?”

“A while ago.”

“And how did you react?”

“Like any normal woman would,” she sarcastically answered with a sly smile. “I thanked her for her honesty and we left it alone.”

“So you didn’t become angry with her.”

“No,” she answered with a sigh. “We’ve all made mistakes and it was in the past. We’re adults now and I don’t have time to walk around angry with someone. How do you know about that anyway?”

“These.” The detective reached into his briefcase and pulled out some composition books. “These were Ms. Freeman’s,” he said passing them to Aleesha. “You can read through them. She started writing in them when she was in rehab.”

Aleesha began reading the first book on top and became engrossed in it. She could hear Milasia’s voice going along with every word and passage that she read. Milasia wrote letters to almost everyone she knew, starting with the most important first. She wrote them anything she felt like they should know or something she wanted to talk to them about that she never got the chance to. Aleesha didn’t read full letters because some of them were too long and they weren’t meant for her anyway. The letter addressed to her was the fourth one written. She didn’t want to start crying but as soon as she read her name she felt a tear escape from her eye.

Dear Aleesha,

Leelee, I don’t even know where to start with you. We’ve been through so much together and I’m closer to you more than anyone else. I feel like you know everything about me. Well, the me that I wanted everyone to know me as. I lost the real me a long time ago. Hopefully I’ll be able to tell you about that one day. I’m not ready just yet though. Maybe I will never be, but only time will tell.

Anyways bitch, :) I remember when we first met in P.E. It was your first day and you had just transferred from Shandin Hills. I couldn’t believe how white you talked but you were hella cool. At first when I saw you I was like ‘Damn, she’s hella pretty. But she probably one of those rude bitches that don’t like nobody.’ And then when you came up and asked me why I’m around all the ‘babies’ as you called them and I started singing Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number By Aaliyah, you started busting up laughing. You just thought it was so funny but I was so serious. Some of those lil’ boys was packin at a young age and those girls were my protégés. :) I know I was horrible but honestly I didn’t care. I remember we started talking from there and just clicked.

I remember we started going to parties and was fucking shit up. Like that college party we went to when we were in 10th grade. Man we had soooo many dudes on us. I remember we both went into the room with those two football players and we sucked their dicks and they ate us out. The one you had was a freak. I remember he had you get in doggy style while he ate your ass. I’m surprised you still didn’t have sex with him after that. Well, you know how we left the party together and I dropped you off at home? I went back to the party and had sex with both of them. That was the first time I had a threesome and the first time I tried anal and I loved it all. I messed around with both of them a few more times and I even let them and two other of their friends run a train on me. It’s crazy because I thought I would be ashamed but I had fun and I enjoyed it.

Well, let me get straight to the point. You were the best friend anyone could ever have. You were always so supportive and you knew how to have fun. You helped me with so much and I didn’t deserve a friend like you. Even when you had the opportunity to END everything, you didn’t. I was so ashamed at what I put you through. Deep down I knew Ronnie was guilty of what he did to you, but I didn’t want to believe it. I just thought he would really be the one. I know it was wrong but regardless of what he did to me he made me feel a happiness I hadn’t felt in a long time. I don’t know why I held onto the hurt for so long to do the things I did to you, but I’m truly sorry. I could never take those things back and after they happened I cried to myself for days, but as soon as the drugs were in my face again they helped me forget and changed my mind to believe everything I did was right. Especially sleeping with Savage. I ain’t gonna lie, you got something real special. I know it’s wrong for me to even say that but at least I’m being honest. I still remember that night. You and Lala were traveling somewhere and Savage was real mad because you made the plans last minute so he was getting drunk as fuck. Marcus had a lot to do with that though. He was pumping Savage’s head up that you were out cheating and shit. Savage got drunk and next thing you know he was stumbling to the bedroom. I helped him to the room, laid him down, got his dick hard and rode him. Part of me did it out of jealousy and part of me did it out of spite. I know it could never be taken back but once again I’m sorry.

I never told you this, but I had sex with your brother a few times too. The first time was when I spent the night at your house and he was visiting. He was outside smoking a blunt and you had already fell asleep and I was bored so I went out there and started messing with him. We smoked and next thing you know I was in the car sucking his dick. Girl yo brother definitely knows what he’s doing. Too much right?

Anyways, the biggest thing I’m responsible for messing up in your life is your relationship with Cali. I knew how he felt about you but at the time I felt like you two shouldn’t have been happy together when I wasn’t happy. And I’ve always been jealous of you two. I did love you two together but at the same time I was envious of what you had. I know you probably won’t believe this but when me and Cali first met we had sex a few times but as soon as my mom and his dad got married it stopped. It may sound wrong but it was my fault because I lied to him about who I really was at first. He was never home and the first night I met him I told him I worked with my mom and I was staying with her for a while because I lost my place. When he found out who I really was on the day of the wedding, he went off and threatened me. He eventually forgave me, well not really, he just pretended it never happened. But he ended up moving back with his mom a month later and the only reason his dad was trying to keep custody of him was so he didn’t have to pay child support.

