Chapter 1: NONCONFORMIST PATRICIAN (1913–1934)

1. For the older Isaac Foot, see A. M. Mobbs, Horrabridge and District, Part Five: Isaac Foot of Horrabridge (privately printed, 1982). I am much indebted for help on the Foot family background to Alison Highet and Owain Morgan.

2. For Isaac Foot, see Sarah Foot, My Grandfather, Isaac Foot (Bossiney Books, 1980), and Michael Foot and Alison Highet, Isaac Foot (Politico’s, 2006)

3. Isaac Foot to Michael Foot, 1945 (n.d.) (Isaac Foot Papers, courtesy of Alison Highet). Also see Churchill to Sir Archibald Sinclair, 29 May 1945, in Ian Hunter (ed.), Winston and Archie (Politico’s, 2005), p.421

4. Michael Foot’s interview with Professor Steven Kramer, October 1981 (Michael Foot Papers, People’s History Museum, Manchester [PHM], C11)

5. Michael Foot, Debts of Honour (Davis-Poynter, 1980), pp.11ff. See also ‘The Father of the Foots’, Sunday Telegraph, 9 August 1970

6. Observer, 20 February 1949, later reprinted as ‘an open letter’

7. John Gross, The Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969), pp.137–8

8. Peter Gaunt to Foot, 26 May 1995, Foot to Gaunt, 1 June 1995, and other material in Foot private papers; Foot to Gaunt, 24 September 1905; Gaunt to the author, 10 February 2005. I am grateful to the Rev. Professor John Morrill and Dr Peter Gaunt for information on the Cromwell Association.

9. Michael Foot, Debts of Honour, p.18

10. Foot and Highet, op. cit., pp.289–95; Christopher Foot to Dingle Foot, 23 November 1961 (Foot Papers [PHM], P1). For an account of the materials in Isaac Foot’s library, see the Online Archive of California,

11. Richard Ollard (ed.), The Diaries of A. L. Rowse (Allen Lane, 2003), P.254

12. Material in Isaac Foot Papers

13. Hugh Foot, A Start in Freedom (Hodder & Stoughton, 1964), p.24

14. Sarah Foot, op. cit., p.28

15. There is an entry on Dingle Foot in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2004). The Dingle Foot Papers in Churchill College, Cambridge, Library, are very slight.

16. Interview with Michael Foot, 17 May 2005

17. Star, 25 October 1957

18. Brian Brivati (ed.), The Uncollected Michael Foot (Politico’s, 2003), pp.23–7

19. Paul Foot, The Vote (Viking, 2004). For an affectionate study of Paul Foot, see Richard Ingrams, My Friend Footy (Private Eye Books, 2005)

20. Interview with Michael Foot, 5 July 2005; Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 840, 1026–8 (6 July 1972)

21. School reports in Isaac Foot and Michael Foot Papers

22. Ibid.; R. M. Chadwick to Isaac Foot, 25 July 1927 (ibid.)

23. A. J. P. Taylor, Beaverbrook (Hamish Hamilton, 1972), pp.598–9; Daily Herald, 11 April 1947. For Leighton Park, see Kenneth Wright, Leighton Park: The First 100 Years (Leighton Park School, 1990), pp.55–9. I am also most grateful for assistance on Leighton Park from Professor Roger Morgan and Mr John Allinson, Senior Master of the school.

24. School reports in Foot private papers

25. The Leightonian, March 1931, p.4, and July 1931

26. Michael Foot, ‘Travels with a Donkey’, ibid., p.59; interview with Michael Foot, 15 November 2004; private information from Professor Roger Morgan and from John Allinson

27. Interview with Michael Foot, 23 January 2005

28. Michael Foot, Loyalists and Loners (Hamish Hamilton, 1986), p.304; Philip Williams, Hugh Gaitskell (Jonathan Cape, 1979), p.724; interview with Michael Foot, 23 January 2006.

29. See Michael Foot, introduction to Bertrand Russell, Autobiography (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1998 one-volume edition), pp.ix–xv

30. The Uncollected Michael Foot, p.101

31. The Leightonian, July 1933, p.336; interview with Michael Foot, 23 January 2005

32. The Leightonian, December 1932, p.247

33. D. F. Karaka, The Pulse of Oxford (Dent, 1933). Also see the same author’s Oh, You English! (Muller, 1935); Michael Foot to Isaac Foot, ‘Friday’ 1932 (Isaac Foot Papers)

34. Ibid.

35. D. F. Karaka, Then Came Hazrat Ali: Autobiography, 1972 (Popular Press, Bombay, 1972), p.48

36. Oxford Magazine, 20 October 1932

37. News Chronicle, 4 April 1934

38. Barbara Castle, Fighting All the Way (Macmillan, 1993), p.77

39. Interview with Baroness Williams of Crosby, 1 November 2004

40. Barbara Castle, Diaries 1974–76 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980), p.347 (20 March 1975)

41. Oxford Magazine, 1 December 1932, 25 May 1933

42. Cherwell, October 1933, p.16

43. See Brian Harrison, ‘Polities’, in The History of the University of Oxford, Vol. VIII: The Twentieth Century (Oxford University Press, 1994), pp.406–8; Martin Ceadel, Pacifism in Britain (Oxford University Press, 1980), pp.127ff

44. Oxford Magazine, 1 June 1933

45. Anthony Greenwood to Foot, 8 June 1933 (Foot Papers [PHM], P1)

46. Eva Foot to Michael Foot, 11 June 1933; Isaac Foot to Michael Foot, ‘Saturday’, 1933 (Foot Papers [PHM], P1)

47. Foot to Edmund Blunden, 12? January (Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin); V. K. Krishna Menon (ed.), Young Oxford and War (Selwyn & Blount, 1934), pp.19ff

48. Materials on US debating tour in Foot private papers

49. Atlanta Journal, 2 November 1934

50. Yale News, 20 November 1934

51. Pitt News, 14 November 1934

Chapter 2: CRIPPS TO BEAVERBROOK (1934–1940)

1. W. R. P. George, The Making of Lloyd George (Faber & Faber, 1976), p.101 (diary entry of 12 November 1981)

2. Kenneth O. Morgan (ed.), Lloyd George: Family Letters c.1885–1936 (University of Wales Press/Oxford University Press, 1973), p. 14

3. Interview with Michael Foot, 6 March 2003. For a comment on Foot’s prowess as a chess player, see Mike Fox and Richard James, The Even More Complete Chess Addict (Faber & Faber, 1993), p.84

4. Gwyn A. Williams, ‘The Emergence of a Working-Class Movement’, in A. J. Roderick (ed.), Wales Through the Ages, Vol. II (Christopher Davies, Llandybie, 1960), p.140

5. Michael Foot to Eva Foot, 27 January 1934, quoted in Mervyn Jones, Michael Foot (Victor Gollancz, 1994), p.36

6. Dennis Turner to the author, 6 April 2004. I am much indebted to Mr Turner for this most interesting reference.

7. Interview with Michael Foot, 8 April 2003

8. Interview with Michael Foot, 7 June 2004

9. Michael Foot to Margaret Cole, 18 November 1959 (Foot Papers [PHM], T1)

10. Arnold Bennett, How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day (Hodder & Stoughton, new edn 1932), p. 122; interview with Michael Foot, 8 April 2003

11. Kenneth O. Morgan, Keir Hardie: Radical and Socialist (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975), p. 191; D. F. Karaka, Then Came Hazrat Ali, p.48

12. F. M. Leventhal, The Last Dissenter: H. N. Brailsford and his World (Oxford University Press, 1985), pp.217–22

13. Report on India League meeting, 28 October 1941: India Political Intelligence Papers, File L/PJ/12/453 (British Library, Oriental and India Office Collections, British Library). I am much indebted to Dr Nick Owen for this reference and material.

14. Karaka’s Nehru: The Lotus Eater from Kashmir (1959) was a scathing attack on Nehru. He also wrote an admiring book about Gandhi, From Dust He Made us Men. I am indebted for information on Karaka to Lord Parekh.

15. See the obituary of Mulk Raj Anand, Independent, 29 September 2004. I am much indebted to Michael Foot for giving me his precious copy of The Untouchable.

16. Interview with Lord Paul, 7 March 2005; correspondence between Michael Foot and Abu (Foot private papers)

17. I am grateful to Professor William Roger Louis of the University of Texas for this information

18. Interview with Michael Foot, 7 June 2005

19. Interview with Michael Foot, 26 October 2004

20. South Wales Argus, 2 November 1935

21. Politics and Letters: Raymond Williams, Interviews with New Left Review (1979), p.32. I am very grateful to Professor Dai Smith, who is writing a major biography of Raymond Williams, for this reference.

