Introduction: Jesse Peterson (, Joannes Jonstonus, zookeys, Ellenberger, Wilhelm, Hermann Baum, and Hermann Dittrich, Thomson, J. Arthur, David Walker, Idaho Public Television, Keppler, Udo J; Aardvark: Jesse Peterson, Birch, Reginald Bathurst, Library of Congress, G. F. Warren, Everybody’s Cyclopedia; Aardvark: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes; Aardvark: Jesse Peterson, Library of Congress, Wardle, Arthur, Christopher David Reyes; Afanc: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Library of Congress, Anton; Ahuizotl: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, The Brothers Dalziel; Ahuizotl: Jesse Peterson; Aja-Ekapa: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Tymms, W. R., The Art of Illuminating As Practised in Europe from the Earliest Times, Kojuma Zu; Aja-Ekapa: Jesse Peterson, Ellenberger, Wilhelm, Hermann Baum, and Hermann Dittrich; Albatross: Jesse Peterson, Leonardo Da Vinci, Goshen College, Pearson Scott Foresman; ABC’s Jesse Peterson, Ellenberger, Wilhelm, Hermann Baum, and Hermann Dittrich; ABC’s: Jesse Peterson; Ammonites: Ernst Haeckel, Gentlemen’s Magazine; Amoeba: Jesse Peterson; Amphivena: Jesse Peterson, Tymms, W. R.: Amphiveana: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, W. Ramsay Smith, J. S. Newell, Popular Science Monthly, Richard Lydekker, Louis Agassiz Fuertes; Andean Condo: Jesse Peterson, Stamp of Ecuador, The Brothers Dalziel, Pearson Scott Foresman; Angler Fish: Jesse Peterson, Popular Science Monthly; Ants: Jesse Peterson, Robert Hooke; Ant Lion: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Tymms, W. R.; Antarctic Sponge: Library of Congress; Antarctic Sponge: Jesse Peterson, Ernst Haeckel, Thomas Walton Galloway; Armadillo: Jesse Peterson, Henry Alleyne Nicholson, Tom Friedel, R. P. Labat; Armadillo: Friedrich Specht; Armadillo/Porcupine: Richard Lydekker; Archaeopteryx: Jesse Peterson, Case Western Reserve University; Aspidochelone: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Wieland, American Colony (Jerusalem) Photo Dept.; Aye-Aye: Chicago Field Museum; Aye-Aye: Mivart; Axolotl: Jesse Peterson, Popular Science Monthly; Axolotl Devolving: Jesse Peterson; Baboon: Jesse Peterson, Gustav Mützel, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden; Badger: Jesse Peterson, Bull, Charles Livingston, The New Student’s Reference Work; Bagworm: Jesse Peterson, Richard Lydekker; Banshee: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Cloppenburgh; Jesse Peterson, Scribner’s Magazine; Bats: Jesse Peterson, Popular Science Monthly, Henry Alleyne Nicholson, Ernst Haeckel; Bats: Dictionnaire encyclopédique Trousset; Bear: Gustav Mützel; Bear: Jesse Peterson, Jovan Zujovic; Bear: Jesse Peterson, Library of Congress; Beaver: Jesse Peterson, Lewis Henry Morgan, Bull, Charles Livingston, USDA; Beaver: Jesse Peterson, George Cuvier; Bee: Stelluti, Francesco; Bombardier Beetle: Jesse Peterson, Peter Halasz; Bongo: Jesse Peterson, Richard Lydekker, Ernst Haeckel; Bonnocon: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, The Brothers Dalziel; Bonnocon: Medieval Bestiary; Butterfly: Nemos; Butterfly: Jesse Peterson, Merian Maria Sybilla; Caladrius: Jesse Peterson, Pieter Ven Der Borcht; Camel: Jesse Peterson, Utagawa, Kuniyasu; Capybaras: Gustav Mützel; Cats: Jesse Peterson, Karl Rothe, Ferdinand Frank, Josef Steigl, Cats: Jesse Peterson, George Mivart; Chameleon: Jesse Peterson, American Colony (Jerusalem) Photo Dept, G. A. Boulenger; Chameleon: Jesse Peterson, Illustrations de zoologie, ou, Recueil de figures d’animaux peintes d’après nature; Chupacabra: Jesse Peterson, LiCire, Lydekker, British Museum of Natural History; Beast of Bladenboro: New Pocket Guide of the Year 1836, for Nature, Forest and Hunting