’Secreted deep within the catacombs of every special world rests an inner sanctum where her most important mysteries are lodged. The Holy of the Holies of the Jewish faith is perhaps the world’s best known, hidden within the Temple in Jerusalem, but Christianity has her Holy Sepulcher, the Hindus the Garbagriha or womb chamber and the Moslems the Kaaba in Mecca. Many mythological worlds possess such a sanctum also, but call it by more allegorical names such as the belly of the whale, the dragon’s lair, or the lion’s den. But whether real or imagined, it is in the nature of all the worlds where such sanctums lie, that only its highest priesthood are permitted entry inside, and that they in turn deny to all others. For these priests know that the secrets held inside that sanctum are not just critical to the survival of their special world, but that their own power relies on it too. But only by somehow gaining entry into it too, can any young voyager learn the true nature of the adversary his destiny has brought him here to combat. Is it really as the priesthood proclaims that their adversary is some hateful external enemy lurking across the dark valley, and even now preparing his legions for attack? Or is it someone else the young voyager must fear, a far more shadowy opponent and one far nearer at hand, perhaps even a presumed ally, or a shape-shifter who can appear in many different guises. Or most shocking of all, perhaps the greatest secret held in the inner sanctum is that he who was portrayed as their most redoubtable adversary is not just an enemy at all, but is also the most trustworthy ally the voyager may have in this special world.’