22. South Wales Argus, 2 November 1935

23. Ibid., 9 November 1935

24. Ibid.

25. Ibid.

26. Ibid.

27. Ibid.

28. Western Mail, 16 November 1935

29. Frank Keating, ‘Football and Foot, the Pilgrims’ Progressive’, Guardian, 14 May 2004. Sammy Black scored 180 goals in a career lasting fourteen years.

30. Ben P1mlott, Labour and the Left in the 1930s (Cambridge University Press, 1977), pp.54–5

31. Castle, Fighting All the Way, p.78

32. Pimlott, op. cit., pp.56–8

33. Castle, Fighting All the Way, pp.68–9

34. Ibid., p.80

35. Anne Perkins, Red Queen: The Authorized Biography of Barbara Castle (Macmillan, 2003), p.58

36. Stafford Cripps (ed.), The Struggle for Power (Left Book Club, 1936)

37. Ibid., p.240; interview of Michael Foot with Francis Beckett (tape given by kind permission of Francis Beckett)

38. Ibid., p.287

39. Michael Foot, Debts of Honour (Davis-Poynter, 1980), p.72

40. Kingsley Martin, Editor (Hutchinson, 1968), p.296–7

41. Tribune, 3 January 1958

42. Ibid.

43. Foot, introduction to Julius Braunthal, The Tragedy of Austria (Victor Gollancz, 1942)

44. Interview with Michael Foot, 10 February 2003; see also Peter Clarke, The Cripps Version (Allen Lane, 2002), p.75

45. Cripps to Foot, 25 July 1938; Brailsford to Foot, 6 August 1938 (Foot private papers); F. M. Leventhal, The Last Dissenter (Oxford, 1985), p.247

46. Brailsford to Foot, ? August 1938 (Foot private papers)

47. Michael Foot, Aneurin Bevan, Vol. I (MacGibbon & Kee, 1962), pp.155–7

48. Foot, Debts of Honour, pp.72–3

49. Ibid., p.73

50. Ibid., p.95; interview with Michael Foot

51. Foot to Beaverbrook, 15 May 1940 (House of Lords Record Office, Beaverbrook Papers, H/36)

52. Beaverbrook to Foot, 14 May 1940 (ibid.)

53. Daily Express, 27 February 1940

54. See Foot’s excellent entry on Frank Owen in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, 2004)

55. Michael Foot, Debts of Honour, pp.83ff

56. Evening Standard, 9 September 1939

57. Ibid.

58. Michael Foot, Armistice 1918–1939 (Harrap, 1940), pp.11off

59. Interview with Michael Foot, 10 February 2003

60. For Peter Howard, see Anne Wolrige Gordon, Peter Howard: Life and Letters (Hodder & Stoughton, 1969). Howard wrote many books after 1945 for Moral Rearmament, but a particularly relevant work of his here is Beaverbrook: A Study of Max the Unknown (Hutchinson, 1964).

61. Interview with Michael Foot, 17 March 2005

Chapter 3: PURSUING GUILTY MEN (1940–1945)

1. Interviews with Michael Foot, 4 November 2003, 7 March 2005

2. ‘Cato’, Guilty Men (Victor Gollancz, 1940), p.19

3. Ibid., pp.103ff

4. Interview with Michael Foot, 7 March 2005; Ruth Dudley Edwards, Victor Gollancz: A Biography (Victor Gollancz, 1987), p.317; cf. Sheila Hodges, Gollancz: The Story of a Publishing House, 1928–1978 (Victor Gollancz, 1978)

5. A. J. P. Taylor, Beaverbrook (Hamish Hamilton, 1972), p.586

6. Ibid., p.435

7. E.J. Robertson to Beaverbrook, 4 August 1942 (Beaverbrook Papers, H/36); correspondence between Foot and Owen (Foot private papers); Foot’s tribute to Owen appears in the Evening Standard, 15 March 1979

8. Foot to Beaverbrook, 3 September 1942 (Beaverbrook Papers, H/248)

9. Ibid.

10. Mervyn Jones, Michael Foot (Victor Gollancz, 1994), p.107

11. Beaverbrook to Foot, 20 January 1943 (Beaverbrook Papers, H/248)

12. Taped interview of Michael Foot with Francis Beckett

13. My treatment of Foot’s connections with Koestler, Orwell and Silone is based on many conversations with him, especially on 10 October 2005. Also see Foot’s introduction to Silone’s Fontemara (Dent, 1985 edn), and the brilliant essay on Silone, pp.191–242 (and an equally brilliant one on Gaetano Salvemini), in Iris Origo, A Need to Testify: Four Portraits (1985). Interesting is Queenie Leavis to Foot, 22 October 1978 (privately owned).

14. David Cesarani, Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind (Heinemann, 1998), p.188

15. Ibid., p. 197; Koestler to Foot, 10 June, 8 July 1942 (Koestler Archive, Edinburgh University Library)

16. Interview with Michael Foot, 26 October 2004

17. Foot to Edmund Blunden, 12? January (Blunden Papers, Austin, Texas). For Foot’s health see interview in the Guardian, 16 March 2004.

18. Foot to Beaverbrook, 1 November 1943 (Beaverbrook Papers, H/36)

19. Foot to Beaverbrook, ? June 1944 (ibid.)

20. Interviews with Michael Foot, 13 September 2004, 7 March 2005; ‘Cassius’, The Trial of Mussolini (Victor Gollancz, 1943)

21. Interview with Michael Foot, 20 November 2003

22. The Trial of Mussolini, pp.80–2

23. Ruth Dudley Edwards, op. cit., p.395; Foot and Highet, Isaac Foot, p.230

24. Michael Foot, Brendan and Beverley: An Extravaganza (Victor Gollancz, 1944); letter in The Times, 23 November 1944

25. Brendan and Beverley, pp.66–78

26. Cesarani, op. cit., p.222

27. Paul Addison, The Road to 1945 (Jonathan Cape, 1945), p. 189

28. Patricia Hollis, Jennie Lee (Oxford University Press, 1997), pp.100–7

29. Interview with the late Lord Callaghan

30. Michael Foot, Aneurin Bevan, Volume 2 (Davis-Poynter, 1973), p.649

31. Bevis Hillier, John Betjeman: New Fame, New Love (John Murray, 2002), p.243; interview with Michael Foot, the Guardian, 18 March 2002

32. Ibid.

33. Michael Foot, Debts of Honour, p.16. For Labour weakness in this region, see Andrew Thorpe, ‘“One of the Most Backward Areas of the Country”: The Labour Party’s Grass Roots in South West England, 1918–45’, in Matthew Worley (ed.), Labour’s Grass Roots: Essays on the Activities and Experience of Local Labour Parties and Members, 1918–1945 (Ashgate, Aldershot, 2005).

34. Western Morning News, 24, 29 November 1944, 28 June 1945

35. Michael Foot, Another Heart and Other Pulses (William Collins, 1984), p.114

36. Reynolds News, 22 October 1944

37. Percy T. Loosemore to Isaac Foot, 29 January 1945 (Isaac Foot Papers)

38. Dingle Foot to Lady Megan Lloyd George, ? 1949 (Megan Lloyd George Papers, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, MSS. 20475C, 3174); letter from Dingle Foot to the author, 19 July 1973

39. Daily Herald, 1 May 1945

40. For Jill Craigie, see Carl Rollyson, To be a Woman (Aurum, 2005)

41. Interview with Michael Foot, 10 February 2003; Foot’s article in Evening Standard, 19 May 1993

42. Interview with Michael Foot, 15 November 2004

43. Ibid.

44. Castle, Fighting All the Way, p.161

45. Daily Herald, 29 June 1945

46. Western Morning News, 27 June 1945

47. Ibid., 29 June 1945

48. Ibid.

49. See Scott Kelly, ‘“The Ghost of Neville Chamberlain”: Guilty Men and the 1945 Election’, Conservative History Journal (autumn 2005), pp.18–24

50. Western Morning News, 29 June 1945

51. Ibid., 30 August 1945

52. News Chronicle, 27 July 1945

53. A. J. P. Taylor, English History 1914–1945 (Oxford University Press, 1965), p.60

Chapter 4: LOYA OPPOSITIONIST (1945–1951)

1. Daily Herald, 31 July 1945

2. Ian Mikardo, Backbencher (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988), pp.90–1. For Driberg see his autobiography, Ruling Passions (Jonathan Cape, 1977), and Francis Wheen, Tom Driberg: His Life and Indiscretions (Chatto & Windus, 1990), and also correspondence between Foot and Alan Watkins (Foot private papers)

3. Interview with Baroness Mallalieu; interview with Michael Foot, 20 October 2003

4. Jonathan Schneer, Labour’s Conscience (Unwin Hyman, 1988). Despite its title, this is a most informative book.

5. Bertrand de Jouvenel, Problems of Socialist England (1949), p.13

6. Interview with Michael Foot, 15 November 2004; Foot’s articles in the Daily Herald, 23–25 April and 9 August 1946

7. Dalton to Foot, 15 September 1947; Foot to Dalton, 20 September 1947 (Foot Papers [PHM], T1). Niemeyer was Controller of Finance at the Treasury, 1922–27; Catto was Governor of the Bank of England, 1944–49; Eady was Joint Second Secretary at the Treasury 1942–52, in charge of home and overseas finance, also rescuing the British film industry via the ‘Eady Levy’.