Enthusiasts; Cobra: Jesse Peterson, Jeffrey Parker, Pearson Scott Foresman; Cobra: Reptile Channel; Cobra: Jesse Peterson, Underwood & Underwood; Creto: Jesse Peterson, Popular Science Monthly, Niels Stensen, British Museum of Natural History; Cricket: Jesse Peterson, Pearson Scott Foreman, Suzuki, Harunobu; Cricket: Enrico Mazzanti; Crocodile: Dictionnaire classique d’histoire; Crocodile/Alligator: Jesse Peterson, Lydekker, Illustrated London News; William Dwight Whitney, Thomas Rymer Jones, Wilhelm Kuhnert; Deathwatch Beetle: Jesse Peterson, UF; Dodo: Jesse Peterson, Chandler B. Beach; Dog: Jesse Peterson, Charles Darwin, Gilbert Gihon; Dolly: Jesse Peterson, Dimitry Bogdanov; Dolly: Williston, University of Kansas Museum of Natural History; Draco Lizard: Ernst Haeckel; Draco Lizard: Jesse Peterson, Gunther, Albert, Robert Hardwicke; Dragon: Library of Congress; Dragon: Art Illustrated; Dragon: Howard Pyle; Dung Beetle: Jesse Peterson, Hopkins, A. D.; Dugong: Jesse Peterson, Popular Science Monthly, Dictionnaire encyclopédique Trousset; Eagle: Jesse Peterson, Bain News Service, publisher, Physiognomonia; Elasmosaur: Jesse Peterson, J. Smit; Elasmosaurus: Wendel Williston; Loch Ness Monster: Inverness Courier; Electric Eel: Jesse Peterson, Trousset; Electric Eel 2/Knife Fish: Jaques Burkhardt; Elephant: Jesse Peterson, Lydekker, John Lockwood Kipling, Hanabusa, Itchô; Elephant 2/Woolly Mammoth: Jesse Peterson, Rouffignac Cave Painting, USNPS, Field Museum of Natural History; Elephant Bird: Jesse Peterson, Black Hills Institute for Geological Research; Elephant Bird: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Tymms, W. R.; Encantado: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Tymms, W. R.; Fairy: J. A. Fitzgerald; Fairy: Kate Greenway; Firefly: Jesse Peterson, Flamingo: Jesse Peterson, Library of Congress, Richard Owen; Flying Fish: Jesse Peterson, Trousset; Fox: Library of Congress; Fox: Jesse Peterson, nineteenth-century fox print; Fox: Jesse Peterson, John Edward Gray; Giant Bulb: Suidôbashi surugadai; Giant Bulb: Jesse Peterson, Cuppy Ph.D., Hazlitt Alva; Giant Clam: Popular Mechanics; Gila Monster: Jesse Peterson, Scientific American; Gorilla: Everybody’s Cyclopedia; Gorilla: Familiar Animals and Their Wild Kindred; Gorilla and Man: Jesse Peterson, Buchanan, Henry Gray; Griffin: Friedrich Justin Bertuch; Groundhog: Quadrapeds of North America; Hallucigenia: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Geological Society of America; Halcyon: Jesse Peterson, Louis Figuier William & Robert Chambers, B. P. Holst, Frank Beard; Halcyon: Ceyx and Alcyone: William Woollet; Harpy: Gustave Doré; Harpy Skeleton: Jesse Peterson; Helicoprion: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes; Hamster: Jesse Peterson, Thomas Bewick, H. Alleyne Nicholson; Hamster: Jesse Peterson, S. G. Goodrich; Horned Lizard: Jesse Peterson, Sarah Cooper; Horse: Köllner, Augustus; Horse: Ellenberger, Wilhelm, Hermann Baum, and Hermann Dittrich; Horse: Jesse Peterson, Ellenberger, Wilhelm, Hermann Baum, and Hermann Dittrich; Hummingbird: Jesse Peterson, Worthington Hooker, William & Robert Chambers; Hummingbirds: Jesse Peterson, Whitney, William Dwight, Asa Gray; Hydra: Hydra Engraving, 1664; Hydra: Rosso Fiorentino; Hyena: S. G. Goodrich; Hyena: Jesse Peterson, Richard Lydekker, Hyena: Anzeige einer großen Haupt-Fütterung welche in der Menagerie des Unterzeichneten stattfinden wird, 1830; Ibis: Richard Lydekker; Ibis: Jesse Peterson, Cuvier, Lydekker, Theodor Jasper; Ibis: Thoth: Luxor Temple; Ibong Adarna: Deutsche kunst und dekoration, 1909; Ichneumon: Pierre Belon; Ichneumon: Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables, Ichneumon Wasp, 1898; Inkanyamba: Jesse Peterson; Inkanyamba: Friedrich Justin