An Early Labor


Aleesha hadn’t stopped crying since the moment she was inside the ambulance. She was in so much pain and she was worried sick thinking about her son’s life. She knew she had to deliver him early and she prayed that he survived coming into the world so soon.

As soon as the ambulance arrived at the hospital they rushed Aleesha into the maternity ward to have her baby. She was told she would have to have a C-section but after a quick checkup, the doctor told Aleesha she had to deliver him naturally because she was already fully dilated.

When it came time, Aleesha had the hardest time pushing her son out. With the twins she was able to get an epidural and didn’t feel a thing, but because of her current situation, she couldn’t get it. And it was especially hard because she had no one there with her for support. She would’ve called someone but knew that by the time they got there, she would already have given birth. So she opted out of it and went through with it by herself. 

As soon as Aleesha pushed her son out, he was rushed into NICU. He only weighed 3 pounds, 2 ounces, was 16 inches long. She named him Christopher Rahmel Davis Jr., after his father.

After giving birth, Aleesha sat in her room and cried. The harsh reality of her choices made her realize she couldn’t keep letting people into her life, especially when it was so easy for them to hurt or turn on her. Too many times people took her for granted and jeopardized her well-being, and she couldn’t take it anymore. She knew she had to make smarter decisions, and that started now. But before she could start dropping people from her life, she had to embrace the one she just brought into the world, and she didn’t want to do that with no one other than Cali so she had her nurse call him on the phone.

As soon as Aleesha saw Cali she could tell that he was hurt, and it even looked as if he had been crying. After she explained what happened, he didn’t want to do anything but comfort her and decided to stay in the hospital with her.

Aleesha ended up falling asleep, but woke up a few hours later to Cali’s voice. He was talking on the phone and Aleesha thought he was talking to another female until she listened to the conversation. He was on the phone with Christina.

“Tell her I said hi,” Aleesha said as she shifted herself to sit up in the bed.

He looked up and smiled at her. “Your step mommy said hi baby...yeah she’s up now...okay I gotta go so we can check on your little brother okay...okay I love you baby...okay bye.” Cali let out a light chuckle as he hung his phone up. “She said hi and she loves you and she can’t wait to see her little brother.”

“Aww, she’s so adorable,” Aleesha said in a sweet tone.

“I know. So how you feel?” he asked getting up and walking over to her bed.

“Okay, has the doctor came in and said anything about our son yet?” she apprehensively asked.

“Yeah, he good,” he assured her. “His lungs weren’t fully developed but he’s gone survive.”

“Okay,” Aleesha said with a worried expression on her face.

“Don’t worry Aleesha. He’s gone be good,” he said reassuring her. “He’s tough like his daddy.”

“I know. Umm,” she hesitated, “Cali.”


“I still haven’t told Savage,” she uneasily stated.

“Well you better call that nigga on the phone right now,” he sternly insisted.

“Cali,” Aleesha whimpered.

“No, I’m serious Aleesha,” he stressed while staring her directly in the eyes. “I already told you how I feel, and especially now that my lil’ nigga is in NICU, I’m not goin’ nowhere. So figure out what you need to say.” He handed Aleesha his phone. “Block my number, I’m about to go check up on my son.”

When Cali left out the room, Aleesha didn’t know how she was going to tell Savage. She didn’t even want to call him but she had to get it over with. At least it will be easier over the phone, she thought as she dialed his number.

It rang a few times and Aleesha got a little happy hoping Savage didn’t answer. But unfortunately for her, he picked up as soon as it was about to go to voicemail. “Who this?” he cautiously asked.

“Babe, it’s me.”

“Hey beautiful,” he affectionately exclaimed. “Why you callin’ me from a private number?”

“I don’t have my phone.”


“I’m in the hospital.”

“Why, you alright?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.

“Savage, I had the baby,” she sadly informed.

“What the fuck happened!” he angrily barked.

“Babe, calm down. Please,” she calmly begged.

He softened his tone. “What happened?”

“Sensi tried to kill me and I went into labor early.”

“WHAT!” he screamed. “I’m on my way out there,” he frantically stated.