8. Cripps to Foot, 14 October 1949 (ibid)

9. Hollis, Jennie Lee, pp.158–60

10. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 413, 336–41 (20 August 1945)

11. Isaac Foot to Michael Foot, July 1945 (Foot private papers)

12. The Times, 22 August 1945; Western Morning News, 23 August 1945

13. Tom Driberg in Sunday Express, 26 August 1945; material in Foot Papers [PHM], M1

14. See Robert Skidelsky, John Maynard Keynes, Vol. 3: Fighting for Britain (Macmillan, 2000), pp.403ff

15. Cabinet Conclusions, 29 November, 5 December 1945 (National Archive, CAB 128/2)

16. Tribune, 14, 21 December 1945

17. Ruth Dudley Edwards, Victor Gollancz, p.417. Also see Matthew Frank, ‘The New Morality – Victor Gollancz, “Save Europe Now” and the German Refugee Crisis, 1945–46’, Twentieth Century British History, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2006), pp.230–56.

18. Ibid., p.419

19. A Palestine Munich? (Victor Gollancz, 1946)

20. Interview with Michael Foot, 7 June 2005; Cesarani, Arthur Koestler, p.264

21. e.g. Daily Herald, 14 March 1947

22. Schneer, op. cit., p.58

23. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 430, 526ff (18 November 1946); interview with Michael Foot, 15 November 2004

24. Daily Herald, 18 December 1947

25. Keep Left (New Statesman Publications, 1947). See David Howell’s excellent article on ‘Keep Left’ in Dictionary of Labour History, Vol. 12 (2005)

26. Daily Herald, 22 August 1947

27. Material in R. W. G. Mackay Papers (British Library of Political and Economic Science, Section 8, File 3)

28. Alan Bullock, Ernest Bevin: Foreign Secretary (Heinemann, 1983), pp.396–400; Denis Healey, The Time of my Life (Michael Joseph, 1989), pp.105–6; Tribune, 6 June 1947

29. Tribune, 23, 30 April 1948. Braddock condemned Foot’s article as an attempt to curry favour with people who ‘will spit in your face, will use you as wage slaves, prostitute your daughters, and make your sons fodder for cannon or worse’. See David Howell’s excellent article on ‘The Nenni Telegram’ in Dictionary of Labour History, Vol. 12.

30. Tribune, 5 November 1948

31. Ibid., 18, 25 March 1949

32. Philip Williams (ed.), The Diary of Hugh Gaitskell, 1945–1956 (Jonathan Cape, 1983), p.77

33. Tosco Fyvel in Tribune, 17 March 1950

34. Michael Foot, ‘A Free Press Means Free Readers’, Daily Herald, 16 July 1946; Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 428, 462–71 (29 October 1946)

35. Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Royal Commission on the Press (Cmd. 7330), pp.1–14 (12 November 1947)

36. Ibid., Thirteenth and Fourteenth Days (Cmd. 7351), pp.17–26 (18 December 1947)

37. Royal Commission on the Press: Report, 1949 (Cmd. 7700), pp.161ff

38. Beaverbrook to Foot, 19 January 1948 (Foot Papers [PHM] P1); interview with Michael Foot, 10 February 2003; Foot, Debts of Honour, pp.102–3; Tribune, 26 November 1948. In Debts of Honour, Foot wrongly gives the year as 1949. The ‘Lower than Kemsley’ article appeared in Tribune on 10 March 1950.

39. Interview with Michael Foot, 10 February 2003

40. Interview with Geoffrey Goodman, 23 March 2004

41. Daily Herald, 15 June 1948

42. Ibid., 21 January 1949

43. See Peggy Duff, Left! Left! Left! (Allison & Busby, 1971)

44. Morgan, Keir Hardie, pp.66–7

45. Peggy Duff, op. cit., p.26

46. Robert Edwards, Goodbye, Fleet Street (Jonathan Cape, 1988), pp.32–3

47. Interview with Michael Foot, 17 September 2003; Tribune, 10 March 1950

48. Interview with Elizabeth Thomas, 4 October 2003

49. Tribune, 30 April 1948

50. Ibid., 30 September 1949

51. Peggy Duff, op. cit., p.26

52. Foot to Phillips, 1 December 1949 (Labour Party Archives, General Secretary’s Papers, GS 27/2)

53. Aneurin Bevan to Huw T. Edwards, 20 June 1949 (National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Huw T. Edwards Papers)

54. Labour Party NEC minutes, 27 April 1949 (Labour Party Archives, PHM); for Silone, conversation with Michael Foot, 10 October 2005

55. Evening Standard, 19 May 1993; interview with Michael Foot, 5 April 2004

56. Jill Craigie to Isaac Foot, ? 1949 (Isaac Foot Papers); Cornish Guardian, 27 October 1949

57. David Berry, Wales and Cinema: The First 100 Years (University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1994), p.173

58. Interview with Michael Foot, 13 January 2004; Castle, Fighting All the Way, p. 161

59. Michael and Jill Foot, telegram to Isaac Foot, 1949 (Isaac Foot Papers); Michael Foot to Isaac Foot, 9 June 1948 (in the author’s possession)

60. Western Morning News, 28 January 1950

61. Colm Brogan, Our New Masters (London, 1948), p.20

62. Foot, Aneurin Bevan, Vol. 2, p.276

63. Michael Foot and Donald Bruce, Who are the Patriots? (Victor Gollancz, 1949)

64. Tribune, 8 October 1948; David Reynolds, Command of History: Churchill Fighting and Writing the Second World War (Penguin, 2004), pp. 142–3

65. Information from Michael Foot; Foot, Debts of Honour, p. 149

66. Foot, Aneurin Bevan, Vol. 2, p.276

67. Western Morning News, 13 February 1950; materials on the 1950 election in Foot Papers [PHM], M1

68. Ibid., 8, 23 February 1950; Foot’s column in the Daily Herald, 31 January 1947

69. Record of the Dorking conference, May 1950 (PHM, Labour Party Archives, General Secretary’s Papers, GS 26/3)

70. Foot, Aneurin Bevan, Vol. 2, p.286

71. Tribune, 3 March 1950

72. Ibid., 15 September 1950

73. Ibid., 30 June, 28 July 1950

74. Ibid., 28 June 1950

75. Ibid., 21 June 1950

76. Asa Briggs, History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom, Vol. IV: Sound and Vision (Oxford University Press, 1979), pp.599–605; Kathleen Burk, Troublemaker: The Life and History of A. J. P. Taylor (Yale University Press, 2000), pp.383–4

77. Cabinet Conclusions, 1 August 1950 (National Archive, CAB/18)

78. Cabinet Committee on the National Health Service (ibid., CAB 134/519)

79. Foot, Aneurin Bevan, Vol. 2, p.292

80. For a fuller account, see Kenneth O. Morgan, Labour in Power 1945–1951 (Oxford University Press, 1984), pp.441–61

81. Cabinet Conclusions, 25 January 1951 (National Archive, CAB 128/19)

82. Ibid., 22 March 1951 (ibid., CAB 128/19)

83. Tribune, 20 April 1951

84. Morgan, Labour in Power, p.454

85. Minutes of Keep Left group, 17 October 1950 (University of Warwick, Modern Records Centre, Crossman Papers, MSS. 154/3/KL/1/1–14)

86. Ibid., 26 April 1951 (Richardson/Mikardo Papers, People’s History Museum)

87. Peggy Duff, op. cit., p.38

88. Briggs, op. cit., p.601

89. Foot, Aneurin Bevan, Vol. 2, p.342; Ben P1mlott (ed.), The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton 1918–40, 1945–60 (Jonathan Cape, 1987), p.547 (1 July 1951)

90. Tribune, 13 July 1951

91. Cabinet Conclusions, 2 July 1951 (National Archive, CAB 128/20)

92. Tribune, 21 September 1951

93. Williams, Gaitskell, p.275

94. Western Morning News, 5 October 1951

95. Ibid., 19 October 1951

96. Material on the Foot – Randolph Churchill relationship, including a file of letters, in Foot Papers [PHM], M1; Charles Wintour to Beaverbrook, 12 October 1956 (HLRO, Beaverbrook Papers, H/260)

