Infatuated Sensi


After leaving Oceanside and getting her Audi from Cali’s, Aleesha finally returned home. The whole experience had been a true eye opener for her but she was more content with her life now.

As soon as Aleesha walked into her home and was about to take a seat on her couch, her doorbell rang. She walked back to the door and opened it, and was surprised to see Sensi there.

“Where have you been?” Sensi angrily asked as she pushed past Aleesha to get into the house.

“Excuse me?” Aleesha asked half angry and half amused. She couldn’t believe Sensi barged in questioning her like that.

“Where have you been Aleesha?” Sensi frantically asked. “I’ve been worried sick about you,” she said with genuine worry in her voice. “Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”

“Sensi, don’t ever come into my house questioning me again. I’m a grown ass woman and just because I’m fucking you that doesn’t mean I’m obligated to tell you shit, nor do I have to answer your fucking phone call every five minutes or respond to any of your texts,” Aleesha snapped.

“But I was worried about you.”

“Well stop. Worry about your damn self for once. I’m good and even if I wasn’t that wouldn’t be any of your concern.”

“Why are you being so mean?” Sensi sensitively asked.

“Oh my God,” Aleesha said in annoyance. “Sensi, I don’t have time to cater to your feelings. I’m really not in the mood for all the extras.”

“I’m sorry mamí,” Sensi sadly apologized. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

Sensi tried reaching in for a kiss, but Aleesha stopped her by putting her hand up to her face. “Ugh. Please stop.”

“Why? You act like you didn’t miss me.”

“I didn’t,” Aleesha admitted. “You really need to get up out yo feeling’s and stop tryna make this shit more than what the fuck it really is. We just fuck around,” she frankly stated.

The last statement was a low blow to Sensi. She still couldn’t accept the fact that they were and always would be just friends with benefits. “But I love you Aleesha,” she said through tears.

“What the fuck Sensi!” Aleesha screamed. “Look,” she said letting out an exasperated sigh, “I don’t have time for all of this anymore. I’m sorry that I don’t feel the same about you but this is over between us. You need to leave,” she demanded.

“Are you really telling me it’s over right now?” Sensi asked, heartbroken.

“Yes,” Aleesha smugly stated. “Get out of my house Sensi.”

Aleesha went to open the door, but Sensi stopped her by pushing on it. “I’m not going anywhere. You’re going to love me!” she yelled at Aleesha.

“Sensi, ain’t nobody got time for this. Move,” Aleesha calmly said, trying to open the door again.

Sensi pulled a blade out from her jean pockets and pushed it up against Aleesha’s neck, then backed her up against the wall. “I’m not going anywhere. You’re going to love me,” she threatened with a crazed look in her eyes.

Aleesha didn’t know what to do. She instantly became fearful for her and her child’s life, and hoped Sensi wasn’t as crazy as she was portraying. “Okay Sensi, just please let me go,” she pled.

“I love you Aleesha,” Sensi whimpered. “Why do you have to keep putting everyone before me?”

“I’m sorry Sensi,” Aleesha halfheartedly apologized. “I promise it won’t happen again. You know I’m an emotional wreck because of this baby.”

“I forgot our baby does that to you,” Sensi understandingly stated.

“Yes, and he’s hurting me right now. I need to go sit down.”

Sensi backed up a little but still had the knife to Aleesha’s throat. “Okay, but don’t try anything. Start walking.”

Aleesha began walking forward and Sensi moved to the side of her. She kept the knife at Aleesha’s throat while they walked into the living room. Aleesha took a seat on the couch and Sensi sat next to her.

“Sensi, can you please not have the knife so close to my neck?” Aleesha timidly asked. “I’m scared the baby is going to kick and I don’t wanna hunch over in pain too fast and you accidentally cut me.”

“I’m sorry mamí.” Sensi retracted the knife back a little. “So when are you going to break the news to your husband?”

“What news?”

“The two of you getting divorced so we can get married,” Sensi excitedly stated. 

“That’s never going to happen Sensi,” Aleesha said with a laugh.

“What?” Sensi aggressively asked, putting the knife back at Aleesha’s throat.

“Nothing, I’m sorry,” Aleesha weakly apologized. “I’ll break it to him when he brings the kids back.”

“You better,” Sensi demanded.

“I will. Can you please move the knife back how you had it at least?”

“Yeah, sorry mamí. I can’t help it that I get jealous.”

“I know, but you won’t have to worry about it too much longer.”

They sat for a few minutes in silence until Aleesha thought of a perfect plan. She didn’t know if it would work, but she could only hope and pray for the best. “Sensi, I’m horny,” she blurted out.

“Ooh mamí, I like the sound of that,” Sensi eagerly stated. “Take your pants off and play with yourself. I want to watch.”


Aleesha shimmied out of her pants and underwear while she was sitting down, because Sensi still had the knife close enough to cut her. She spread her legs open and began playing with herself. “Mmm,” she faked moaned. She could tell it was turning Sensi on, and she knew sooner or later Sensi would have to give in.

She continued playing with herself, and Sensi’s free hand found its way into her own pants and sure enough, Aleesha had her. Sensi tilted her head back in bliss, enjoying the intimate moment the two were sharing and Aleesha quickly reacted. As soon as Sensi lifted her head back up, Aleesha kicked her in the middle of her face, sending Sensi flying back into the couch. Aleesha tried to get up and run, but because she was pregnant she couldn’t move as quickly as she wanted to. She had her left leg planted on the floor and was pushing off of it to get off the couch, but Sensi grabbed her right ankle and tripped her. Aleesha fell to the ground on her side and Sensi pulled her back toward her.

“You ungrateful bitch!” Sensi yelled.

Aleesha kicked her again and broke free, but got wounded in the process as Sensi sliced her in the leg. Aleesha cried out in agony but she had to try and get away. She tried to crawl as fast as she could, but Sensi was faster. Aleesha managed to get to the couch’s end table before Sensi jumped on her back. She turned her around and put the knife to Aleesha’s neck.

“You thought you were going to get away from me?” Sensi heatedly asked through clenched teeth. Blood was in and around her mouth, and it made her look even more crazed.

“I didn’t mean to do it,” Aleesha cried.

“You don’t love me you bitch. And after everything I’ve done for you!” Sensi screamed.

“I’m sorry Sensi,” Aleesha pled.

“Shut up!” Sensi screamed, slapping Aleesha across the face.

She hit Aleesha so hard that it turned her head to the left, and she noticed her keys on the floor. They were in arm’s reach so she tried reaching for them, but Sensi turned her face back toward hers and continued to rant.

“I tried to give you a chance, but you want to make me do things the hard way? Why couldn’t you just be a good little bitch mamí?” Sensi angrily questioned.

Aleesha didn’t answer as she kept reaching for the keys and within a matter of seconds she was finally able to grab them. She wasted no time as she jabbed one of the keys into the side of Sensi’s neck, and Sensi let out a blood curling scream. She sliced Aleesha across her face with her blade before Aleesha hit her repeatedly in the face, and pushed her off of her. She scooted back as fast as she could but Sensi came charging at her, so Aleesha grabbed the lamp off the side table and hit Sensi across the head, knocking her out.

Aleesha just sat there for a few seconds before getting up off the floor. She hadn’t noticed that her water broke in the midst of all the commotion, and blood began trickling from her vagina down her leg. She hurriedly searched for her phone and dialed 911. 

A few minutes later Aleesha’s house was filled with paramedics and policemen. After giving them a quick statement, Aleesha was put in an ambulance and taken to the hospital. Sensi was also taken to the hospital but once she was conscious again, she was cuffed and transferred to jail.