“No!” Aleesha yelled. “Savage, please don’t,” she begged.

“I need to be there with you,” he sympathetically stated.

“Najair, no you don’t. My mom will be here with me. You’re busy enough already,” she justified for him.

“Aleesha, do you hear what the fuck you’re saying?” he angrily asked.

“Please stop cussing at me,” she said as she began crying, “all of this is stressful enough.”

“I’m sorry mommy,” he apologized. “Don’t cry. But why wouldn’t I come out there?”

“Because,” she said as her crying slowly ceased, “I can’t deal with everything right now and you know once you bring my kids out here I won’t be able to relax. I need this babe. Please for me, can you at least wait a week?”

“Maaannnnn, aight,” he reluctantly agreed.

They finished talking for a few minutes until Cali walked back into the room. Aleesha ended the call and handed Cali his phone.

“Did you tell him?”

“I couldn’t,” Aleesha nervously stated, looking up at him.

“Cuh, do I gotta call the nigga myself?” he daringly asked.

“No!” Aleesha yelled while reaching up and grabbing a hold of his arm. “Cali, I promise I will. I just need to worry about my son’s health right now, okay.”

“Aight cuh,” Cali said, shaking his head.

“Can I see your phone again? I need to call my mom.”


Cali handed her his phone and sat down in a chair as she made her phone call. An hour later, Aleesha’s parents were walking through her room. Cali excused himself as Aleesha’s mom ran up and hugged her.

“My poor baby,” Renee sympathetically cooed. “What did they say about my grandson?”

“He has RDS. They gave him a surfactant treatment and now he’s on the CPAP machine,” Aleesha informed as she began crying.

“Don’t cry baby,” Renee said, comforting her as she rubbed her shoulder.

“I can’t help but to because it’s all my fault mom. My son is in there fighting for his life cuz I allowed that crazy bitch in my house.”

“What happened with her?” Renee curiously asked.

“She came over acting stupid because I had been ignoring her and it just took off from there. One minute she had a blade to my throat and the next I was fighting to get away from her,” Aleesha uncomfortably recalled.

The doctor came into the room and Aleesha already knew that she wasn’t about to hear any good news.

“Mrs. Williams, I’m sorry to have to tell you this but I have some good news and bad news for you,” he nonchalantly stated.

Aleesha shook her head, “Tell me the bad news first.”

“Even with Christopher on the CPAP machine, we noticed he would pause while he was breathing and his heart rate and blood pressure kept changing. After we ran a few tests and did an ultrasound we found out that he had grade 1 IVH, which is a mild intraventricular hemorrhage. There was a small amount of bleeding on his brain.”

Aleesha gasped, “Oh my God. Is my baby okay?”

“Yes, and this is where the good news comes in. IVH is common in premature infants especially in ones that developed RDS like Christopher, and his is at the most mildest stage. We stabilized him and now he’s doing better.”

“When can I see him?” she emotionally asked.

“You can go see him now if you’d like.”

“Okay,” she happily exclaimed. “Daddy can you help me up?” she asked turning her attention to her father.

“Of course baby girl,” Darion answered with a smile. “I’ll even push you down there.”

“Kay, thanks daddy.”

Aleesha’s dad helped her out of the bed and into a wheel chair. He pushed her to the NICU and helped her up to wash her hands and put on her scrubs. The nurses led Aleesha to her son, and she immediately broke down when she saw him. He looked so small and fragile and she felt helpless not being able to hold and nurture him.

“Be strong for me baby CJ. I’m so sorry I put you through this,” she sincerely apologized. “But I’m so happy you’re here. Mommy loves you so much,” she sobbed.

It was a very emotional time for Aleesha. Cali came in and comforted her while they both continued to talk to CJ. After an hour the NICU’s visiting hours were over so Aleesha went back to her room. Then Cali and her parents stayed with her until her visiting hours were over.

Over the next two days Cali made sure he was at the hospital as soon as visiting was allowed in the NICU. He stayed with baby CJ for hours and also made sure Aleesha was always in good spirits and health.