97. Review of the present author’s Labour in Power 1945–1951 in Observer, 4 March 1984

98. Interview with Michael Foot, 20 October 2003

99. Philip Williams, ‘Foot-Faults in the Gaitskell – Bevan Match’, Political Studies, xxvii, 2 (April – June 1949), pp. 129ff

Chapter 5: BEVANITE AND TRIBUNITE (1951–1960)

1. Tribune, 14 December 1951

2. Janet Morgan (ed.), The Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, p. 143 (27 November 1952)

3. Foot to Gaitskell, 24 October 1952 (University College, London, Gaitskell Papers, F10/2); Foot, Aneurin Bevan, Vol. 2, p.370

4. Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, pp.156–8 (14 October 1952)

5. Ibid., p.186 (3 December 1952)

6. Interview with Michael Foot, 3 June 2003

7. Castle, Fighting All the Way, p.235

8. The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton, p.583 (7–9 March 1952); Briggs, op. cit., pp.603–59.

9. Mark Jenkins, Bevanism: Labour’s High Tide (Spokesman Press), p.127; interview with Dick Clements, 16 November 2004

10. Keep Left minutes and papers: note by Rose Cohen and Jo Richardson (University of Warwick, MSS. 154/3/KL/3/55)

11. Interview with Michael Foot, 13 January 2004; Castle, Fighting All the Way, pp.202–3

12. Castle, Fighting All the Way, p.202

13. Richard Crossman, ‘Towards a Philosophy of Socialism’, in Crossman (ed.), New Fabian Essays (Turnstile Press, 1952), p.27

14. Castle, Fighting All the Way, p.207

15. Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, p.971 (8 February 1963)

16. Daily Herald, 18 March 1955

17. Robert Edwards, op. cit., p.38

18. Peggy Duff, op. cit., pp.72–3

19. Tribune, 10 March 1950, was the original offending article. For Monckton’s role see Foot to Lord Birkenhead, 1 February 1968 (Foot Papers [PHM], T1)

20. Ibid., October 1954

21. Ibid., 12 November 1954; The Times, 11 November 1954

22. Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, p.364 (15 November 1954)

23. Interview with Ian Aitken

24. Interview with Elizabeth Thomas

25. Personal knowledge; Observer ‘Profile’, 10 March 1974

26. Files on Cameron and Vicky in Foot private papers, and also Foot’s contribution to Russell Davies (ed.), Vicky (Secker & Warburg, 1987)

27. Financial Times, 8 April 1995; Cesarani, Arthur Koestler, pp.399–400

28. Charles Wintour to Beaverbrook, 29 December 1954 (HLRO, Beaverbrook Papers, H/254)

29. Interview with Baroness Mallalieu

30. Information from Michael Foot

31. Pimlott (ed.), Political Diary of Hugh Dalton, p.691 (18 June 1958)

32. Western Morning News, 16 May 1955; entry on Vickers by Patrick Cosgrave, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

33. Ibid., 24 May 1955

34. Ibid.

35. Isaac Foot to Michael Foot, May 1955 (Foot private papers)

36. Tribune, 20 April 1956

37. Michael Foot and Mervyn Jones, Guilty Men 1957 (Victor Gollancz, 1957)

38. John Campbell, Nye Bevan and the Mirage of British Socialism (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987), pp.318–26

39. Tribune, 24 May 1957

40. Ibid., 4 October 1957

41. Interview with Michael Foot, 13 January 2004

42. Ibid.; The Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, p.619 (4 October 1957)

43. John Campbell, op. cit., p.336

44. Tribune, 11 October 1957

45. Interview with Geoffrey Goodman; there is some friendly correspondence between Foot and Cousins in the Cousins Papers, University of Warwick, Modern Records Centre, MSS. 282 and 283

46. Tribune, 18 October 1957; Hollis, op. cit., pp.192–3

47. Robert Edwards, op. cit.; interview with Dick Clements

48. Information from Michael Foot

49. Jennie Lee to Foot (Foot Papers [PHM], T2)

50. Interview with Dick Clements

51. Pimlott (ed.), The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton, p.691 (18 June 1958)

52. Interview with Geoffrey Goodman

53. Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, p.751 (5 June 1959)

54. Parliament in Danger (Pall Mall Press, London), p. 18

55. Tribune, 28 November 1958

56. Daily Herald, 28, 29 May 1958; Foot to Peter Jackson, 16 June 1958 (Foot Papers [PHM] T1); obituary of David Ross by Peter Hitchens in Guardian, 17 August 2004

57. Daily Herald, 31 May 1958

58. Interview with Michael Foot, 5 July 2005

59. Western Morning News, 17 September 1959

60. Daily Express, 14 March 1959

61. Foot to Jackson, 16 June 1958; Jackson to Foot, 25 November 1958 (Foot Papers [PHM], T1)

62. Foot to Jackson, 26 November 1958; Jackson to Foot, 27 November 1958 (Foot Papers [PHM] T1)

63. Western Morning News, 23 September 1959

64. Ibid., 1 October 1959

65. Ibid., 3 October 1959

66. Foot to Jackson, 8 May 1959 (Foot Papers [PHM], T2)

67. Material on Jackson, ibid.

68. Foot, Aneurin Bevan, Vol. 2, p.648

69. Ibid., p.653

70. Ibid., p.655

71. Interview with Michael Foot

72. Daily Herald, 9 September 1960

73. Interview with Geoffrey Goodman

74. Western Mail, 25 September 1960

75. Ron Evans Papers in the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. I am very grateful to John Graham Jones for his assistance.

76. Daily Herald, 19 November 1960

77. Ron Evans to Fred Hardwicke, 5 November 1960 (Ron Evans Papers, File 6)

78. Callaghan to Ron Evans, 21 November 1960 (National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Ron Evans Papers, File 6); see Daily Telegraph, 15 November 1960

79. Gaitskell to Foot, 10 November (ibid., File 7)

80. Guardian, 17 November 1960

81. Ibid., 19 November 1960

82. Mervyn Jones, op cit., p.253; Foot to Mackenzie (Mackenzie Papers, Harry Ransom Humanities Center, University of Texas, Austin)

83. Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, p.862 (4 August 1960)


1. Jennie Lee to Isaac Foot, 28 October 1960 (Isaac Foot Papers)

2. Interview with Michael Foot; Michael Foot to Isaac Foot, 9 January 1958 (Isaac Foot Papers)

3. Interview with Michael Foot, 13 December 2004

4. George Orwell, ‘Politics vs. Literature’, Polemic, 5, September – October 1946; Foot, Debts of Honour, p.207

5. I am much indebted to helpful information and judgements on Swift from Dr James Ward of the University of Leeds. I have also received authoritative advice from Professor Paul Langford, Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford.

6. Foot, Debts of Honour, p.206; interview with Lord Kinnock, 30 January 2006

7. Orwell, op. cit.

8. John Foot to Michael Foot, ? November 1957

9. e.g. Swift’s Short View of the State of Ireland (1728)

10. Roy Carroll, Modern Ireland, 1600–1972 (Allen Lane, 1988), p.181

11. Foot, Debts of Honour, pp.65–9

12. Interview with Michael Foot, 13 December 2004; John Foot to Michael Foot, 7 December 1998 (Foot private papers)

13. Jonathan Swift, Conduct of the Allies (Oxford University Press, 1896 edn), p.48; cf. Foot, The Pen and the Sword (MacGibbon & Kee, 1957), pp.323ff

14. Irvin Ehrenpreis, Swift: The Man, his Works and the Age, Vol. 2 (Methuen, 1967), pp.484–5; Maximillian E. Novak, Daniel Defoe: Master of Fictions (Oxford University Press, 2003 edn), pp.387ff

15. Foot, The Pen and the Sword, pp.42ff

16. Foot, Debts of Honour, pp.173–5

17. Ibid., pp.185–7

18. Foot, The Pen and the Sword, p.9

19. Ehrenpreis, op. cit., p.493

20. Ibid., p.500

21. Interview with Michael Foot, 13 December 2004

22. Foot, Debts of Honour, p.208

23. Ibid., pp.206–7

24. Orwell, loc. cit.; interview with Geoffrey Goodman

25. Isaac Foot to Hugh Foot

26. Sunday Times, 24 November 1957; Observer, 24 November 1957

27. Notably J. A. Downie, Robert Harley and the Press: Propaganda and Public Opinion in the Age of Swift and Defoe (Cambridge University Press, 1979) and idem, Jonathan Swift: Political Writer (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984); David Nokes, Jonathan Swift. A Hypocrite Reversed: A Critical Biography (Oxford University Press, 1985); and Ian Higgins, Swift’s Politics: A Study in Disaffection (Cambridge University Press, 1994). I am most grateful to Lord Rowlands, himself an authority on the career of Robert Harley, and Dr James Ward for their advice on these matters.

