Welcome Home, Baby CJ


After 35 days in the NICU, baby CJ was finally able to go home. He had gained three pounds and was able to breathe on his own, so the day Aleesha went to visit him she was also taking him home. She called Cali and shared the good news with him, then they planned an appropriate time and place for Cali to see him. When she and Savage arrived home, Aleesha decided to have a small welcome home party for CJ since she didn’t get the chance to have a baby shower.

Aleesha didn’t want the party to be too big since it was CJ’s first day home, so she only called her closest friends and family members and invited them over. Then she went out and did a little shopping while Savage stayed home and watched the kids. Lala had met up with Aleesha while she was out to help her, and when Aleesha returned home her mom Renee, her dad Darion and Savage’s mom Debra were already there. Aleesha began setting everything up and luckily for her she didn’t have to cook. Savage had ordered some Juan Pollo and when Aleesha came back he left to go pick it up.

As soon as Savage was gone, Aleesha got nervous around Debra. She didn’t know if Debra knew that CJ wasn’t Savage’s son and it kind of had her on edge. When Savage got back, he noticed the change in his wife’s behavior and pulled her into the kitchen so they could talk.

“What’s wrong, babe?” he worriedly asked her.

“I feel weird around your mom,” she uneasily stated.

“Why, did she say somethin’ to you?”


“Is she actin’ funny?” he questioned.


“Then why?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “You ain’t ever felt that way before.”

“I don’t know,” she said with a shoulder shrug, hesitant to ask him what was on her mind.

“Mommy, what is it?”

“Does she know CJ isn’t yours?” she hesitantly whispered to him.

“Why, is she treating him differently than our other two kids?”


“So why does it matter?”

“Because I don’t want her believing that he’s yours and then find out later that he’s not,” she confessed.

“Aleesha, what did I tell you? CJ is my son,” Savage shamelessly stated.

“I know, but you know what I mean babe.”

“She knows Leelee,” he plainly admitted.

“You told her?” she asked, surprise all over her face.

“Yeah, I told her and she feels the same way I do. That’s still her grandson.”

“Okay,” Aleesha said with a sigh of relief.

“I don’t know why you was feeling like that. You know my mom loves you,” Savage reminded.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean she won’t feel some type of way with me cheating on you and getting pregnant by another man.”

“Moms is more understandin’ than you think. It’s okay mommy,” he said with a smile, “you good. Stop worryin’ yo self and stressin’ over things that don’t matter. CJ is home and we need to be celebratin’ that.”

“You’re right,” she said as she gave him a kiss on the lips. “Let’s get back out here and enjoy our baby finally being home.”

They went back into the living room and enjoyed the time with their family and children. It wasn’t long before all the kids were sleep, and the adults had time to sit back and talk to each other. After opening up some gifts, Aleesha and Savage said goodbye to everyone because they had to be up early in the morning. They were going to be transferring the ownership of their businesses and properties by signing lease agreements, and the process took some time.

Lala came over early in the morning to watch the children while Aleesha and Savage handled the business they needed to. It took them a little over five hours to get all the paperwork completed but they were happy once they did. When they came back, Aleesha got CJ ready to go spend time with Cali. She could tell the whole time she got him ready that Savage had an attitude but she paid it no mind. Once CJ was ready, she kissed Savage and the twins and was out the door.

When Aleesha arrived at Cali’s he was already outside with Christina waiting on her. Christina ran up to the car and swung open the door to see her little brother. She kissed him on the cheek and tickled his chin and he giggled. “Hi, CJ,” she happily exclaimed. “Step mommy, can I get him out his car seat and hold him?”

“Hold on, Chrissy, I’ll get him out,” Aleesha said, unbuckling her seatbelt.

By the time Aleesha got out the car and got CJ out of his car seat Cali had made his way over to her.

“I’m so happy lil’ cuh home,” he joyfully expressed with a huge grin. “Let me hold him,” he said, holding his arms out. Aleesha handed CJ over to Cali and he turned and started walking away with him. Christina followed behind him and Aleesha was a few steps behind after she grabbed the diaper bag.

They went into the house and Cali sat on the couch and began playing with him. Aleesha couldn’t do anything but stand and smile as she watched the interaction between father and son.

“Daddy, can I hold him now?” Christina politely asked.

“Yeah baby, sit down,” he instructed. Christina sat down next to him and he showed her how to hold CJ.

“Can I take him in the room so he can play with me and my toys?” she impatiently asked.

“No, he’s still too little to play with you baby.”

“Oh,” she disappointingly said. “Well here you go daddy,” she said giving CJ back to Cali.

“Why you don’t want to hold him anymore?” he curiously asked her.

“Because he can’t play and he’s boring,” she bluntly stated.

“Ooh child,” Aleesha laughed, amused.

“Yeah,” Cali agreed, laughing, “you have a while to go before he can play with you.”

“Okay. Since I have a little brother can I have a little sister too now daddy?” Christina excitedly asked.

“Sorry baby, no can do,” he said, shaking his head. “You and you’re brother are it for me. You gotta ask yo mom about all that.”

She huffed. “Fine.”

“Ay lil’ girl, don’t be havin’ no attitude,” he said, staring at her with stern eyes. “I told you about that.”

“Sorry daddy,” she apologized while looking at the floor.

“Go to your room,” he ordered.

Christina ran to her room and Aleesha could hear her crying. “Damn, stop being so mean,” she said, taking a seat next to him. “She didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I don’t play that huffin’ and puffin’ shit,” Cali explained. “She ain’t grown.”

“So, but she’s a girl. That’s what we do,” she playfully stated.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he said, smiling at her. CJ started fussing and he looked down at him. “Now what’s wrong wit’ you, lil’ cuh?”

“He’s probably hungry, give him here,” Aleesha instructed. Cali gave CJ to her and she plopped her breast out of her shirt and began breastfeeding him.

“Oooh, I want some,” Cali flirtatiously said, licking his lips.

“Shut up, Cali,” Aleesha said, giggling.

“Nah it ain’t fair. Them was my titties first,” he teasingly stated.

“You so stupid,” she said, shaking her head. “You know it’s getting closer and closer for me to leave.”

“I know,” he said with a sigh. “Y’all decided on a date yet?”

“No. We were waiting for CJ to come home to decide but within the next few weeks I’ll know for sure.”

“So you really up outta here, huh?”

“Yeah, I gotta go. Staying out here won’t do me any good.”

“Hell yeah. Killa Cali is no joke. Raisin’ kids out here is a mothafucka.”

“Tell me about it,” she said in agreeance.

“But shit, you going to the murder capital so what’s the difference?” he teasingly asked.

“True,” she replied, laughing. “But I doubt we’ll stay out there that long. I really want to settle in Colorado.”

“Colorado?” he asked in surprise.

“Yeah, I just want to go somewhere more peaceful. I mean, there’s crime everywhere but not like California and Louisiana.” Aleesha looked down and noticed that CJ was sleep. “Here, take him,” she said, handing CJ to Cali. “I gotta get going before my husband starts tripping. I’ma go put his bottles in the fridge,” she said, standing up.

“Nah, I’ll do it,” Cali said, stopping her.

“You sure. I don’t want you to forget and they spoil.”

“Yeah I’m sure. I’ma go lay him down in his crib and I’ll do it. You get up on out of here.”

“Okay. I’ll be back tomorrow. Don’t hesitate to call me.”

“Aleesha, I got this,” Cali said in a reassuring tone. “This ain’t my first child.”

“Okay,” she said as she began walking away.

“See you later BM!” he yelled as she was walking out the door. Aleesha playfully flipped him off. “I love you too,” he laughed.