Bertuch; Inkanyamba Anguilla: American Food and Game Fishes; Impala: Jesse Peterson, Pearson Scott Foresman, S. G. Goodrich; Isopoda: Jesse Peterson, Henri Milne-Edwards; Jackalope: Jesse Peterson, Hall, Sidney; Jaculus: Medieval Bestiary; Jaculus: Jesse Peterson, William & Robert Chambers; Jaeckelopterus: Jesse Peterson, Henry Gray, Ernst Haeckel; Jaguar: Jesse Peterson, Lloyd, Elliot Daniel Giraud; Jaguar: Atlantic Watershed Basalt Sculpture; Jaguar: Tula Pyramid; Jellyfish: Ernst Haeckel, Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal, zugleich ein Repertorium for Mittelmeerkunde; Jenny Hanniver: Konrad Gesner; Jenny Hanniver: M. Violante; Jersey Devil: Jesse Peterson, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin; Kangaroo: Jesse Peterson, Matson Photo Service; Kelenken: Jesse Peterson, Charles R. Knight; Kelenken/Bullockornis: Jesse Peterson, Royal Ontario Museum; Kinkajou: Jesse Peterson, Richard Lydekker, Alcide d’Orbigny, Werner; Koala: George Cuvier; Koala: Jesse Peterson, Richard Lydekker, Gould; Komodo: Ouwens; Komodo: Jesse Peterson, Bronn; Kraken: Pierre Denys de Montfort; Kraken: Giant Squid, 1887; Kraken: Harper Lee; Kumo: Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC; Lagarfljót Worm: Jesse Peterson, Richard Lydekker, Illustrated Sporting News; Lantern Shark: Jesse Peterson, Jackson; Leafy Sea Dragon: Jesse Peterson, Haeckel, William Buelow Gould; Leafy Sea Dragon, Arctic Fox: John Edward Gray; Lesothosaurus: Jesse Peterson; Leucrotta: Jesse Peterson, leucrotta, c.1800; Lion: Jesse Peterson, Richard Lydekker; Lioness cubs: Illustrated London News; Liopleurdon: Jesse Peterson, Llama: Jesse Peterson, E. George Squier; Longisquama: Jesse Peterson, Lydekker; Lovebug: Jesse Peterson, Insect colorplates, 1832; Loveland Frog: Jesse Peterson; Loveland Frog/Lizard People: Jesse Peterson; Manticora: Medieval Bestiary; Manticora: Jonstonus, Joannes; Megachasma; German engraving; Megachasma: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Kevfuture; Megalodon: P. J. Smit; Megalodon: Jesse Peterson; Mermaid: woodcut, c.1600; Microraptor: Gerhard Heilmann; Minotaur: Antoine-Louis Barye; Minotaur: Jesse Peterson, Tymms, W. R., Christopher David Reyes; Mole: John Edward Gray; Mole: Mémoires du Muséum d’histoire naturelle; Mole: Jesse Peterson, British Museum of Natural History; Mongolian Death Worm: Jesse Peterson; Mosasaur: Jesse Peterson, G. R. Levillaire, Charles R. Knight; Mosasaur: Charles R. Knight; Mosquito: Jesse Peterson; Narwhal: Narwhal, W. Scoresby; Narwhal: Pierre Pomet; Nephilim: Jesse Peterson, Henry Gray; Nephilim: Odilon Redon; Nephilim: Jesse Peterson; Ningen: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes; Pearson Scott Foresman, Tymms, W. R.; Nudibranch: Anna B. Nash; Nudibranch: Vaillant A. N.; Okapi: Jesse Peterson, Smithsonian report; Opossum: Annales des sciences natu-relles; Opossum: Jesse Peterson, Buffon; Orphan Bird: Jesse Peterson, Seabird, 1800; Ostrich: Jesse Peterson, Library of Congress, Pettigrew; Ostrich: Library of Congress; Owl 1 & 2: Systematic Natural History; Owl: Engraving, 1902; Parrot: Jesse Peterson, Illustrations de zoologie, ou, Recueil de figures d’animaux peintes d’après nature; Parrot, Jackson: Library of Congress; Penguin: Welsh, Louise; Penguin: Jesse Peterson, Horydczak, Theodor; Peregrine Falcon: Johm Edward Grey; Peregrine Falcon; Conrad Susemihl; Persian Three-Legged Ass: Jesse Peterson; Phoenix: Friedrich Justin Bertuch; Pigeon: Bubley, Esther; Pigeon: Jesse Peterson, The American Legion Weekly; Pigeon: Charles Darwin; Platypus: Herford, Oliver; Platypus: Jesse Peterson, John Edward Grey, Whitney, William Dwight; Platypus, Echidnas: Jesse Peterson, Voyage autour du monde par les mers de l’Inde et de Chine ex, Brehms Tierleben; Pronghorn