28. Robert Walcott, English Politics in the Early Eighteenth Century (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1956)

29. J. A. Downie, Jonathan Swift: Political Writer, pp.x–xi, 344–5; Ian Higgins, op. cit., pp.12–13, 171ff

30. CND executive committee minutes, 1958–63 (University of Warwick, Modern Records Centre, MSS. 181), minutes of 21 January 1958. See generally Frank Parkin, Middle Class Radicals (University of Manchester Press, 1968), and John Minnion and Philip Bolsover (eds), The CND Story (London, 1983).

31. CND minutes of 28 January 1958

32. Ibid., minutes of 1958–61; Kathleen Burk, op. cit., p.214

33. Mikardo, Backbencher, pp.160–1

34. Castle, Fighting All the Way, p.257

35. Interviews with the late Lord Orme, 28 October 2004, and Baroness Gould of Potter Newton, 20 July 2005

36. Interview with Dick Clements

37. Ibid.

38. Foot to Peter Jackson, 16 June 1958 (Foot Papers [PHM] T1)

39. Foot, ‘Why I Back Cousins on the Bomb’, Daily Herald, 27 September 1960

40. Foot to Margaret Cole, 1 December 1960 (Foot Papers [PHM] T1)

41. Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, p.907 (14 December 1960)

42. For a good account of the growth of CDS see Brian Brivati, Hugh Gaitskell (Richard Cohen Books, 1996), pp. 376ff

43. CND executive committee minutes, 7 March 1963 (loc. cit.)

44. Olive Gibbs to Foot, 16 April 1964 (Foot Papers [PHM] T1)

45. A. J. P. Taylor, A Personal History (Hamish Hamilton, 1983), p.227

46. For the diplomatic aspects of the Iraq War, see John Kampfner, Blair’s Wars (Free Press, new edn 2004), and James Naughtie, The Accidental American (Macmillan, 2004). For the context in international law, see Philippe Sands, Lawless World (Allen Lane, 2005), especially pp.173ff, ‘Kicking Ass in Iraq’, a devastating critique.

47. Interview with Michael Foot, 26 October 2004

48. Anthony Powell, quoted in Gordon Bowker, George Orwell (Little, Brown, 2003), p.361

49. Interview with Michael Foot, 10 October 2005

50. Ibid.

Chapter 7: TOWARDS THE MAINSTREAM (1960–1968)

1. John Elliott, The Industrial Development of the Ebbw Valleys, 1780–1914 (University of Wales Press, 2004)

2. Ibid., p.95

3. Interviews with Michael Foot, 26 October 2004, 23 January 2005

4. Daily Herald, 1960, quoted in Mervyn Jones, op. cit., p.252

5. See ‘Michael Foot on Aneurin Bevan’, Llafur, 1, No. 3 (May 1974). For the earlier phase of the working-class radicalism of the Gwent valleys see David J. V. Jones, Before Rebecca (Allen Lane, 1973) and The Last Rising (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1985)

6. Interviews with Michael Foot, 26 October 2004, 23 January 2006

7. Interview with Alan Fox, 18 March 2004

8. Ibid.

9. Interview with Michael Foot, 26 October 2004; conversation with John Powell’s widow, 7 March 2006

10. Tribune, 25 November 1960

11. For a full exegesis of Foot’s view see his letter to the Guardian, 14 December 1961 (draft in Foot Papers [PHM] T1)

12. Correspondence between Foot and Bowden in Foot Papers [PHM], M2

13. Christopher Foot to Dingle Foot, 23 November 1961 (Foot Papers [PHM] P1); Foot and Highet, Isaac Foot, pp.332–42; Mervyn Jones, op. cit.

14. Interview with Michael Foot, 23 June 2004

15. Correspondence between Michael Bessie and Foot (Foot private papers)

16. Anthony Hern to Charles Wintour, 25 June, 27 August 1962 (HLRO, Beaverbrook Papers, H/268)

17. John Campbell, Nye Bevan and the Mirage of British Socialism, p.xiv

18. Morgan, Labour in Power, pp.455–61. Similar conclusions are reached by Peter Hennessy, Never Again, pp.416–19.

19. Dai Smith, Aneurin Bevan and the World of South Wales (University of Wales Press, Cardiff); Ben P1mlott, ‘The Future of Political Biography’, in Frustrate Their Knavish Tricks (HarperCollins, 1994), pp. 149ff

20. Interview with Michael Foot, 13 January 2004

21. ‘Up the Garden’, Spectator, 22 January 1960

22. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 674, 1593–1600 (28 March 1963)

23. Elizabeth Thomas to Ron Evans, 31 October 1964 (National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Ron Evans Papers, File 18)

24. Michael Foot to Ron Evans, 7 January 1964 (ibid.)

25. E. P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (Victor Gollancz, 1963), pp.746–8

26. Interview with Michael Foot, 5 July 2005

27. Foot, Debts of Honour, pp.206–7

28. See Leo Abse, Private Member (Macdonald, 1973)

29. Charles Wintour to Beaverbrook, 29 April 1965 (HLRO, Beaverbrook Papers, H/268)

30. Foot, Debts of Honour, p.63

31. Sunday Times, 29 August 1982 (Vincent’s review of T. R. Fyvel, George Orwell: A Personal Memoir)

32. Wheen, Tom Driberg, p.353

33. Interview with Michael Foot, 13 January 2004; Tony Benn, Out of the Wilderness: Diaries 1963–67 (Macmillan, 1987), pp.390–1 (11 February 1966)

34. Meeting of Economic Affairs Committee, MISC 1, 17 October 1964 (CAB 129/119); Economist, 28 November 1964; Kenneth Morgan, Callaghan: A Life (Oxford University Press, 1997), pp.214–18. The reference to Canossa is to the Holy Roman Emperor, Henry IV, standing in the snow in penance at Canossa in 1077 to try to escape excommunication by Pope Gregory VII.

35. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 711, 1646–58 (6 May 1965); interview with Lord Varley.

36. Interview with Lord Orme

37. Morgan, Callaghan, pp.224–5

38. See Foot’s essay on Vicky, Debts of Honour, pp.145–8; and Michael Foot, ‘The Anarchist with a Force More Explosive than Bombs’, Evening Standard, 24 February 1966

39. Economist, 23 June 1966

40. Foot to Wilson, 2 August 1966 (Foot Papers [PHM] T2)

41. Interview with Michael Foot, 13 January 2004

42. Interview with Geoffrey Goodman and with Michael Foot, 23 January 2006

43. Foot to Wilson, 26 March 1968; Wilson to Foot, 22 April 1968 (Foot Papers [PHM] T2)

44. ‘The Credo of the New Left’ (interview with Robin Blackburn and Alexander Cockburn), New Left Review, 49 (May – June 1968), pp.19–34

45. Tribune, 5 June 1966

46. Edmund Dell, A Strange Eventful History (HarperCollins, 2000), p.335

47. Interview with Michael Foot, 1 March 2004; Paul Foot, The Rise of Enoch Powell (Cornmarket Press, 1969)

48. Interview with Michael Foot, 1 March 2004

49. Interview with Jackjones, 15 July 2004

Chapter 8: UNION MAN (1968–1974)

1. Minutes of Advisory Committee on Policy, 6 February 1963 (Conservative Party Archives, Bodleian Library, ACP/63/103)

2. Paul Davies and Mark Freedland, Labour Legislation and Public Policy (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993), pp. 244–5

3. George Thomas to Harold Wilson, 18 June 1969 (Callaghan Papers, private)

4. Barbara Castle, Diaries 1964–1970 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984), pp.646–7 (7 May 1969)

5. Roy Jenkins, Life at the Centre (Macmillan, 1991), p.288

6. Interview with the late Lord Murray of Epping Forest, 11 December 1996

7. Henry Phelps Brown, The Origins of Trade Union Power (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1983)

8. Morgan, Callaghan, pp.360–1

9. Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, 1968–70, pp.440–1 (15 April 1969)

10. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 777, 84–92 (3 February 1969)

11. Ibid., Vol. 778, 368–79 (19 February 1969)

12. Ibid., Vol. 779, 935–9 (14 April 1969)

13. Alan Watkins in the Spectator, 24 December 1965

14. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 798, 1491–8 (25 March 1970)

15. Morning Star, 11 March 1969

16. Tribune, 7, 14 February 1969

17. Rita Hinden, ‘Left, Further Left and Protest Left’, Socialist Commentary, October 1968, pp.8–11

18. Pimlott, Harold Wilson, pp.566–7

19. The Times, ? 1970: cutting in Foot private papers

20. Correspondence of Michael Bessie and Michael Foot (ibid.)

21. Interview with Michael Foot, 13 January 2004

22. Philip Williams, ‘Foot-Faults in the Gaitskell – Bevan Match’, loc. cit.

23. Geoffrey Goodman (ed.), State of the Nation (1997)

24. Defence statement drawn up by Leon Brittan QC, Desmond Donnelly v. Michael Foot and Davis Poynter, Ltd, 20 November 1973 (National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Desmond Donnelly Papers, Box 3); The Times, 5 April 1974. The coroner decided that Donnelly took his own life while depressed.