The thing with Passion getting pregnant, I planned that. I was tired of hearing about what you would have done to the girls who accused Cali of being their baby daddy and I wanted to see it actually happen. I guess I was still a little mad that he wasn’t having sex with me anymore too. And I needed some excitement in my life. I also thought you would stay with him and just be miserable, because misery loves company right? Any who, Cali had messed around with Passion way before he met you. She was my neighbor for a while when I moved into my first place and he was living with me. But to make a long story short, I bumped into her one day and we exchanged numbers. It was right around the time Cali’s homeboy Ace got killed. Cali came over to drop me some shit off when I was a porter for him, and he was already drunk and high as fuck. The Remy bottle he brought with him was halfway gone and you already know how he gets when he’s off that Remy. But I ended up getting Passion to come over and basically set it up for them to have sex. I knew he was vulnerable then so for the next few weeks I would con him into coming over and I would always have a bottle for him. They would have sex with condoms and I know because they were using mine but I would poke holes in them. Next thing you know she was pregnant. She didn’t even know about you until she came to me and told me. I told her about you and she was scared but I convinced her to keep the baby. But I made sure she cut off any contact she had with him until the baby was born. Cali couldn’t believe it and he just knew you would leave him, and it happened.

I know you probably hate me deep inside but I thank you for still sticking with me. I’m not perfect and if I told you some of the things I still put myself through, I know you would be disappointed in me and I wouldn’t be able to handle that. Some things are just really hard to change and no 90 day program will help that. I need a few years in that bitch!

Oh yeah, I just want to let you know that I’ve always respected you for respecting your body. You don’t just give your pussy up to every nigga or bitch that calls you pretty or gives you their attention. I still don’t know why I do it I just know I enjoy it. I feel like I’m someone special. Like all that person wants in the world at the time is me and it’s a wonderful feeling. I just want it wherever I go and from whoever is around.

Well, that’s all I can think of right now. If I think of something else I guess I’ll have to write another letter in here. Or hopefully by that time I’ll be able to tell you face to face. But until then this will do.

Forever Your Bitch,


After Aleesha finished reading she couldn’t believe some of the things Milasia admitted to. “What do these have to do with anything?” she asked the detective trying to keep a cool composure. She was heated on the inside and felt like she was about to blow up.

“Did Ms. Freeman ever reveal the things she wrote in those books to you?” he asked, leaning forward in his seat.

“No,” she answered, staring him directly in the eyes.

“I just can’t believe that you weren’t angry with her for sleeping with your husband,” he distrustfully said, trying to use reverse psychology.

“If you’re insinuating that I got angry and it resulted in my friend’s murder, please don’t,” Aleesha retorted. “No matter what she did, that was my sister and I loved her. And by the way, I have video camera’s set up in my home. I have footage that shows that Mila left my house and I stayed home.”

The detective was stunned. “Can I see this footage?”

“Yes,” she answered with a smirk.

Kiara took out a laptop and went to a website. Aleesha logged into her account and pulled the footage up from the night she and Milasia went to the club. She showed the detectives footage of her pulling up to the house and her and Milasia getting out the car. She forwarded the video to Milasia leaving, and sped up the video until the first time she left the house, which was at 7:32 a.m.

“Now if you don’t mind, I have children to tend to so I’m going to go now,” she said standing up from the chair.

Aleesha couldn’t wait to get out of the precinct. She didn’t know if she wanted to cry or go beat someone’s ass because she was angry, upset and hurt. She couldn’t believe all the things Milasia was responsible for and she felt dumb for not killing her when she had the chance. But she also felt bad deep down inside for her. She realized that Milasia was a lost soul who was crying out for help. She just wanted what everyone else did and never received it, which is true love.

When Aleesha returned home she couldn’t believe Sensi was at her door waiting for her.

“I’ll tell Lala to come right out,” she told Kiara before getting out the car.  You could tell Aleesha was aggravated by how she walked to the door. “What do you want, Sensi?” she asked as soon as she reached the doorstep.

“I heard about Mila and I wanted to come over to make sure you were okay,” she said, reaching out to touch Aleesha.

She pushed Sensi’s hands away. “I’m fine. I’m not trying to be bothered right now so can you please leave?”

“What did I do mamí?” Sensi asked with a hurtful look on her face.

“Right now you’re irritating me. I can’t deal with all this shit,” she said trying to walk around her, but Sensi moved in her way.

“That’s why I’m here. You have me now to help you deal with it.” She tried touching Aleesha’s face but Aleesha slapped her hand away.

“Sensi, I don’t fucking need you or want you!” Aleesha yelled before pushing past her and opening the door. She stepped inside and turned around. “Right now is just not the time. I have too much going on and I’m not trying to be stressed out. I just need some time to myself to relax. I’ll call you later,” Aleesha said, shutting the door in Sensi’s face, leaving her speechless.

Sensi didn’t know what to do and couldn’t believe Aleesha was acting like that. She was so embarrassed and her feelings were so hurt that she began crying. She couldn’t do anything else but run to her car and leave.