Antelope: Jesse Peterson, Clinton Hart Merriam, Illustrated London News, Everybody’s Cyclopedia; Quackers: W. D. Munro; Quackers Basilosaurus: Jesse Peterson, Conrad Gesner; Quackers Basilosaurus; Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Tymms, W. R.; Quetzacoatlus: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Williston; Queztal: A. H. Evans; Quinotaur: Conrad Gesner, Rat: Jesse Peterson, Lydekker; Rat: Griffin, Syd B; Rat: Naturkundliches Museum Mauritianum Altenburg; Rat/mouse: Jesse Peterson, Richard Lydekker, Raven: Jesse Peterson, White, The Rev. Gilbert; Raven: White, The Rev. Gilbert; Reindeer: Jesse Peterson, Lydekker, Jahrbich, Ellenberger, Wilhelm, Hermann Baum, and Hermann Dittrich; Reindeer: Jesse Peterson, Sporting Adventures in the Northern Seas, Deer Skull, Ellenberger, Wilhelm, Hermann Baum, and Hermann Dittrich; Rhinoceros: Albrecht Dürer; Rhino: Jesse Peterson, L’Univers Illustre, Lydekker; Rhino: Joseph Smit; Sasquatch: Wild Man Sought by N.J. Officers, Bridgeport Telegram; Sasquatch: Jesse Peterson, wildman engraving, Holland, 1572, Gray; Satyr: seventeenth-century engraving; Satyr: Jesse Peterson; Sawfish: Jesse Peterson, Lydekker, Alvin Davison; Skunk: Jesse Peterson, Brehms Tierleben; Spider: Trousset; Spider: Jesse Peterson, Illustrated London News, Lydekker; Spider: Jesse Peterson, André Garnerin; Snailfish: Jesse Peterson, Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries; Sugar/Glider: A Hand-Book to the Marsupialia and Monotremata; Sugar Glider Wing Suit: Len Shires; Thrasher: Jesse Peterson, Bull, Charles Livingston: Thrasher/Song: Jesse Peterson, Katsushika, Hokusai; Tikbalang: Jesse Peterson; Toad: Lydekker; Toad: Jesse Peterson; Bufo Calamita engraving, Henry Alleyne Nicholson, D. E. A.; Toad: Jesse Peterson, William & Robert Chambers, William Dwight Whitney; Tubeworm: Jesse Peterson, Lydekker, Ernst Haeckel; Troll: Theodor Kittelsen; Troll/Neanderthal: Herman Schaaffhausen; Tully Monster: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Geological Survey of America; Turtle: Horydczak, Theodor; Turtle: Jesse Peterson, Bureau of Fisheries, Sara Cooper, Lydekker, Williston; Turtle: Bull, Charles Livingston; Turtle: Jesse Peterson, Wieland; Tyrannosaurus; Jesse Peterson, Charles R. Knight, Vincent Lynch; Tyrannosaur Cloning: Jesse Peterson, after Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.; Uakari: Jesse Peterson, Humboldt, Lydekker; Umbrella Bird: Jesse Peterson, Henry Walter Bates, Lydekker; Unicorn: Jesse Peterson, Ulisse Aldrovandi, Tymms, W. R.; Unicorn: Jesse Peterson, Joannes Jonstonu; Vampire Squid: Jesse Peterson, Carl Chun, Hoyle; Velvet Worm: Jesse Peterson, Sedgwick; Velvet Worm/Worms: Rudolf Leuckart; Water Bear: Jesse Peterson, Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin, Fairfax County Public Schools; Whale: Jesse Peterson, J. G. Millais, Meyers, Lydekker; Whales/Songs: Jesse Peterson; Whales/Beached: Jacob Matham; Whales/Beached: Nickerson; Whales/Dolphin: Jesse Peterson, Charles Hamilton Smith, Lydekker; Woodpecker: Christopher Plantini; Woodpecker: Jesse Peterson, Thomas Rymer Jones, Illustrated London News, Fannie Hardy, Ecksorm; Xiphactinus: Jesse Peterson, after Sternberg; Xiphactinus: Jesse Peterson, after Sternberg; Xiphactinus: Jesse Peterson, Christopher David Reyes, Tymms, W. R.; Yale: Jesse Peterson, Medieval Bestiary, Gray, Strangeway; Yale/Basilisk: Wenzel Hollar; Yak: Jesse Peterson, Lydekker, Kendall, Alice S.; Yak: Jesse Peterson, Lydekker; Zebra: Matson Photo Service; Zebra: Jesse Peterson, Illustrated London News, Lydekker; Zebra: Ulisse Aldrovandil; Zooplankton: Jesse Peterson, Haeckel, Robert Hooke, John Vachon; Zooplankton/Life Origin: Jesse Peterson, George Adams, Librairie Hachette, John Collier.