25. Interview with Jack Jones; minutes of the Labour Party/TUC Liaison Committee (Foot private papers)

26. Wheen, Tom Driberg, p.401

27. Notes on Shadow Cabinet meetings, 16 July–13 October 1970 (Foot Papers [PHM] C1, entry of 16 July 1970); see Patrick Bell, Labour in Opposition 1970–1974 (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 2004) for the general context

28. Notes on Shadow Cabinet meetings, 13 October 1970

29. Interview with Eric Varley

30. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 845, 933ff; obituary of Lord Donaldson, Guardian, 3 September 2005

31. Interview with Jack Jones

32. Interview with Michael Foot, 22 June 2004

33. Eric Heffer to Michael Foot, 23 August 1961 (Foot Papers [PHM] T2)

34. Roy Jenkins, op. cit., p.337

35. e.g. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 867, 2009–18 (24 January 1974); and materials in Foot private papers

36. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 831, 742 (17 February 1972); materials in Foot private papers

37. Mervyn Jones, op. cit., p.334

38. Raymond Blackburn to Foot, 7 March 1972, and other miscellaneous papers in Foot private papers; Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 840, 1963–73 (13 July 1972)

39. Interview with Lord Orme

40. Interview with Michael Foot, 5 April 2004

41. Michael Foot, ‘My Only Venice’, Art Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1988), pp.35–8; interview with Michael Foot, 20 October 2003

42. Interview with Vesna Gamulin, Dubrovnik, 22 August 2005

43. Interview with Michael Foot, 7 June 2005

44. Indira Gandhi to Foot, 25 October 1972 (Foot Papers [PHM] T1)

45. cf. Douglas Hurd, An End to Promises (William Collins, 1975), pp.135–6

46. Guardian, 6 March 1974; Ron Evans Papers; interview with Huw Thomas

47. Morgan, Callaghan, p.406

48. Interview with Jack Jones

49. Castle, Diaries 1974–76, p.35 (5 March 1974)

Chapter 9: SOCIAL CONTRACT (1974–1976)

1. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 870, 678 (18 March 1974)

2. Guardian, 6 March 1974; Bernard Donoughue, The Heat of the Kitchen (Politico’s, 2003), p.124

3. Stephen Dorrill and Robin Ramsay, Smear!: Wilson and the Secret State (Grafton Books, 1992), p.258

4. Castle, Fighting All the Way, p.446

5. Castle, Diaries 1974–76, p. 159 (30 July 1974); Robert Armstrong to D. H. O. Owen, Lord Chancellor’s Office, 16 May 1974; Owen to Armstrong, 17 May 1974 (National Archives, PREM 16/206); obituary of Lord Donaldson, loc. cit.

6. Interview with Roger Dawe, 3 March 2004; Eric Hobsbawm, Interesting Times (Allen Lane, 2002), p.170

7. Interview with Albert Booth, 6 July 2004

8. Interviews with Lord Evans of Parkside, 20 July 2004, Lord McNally, 17 January 2006, and Sir Michael Quinlan, 1 September 2004

9. Interview with Albert Booth

10. Interview with Keith McDowall, 29 March 2004; John Fraser to the author, 31 August 2006

11. Ibid.

12. Interview with Caerwyn Roderick, 9 May 2005

13. Interview with Lord Wedderburn, 3 March 2004. I am much indebted to Lord Wedderburn for much valuable help on these matters.

14. Interview with Elizabeth Thomas

15. Interview with Albert Booth

16. Interviews with Elizabeth Thomas and Vivian Williams, 4 October 2003, and with Jacqui Lait, 8 July 2005

17. Interview with Roger Dawe; Castle, Fighting All the Way, p. 159

18. Sir Kenneth Barnes to the author, 22 June 2004; interview with Lord Hattersley, 15 September 2004

19. Mervyn Jones, op. cit., p.397. I have been unable to contact Sir Donald Derx

20. Interview with Roger Dawe

21. Interview with Keith McDowall; Robert Harris, Good and Faithful Servant (Faber & Faber, 1990), p.59

22. Interviews with Keith McDowall, Lord Morris of Aberavon and Caerwyn Roderick, and conversation with Lord Jones of Deeside

23. Dr Andrew Graham to the author, 21 January 2005

24. Edmund Dell, A Hard Pounding (Oxford University Press, 1991), pp.105–6

25. Conversation with Baroness Turner of Camden

26. Interview with Roger Dawe

27. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 870, 688–703

28. Guardian, 19 March 1974

29. Information from Lord Prior

30. cf. Foot’s memorandum ‘Development of the Social Contract on Pay’, 13 June 1975 (CAB 129/183/17)

31. Foot’s memorandum, ‘Unemployment Measures’, 18 September 1975 (CAB 129/184/20) and Cabinet Conclusions, 22 September 1975 (CAB 128/57). For Chrysler UK, see Cabinet Conclusions, 4 December 1975 (ibid.) and Foot’s memorandum, ‘Chrysler: Redundancy Arrangements’, 24 November 1975 (CAB 129/186/15)

32. Interview with Lord Murray of Epping Forest, 7 October 2003

33. Interviews with Lord Varley and Lord Orme

34. The Times, 9 May 1974

35. Jack Jones, Union Man (William Collins, 1986), p.274

36. Joe Gormley, Battered Cherub (Hamish Hamilton, 1982), p.143

37. Cabinet Conclusions, 5 and 7 March 1974 (CAB 128/54); correspondence between Foot and Frank Figgures, 10 March–10 June 1974 (EH 1/129)

38. Cabinet Conclusions, 7 March 1974 (CAB 128/54)

39. Ibid.; interview with Albert Booth; interview with Michael Foot, 1 March 2004

40. Parl. Deb., Vol. 871, 1286–99 (3 April 1974)

41. Memoranda by the Secretary of State for Employment, ‘Repeal of the Industrial Relations Act’, 20 March 1974 (CAB 129/175/11), 5 April 1974 (CAB 129/175/25) and 25 April 1974 (CAB 129/176/5); interview with Lord Wedderburn

42. Foot’s article in Tribune, 26 April 1974; ‘The Trade Union and Labour Relations Bill’ (PPC (74) (2), 3 May 1974 (Conservative Party Archives, Bodleian Library, CRD 4/4/76); John Fraser to the author, 31 August 2006

43. Cabinet Conclusions, 28 March 1974 (CAB 128/54)

44. Ibid., 10 April 1974

45. Ibid., 25 April 1974

46. The Times, 1 May 1974

47. Lord Wedderburn, The Worker and the Law (Sweet & Maxwell, 3rd edn 1986), pp.586ff

48. Guardian, 31 July 1974

49. Wedderburn, The Worker and the Law, p.725; idem, Law and Freedom: Further Essays in Labour Law (Lawrence & Wishart, 1995), p.361

50. Interview with Michael Foot, 1 March 2004

51. The Times, 8 October 1974

52. Ibid., 2 October 1974

53. Ibid., 8 October 1974

54. Jack Jones, op. cit., p.284

55. Cabinet Conclusions, 24 October 1974 (CAB 128/55)

56. Department of Employment: ‘Government Proposals for a Conciliation and Arbitration Service, 17 May 1974’ (Confederation of Employee Organisations Papers, University of Warwick, Modern Records Centre, MSS. 61/3/4/20); Davies and Freedland, op. cit., p.409

57. Robert Taylor, The Trade Union Question in British Politics (Blackwell, 1993), p.239

58. Interview with Albert Booth

59. Davies and Freedland, op. cit., p.395

60. Cabinet Conclusions, 9 October 1975 (CAB 128/57); Foot’s memorandum on ‘The Law on P1cketing’, 25 September 1975 (CAB 129/185/15); Jenkins, op. cit., p.417

61. Cabinet Conclusions, 19 June 1975 (CAB 128/56)

62. The Times, 17 December 1974

63. Cabinet Conclusions, 11 November 1974 (CAB 128/55); ‘Note on the Trade Union and Labour Relations Amendment Bill Debate’ (Conservative Party Archives, CRD/4/4/75)

64. Cabinet Conclusions, 11 November 1974 (CAB 128/55)

65. Taylor, op. cit., p.229

66. Brian Brivati, Lord Goodman (Cohen Books, 1999), p.232; Nora Beloff, Freedom Under Foot: The Battle Over the Closed Shop in British Journalism (Temple Smith, 1976), p.31; Anthony Lester, ‘The Home Office Again’, in Andrew Adonis and Keith Thomas (eds), Roy Jenkins: A Retrospective (Oxford University Press, 2004), p.154

67. Jenkins, op. cit., p.427; interview with Baroness Williams of Crosby; information from Professor David Marquand

68. Interview with Ian Aitken; Paul Nicholson to Foot, 12 March 1976 (COEO Papers, University of Warwick, Modern Records Centre, MSS. 61/3/4/20)

69. Guardian, 23 November 1974. cf. Foot’s memorandum ‘Freedom of the Press’, 3 December 1974 (CAB 129/180/3)

70. Brivati, op. cit., pp.229ff

71. Cabinet Conclusions, 6 November 1975 (CAB 128/57)

72. Beloff, op. cit., p.60

73. Interview with Albert Booth

74. Beloff, op. cit., pp.76–8

75. Brivati, op. cit., pp.231ff

76. Interview with Lord Hattersley

77. The Times, 22 January 1976

78. Clause 2, Trade Union and Labour Relations (Amendment) Act, 1976

79. Michael Foot to Ian Gow, 3 February 1976 (Conservative Party Archives, CRD 4/4/76)

80. James Prior, paper on ‘Industrial Relations and the Trade Unions’ (Conservative Party Archives, ACP/76/1)

81. Guardian, 24 January 1975

82. Interview with Lord Healey, 23 October 2003

83. Guardian, 16 June 1975

84. Interview with Baroness Williams of Crosby

85. Cabinet Conclusions, 20 June 1974 (CAB 128/54)

86. Guardian, 3 March 1975; interview with Lord Morris of Aberavon

87. Cabinet Conclusions, 20 June 1975 (CAB 128/55); Donoughue, op. cit., p.165; Castle, Diaries 1974–76, pp.422–3 (19 June 1975)

88. Cabinet Conclusions, 10 July 1975 (CAB 128/57); Guardian, 23, 30 July 1975; Edward Pearce, Denis Healey (Little, Brown, 2002), pp.443–4; interview with Ian Aitken

89. Guardian, 30 September 1975; The Times, 30 September 1975

90. Ibid.

91. Interview with Tony Benn, 25 January 2005; Castle, Diaries 1974–76, p.45, n.3

92. Castle, Diaries 1974–76, p.161 (30 July 1974)

93. Donoughue, op. cit., p. 159

94. Interview with Tony Benn

95. Printed in Foot, Loyalists and Loners, pp.43ff

96. Crossman, introduction to Walter Bagehot, The English Constitution (1963 edn)

97. Crossman’s diaries were published jointly by Hamish Hamilton and Jonathan Cape; Anthony Howard, Crossman: The Pursuit of Power (Jonathan Cape, 1990), p.7

98. Material in Ron Evans Papers (National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, File 11); interviews with Lord Morris of Aberavon and with Hugh Thomas

99. Interview with Lord Morris of Aberavon; Western Mail, 8 February 1975

100. Western Mail, 9 February 1975

101. Ibid., 13 February 1975

102. Interview with Lord Paul; see also his memoirs, Beyond Boundaries (Penguin Books India, New Delhi), pp.45–8, 155–7

103. Western Mail, 23 November 1978

104. Conversation with Lord Brookman

105. Morgan, Callaghan, pp.413ff

106. Foot, Benn and Shore to Wilson, 16 December 1974; Wilson to Foot, 24 December 1974; Benn to Wilson, 2 January 1975; Foot to Wilson, 3 January 1975 (PREM 16/558)

107. Ibid., p.425; Tony Benn, Against the Tide: Diaries 1973–76 (Hutchinson, 1989), pp.34–9 (17–18 March 1975), gives a full account; Dell, Strange Eventful History, p.425

108. Cabinet Conclusions, 18 March 1975 (CAB 128/56)

109. The Times, 27 April 1975; Benn, op. cit., p.309 (26 April 1975)

110. Materials in Foot private papers

111. Interview with Lord Callaghan

112. Guardian, 19 March 1975

113. Interviews with Albert Booth and Caerwyn Roderick

114. Interview with the late Lord Jay of Battersea

115. Castle, Diaries 1974–76, pp.717–18 (5 April 1976)

116. The Times, 3 April 1976

117. Diary notes of Lord Callaghan (Callaghan Papers), 3, 5 April 1976

118. Callaghan diary, 5 April 1976; Castle, Diaries 1974–76, pp.725–7 (8 April 1976); Foot’s comments at Lord Orme memorial celebration, House of Lords, 16 November 2005

Chapter 10: HOUSE AND PARTY LEADER (1976–1980)

1. I am very grateful for information from Mr Clive Saville here

2. Information from Lord Biffen, 29 June 2004

3. Memorandum of duties for the Lord President (Foot private papers)

4. Information from Clive Saville

5. Ibid.; information from Michael and the late Jill Foot

6. Interview by Jim Perrin, ‘Figures in their Landscapes’, Guardian, 16 May 1992

7. Interview with Lord Hattersley; Hattersley’s article in Observer, 13 July 2003

8. Andy McSmith, John Smith (Verso, 1993), pp.76–8

9. Interview with Elizabeth Thomas, 4 October 2003

10. Interview with Sir Michael Quinlan, 1 September 2004

11. Interview with Jacqui Lait, 8 July 2004

12. Information from Clive Saville, along with fine political profiles of Warren in The Times (? 1977) by Peter Hennessy, in the Guardian (? 1978) by Simon Hoggart, and an obituary of him in the Independent by Lord Glenamara

13. Information from Clive Saville

14. Interview with Vivian Williams, 4 October 2003

15. Information from Clive Saville

16. Private information

17. Interview with the late Baroness Castle; Tony Benn, Conflicts of Interest: Diaries 1977–80 (Hutchinson, 1990), p.50 (27 February 1977)

18. Interview with Lord Callaghan; interviews with Michael Foot; interview with Lord McNally, 17 February 2006

19. Interview with Sir Thomas McCaffrey, 24 March 2004

20. Callaghan MS notes (in the possession of Baroness Jay)

21. Interviews with Lord Healey, 23 October 2003, and Baroness Williams of Crosby, 1 November 2004

22. Interview with Lord Hattersley, 15 September 2004

23. Foot to Crosland, 15 September 1976 (private possession)

24. Michael Heseltine, Life in the Jungle: My Autobiography (Hodder & Stoughton, 2000), pp.170–1

25. Callaghan diary note, 5 March 1976 (Callaghan Papers)

26. Foot to Healey, quoted in Pearce, Denis Healey, p.462

27. Pearce, op. cit., p.469 (Healey diary entry of 27 September 1976)

28. Material in Foot Papers [PHM], Cu; Judith Brown, Modern India: The Origins of an Asian Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2nd edn 1994), PP.375–8

29. E. P. Thompson, Writing by Candlelight (Merlin Press, 1980), pp.145–6; Moni Cameron to Foot, 23 February 1976 (Foot private papers)

30. Judith Brown, op. cit., pp.376–7; Ramachandra Guha, ‘An Indian Fall’, Prospect, December 2005, p.34; Michael Foot, Dr Strangelove, I Presume (Victor Gollancz, 1999), p.92. Foot admits that Mrs Gandhi’s excuses for the state of emergency in 1976 were ‘pitifully inadequate’.

31. Guardian, 7 January 1977; Rajiv Gandhi to Foot. 15 February 1985 (Foot Papers [PHM], C11)

32. Times of India cuttings in Foot Papers, ibid.

33. Western Mail, 23 November 1978

34. Morgan, Callaghan, pp.544–54

35. Ibid., p.548

36. Interviews with Lord Hattersley, Lord McNally and Baroness Williams of Crosby

37. Benn, Against the Tide: Diaries 1973–76, pp.673–4 (2 December 1976)

38. Morgan, Callaghan, p.550

39. Ibid., p.552; interview with Lord Barnett, 30 January 2006

40. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 921, 834 (30 November 1976); Norman Tebbit, Upwardly Mobile (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988), p.192

41. Notes on the Lib – Lab pact, including diary notes (Callaghan Papers)

42. Information from Michael Foot

43. Interview with Lord Steel, 20 July 2004; material in the Callaghan Papers and interviews with Lord Callaghan

44. Interview with Lord Callaghan

45. Material on the Lib – Lab pact in the Callaghan Papers

46. Guardian, 29 March 1977

47. Interviews with Michael Foot and Lord Steel, and with Lord Owen, 15 March 2004

48. Benn, Conflicts of Interest: Diaries 1977–80, pp.85–91 (23 March 1977)

49. Ibid., p.91 (23 March 1977)

50. Interview with Lord Steel

51. The best scholarly book on this is Vernon Bogdanor, Devolution in the United Kingdom (Oxford University Press, new edn 1999)

52. Interview with Sir Michael Quinlan

53. Kenneth O. Morgan, The Red Dragon and the Red Flag (National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1989); also see my Rebirth of a Nation: Wales 1880–1980 (Oxford University Press and University of Wales Press, 1981), p.298

54. Daily Herald, 29 December 1950

55. Morgan, Keir Hardie, pp. 118–19; John Shepherd, George Lansbury (Oxford University Press, 2002), p.220

56. Interview with Sir Michael Quinlan

57. Ibid.

58. Interview with Lord Morris of Aberavon, 25 January 2005

59. Information from Clive Saville

60. Interview with Tony Benn, 25 January 2005; Hunt memorandum to Callaghan, ? 1977 (Callaghan Papers, Box 19); interview with the late Lord Hunt of Tanworth, 17 October 1996

61. Interviews with Sir Michael Quinlan and Sir Tom McCaffrey

62. Interview with Sir Michael Quinlan

63. Personal knowledge

64. Interview with Sir Michael Quinlan

65. Information from Alan Watkins

66. See pp.365–7

67. Cledwyn Hughes, diary, 22 February 1978 (National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Hughes Papers). There are two communications from Foot on devolution in 1977 (National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Labour Party Wales Papers, 51, 112)

68. Derek Gladwin Papers (Bodleian Library, merged with Callaghan Papers)

69. Interviews with Lord Hattersley and Michael Foot

70. Interview with Geoffrey Goodman; notes of 11 September 1978 in Callaghan paper on election decision; Donoughue, op. cit., p.258

71. Interviews with Lord Callaghan and Sir Robert Worcester

72. Morgan, Callaghan, p.657

73. Interview with Sir Kenneth Stowe

74. Donoughue, op. cit., p.262; interview with Lord McNally, 17 January 2006

75. Material in possession of Lord Donoughue

76. Benn, Conflicts of Interest: Diaries 1977–80, p.438 (15 January 1979)

77. Callaghan diary note (Callaghan Papers); Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 957, 813–18 (25 January 1979)

78. Donoughue, Prime Minister (Jonathan Cape, 1987), pp.176, 183

79. Note on ‘How the Government Fell’ in Callaghan Papers and Foot Papers [PHM], C1

80. Ibid.

81. Ibid.; Benn, Conflicts of Interest: Diaries 1977–80, p.472 (15 March 1979)

82. ‘How the Government Fell’

83. Ibid.

84. Ibid.

85. Interview with Lord Hattersley

86. ‘How the Government Fell’

87. Ibid.

88. Ibid.

89. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 965, 575–84

90. Benn, Conflicts of Interest: Diaries 1977–80, p.482 (2 April 1979)

91. Guardian, 24 April 1979

92. Donoughue, Prime Minister, p.191

93. Foot, foreword to Debts of Honour

94. Ibid., pp.71ff

95. David Kogan and Maurice Kogan, The Battle for the Labour Party (Fontana Paperbacks, 1982), pp.23ff

96. Report of the Seventy-Eighth Annual Conference of the Labour Party, 1979, p.213

97. Conversation with Michael Foot

98. Benn, Conflicts of Interest: Diaries 1977–80, pp. 150–1 (25 May 1977)

99. Morgan, Callaghan, pp.716–17

100. Benn, The End of an Era: Diaries 1980–90, p.9 (15 June 1980)

101. Guardian, 15 October 1980

102. Stuart Holland to Michael Foot, 17 October 1980 (Foot Papers [PHM] L1)

103. Conversations with Lord Orme, Lord Dubs and others

104. Interview with Michael Foot; interview with Lord Varley, 2 November 2004

105. Interview with Dick Clements, 16 November 2004

106. Interview with Lord Orme, 28 October 2004

107. Information from Alan Watkins; Alan Watkins, A Short Walk Down Fleet Street (Duckworth, 2000), pp.180–1

108. Benn, Conflicts of Interest: Diaries 1977–80, p.38 (19 October 1977)

109. Mrs Elizabeth Shore to the author, July 2004

110. Parl. Deb., 5th ser., Vol. 991, 601–9 (29 October 1980); conversation with Lord Howe, 19 June 2006

111. Interview with Lord Orme

112. Interview with Lord Kinnock, 30 January 2006; Pearce, Denis Healey, pp.540–3; obituary of Philip Whitehead by Roy Hattersley, Guardian, 2 January 2006

113. Pearce, Denis Healey, p.543; Denis Healey, The Time of My Life, p.477; Ivor Crewe and Anthony King, SDP: The Birth, Life and Death of the Social Democratic Party (Oxford University Press, 1995), p.75

114. Interview with Lord Kinnock; Giles Radice, Diaries 1980–2001 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2004), p.20 (20 October 1980)

115. David Owen, Time to Declare (Michael Joseph, 1991), p.458; interview with Lord Owen

116. Interview with Ian Aitken. George Lansbury is another, perhaps.

117. Letters to Foot from Tony Benn (11 November 1980), Olive Gibbs (10 November 1980), Bruce Grocott MP (11 November 1980), David Stoddart MP (10 November 1980), Spike Milligan (12 November 1980) in Foot Papers [PHM] L1. Other correspondents sending warm congratulations include Frank Field MP, Nicholas Kaldor, David Ennals MP and Jeremy Bray.

118. Interview with Sir Gerald Kaufman, 10 March 2005

Chapter 11: TWO KINDS OF SOCIALISM (1980–1983)

1. I have discussed this theme at more length in ‘A Comparative Case Study of Labour Prime Ministers: Attlee, Wilson, Callaghan and Blair’, in Nicholas D. J. Baldwin (ed.), Executive Leadership and Legislative Assemblies (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 2006), pp.38–52; and also in Labour People: Leaders and Lieutenants, Hardie to Kinnock (Oxford University Press, 1987)

2. Interviews with Lord Varley, Lord Hattersley, Sir Gerald Kaufman and Geoffrey Goodman; also Geoffrey Goodman, Fifty Years’ Reporting from the Political Front Line (Pluto Press, 2003), p. 249

3. Interview with Sir Tom McCaffrey, 24 March 2004

4. Interview with Francis Beckett

5. Ibid.

6. Interview with Sue Nye, 17 January 2005

7. Interview with Lord Evans of Parkside, 20 July 2004

8. For Neuberger, see particularly Mark Wickham-Jones, ‘Making Economic Policy in the Labour Party 1980–1990’, in Neil Fraser and John Hills (eds), Public Policy for the Twenty-First Century: Social and Economic Essays in Memory of Henry Neuberger (Policy Press, Bristol, 2000), pp.223ff. I am very grateful for helpful information from Dr Andrew Graham, Master of Balliol College, Oxford, and Dr Christopher Allsop, New College, Oxford. Also interview with Lord Kinnock.

9. Wickham-Jones, op. cit., p.232

10. Information from Lord Hogg

11. Guardian, 18 September 1981

12. Ibid., 2 February 1982

13. Information from Lord Lipsey

14. Information from Lord Evans of Parkside

15. The Times, 15 November 1980

16. Correspondence in Foot Papers (PHM), Cu and L41/4; Evening Standard, 9 November 1981; Guardian, 10 November 1981; Watkins, A Short Walk Down Fleet Street, p.181; Jim Perrin, ‘Figures in their Landscapes’, Guardian, 16 May 1992

17. William Rodgers and David Owen, 14 November 1982 (University of Essex, Albert Sloman Library, Rodgers Papers, Box 2, File b); conversation with Lord Rodgers; The Times, 29 November 1980

18. Guardian, 26 January 1981

19. Interview with Ian Aitken

20. Interview with Baroness Williams of Crosby. See Giles Radice, Friends and Rivals: Crosland, Jenkins and Healey (Little, Brown, 2002), pp.292–3

21. The authoritative history is Crewe and King, SDP: The Birth, Life and Death of the Social Democratic Party, op. cit.

22. Tony Benn, Office Without Power: Diaries 1968–J2 (Hutchinson, 1988), p.161 (16 April 1969)

23. Interview with Tony Benn

24. Guardian, 21 May 2005

25. Material in Foot Papers (PHM), L4

26. Guardian, 1 June 1981

27. MS of Foot statement, 3 June 1981 (Kinnock Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, Box 418)

28. Interview with Lord Varley

29. Interview with Baroness Gould of Potter Newton, 20 July 2005

30. Tony Benn, The End of an Era: Diaries 1980–90 (Hutchinson, 1992), p.135 (3 June 1981)

31. Guardian, 30 September 1981; John Golding, The Hammer of the Left (Politico’s, 2003)

32. Guardian, 30 September 1981

33. Parl. Deb., 6th ser., Vol. 12, 494ff (10 November 1981)

34. Foot, Loyalists and Loners, pp.107ff

35. Foot, My Kind of Socialism, p.3

36. Morgan, Keir Hardie, p. 168

37. Foot, My Kind of Socialism, p. 5

38. Tony Benn, Arguments for Socialism (Penguin, paperback edn 1985), pp.108–37

39. Tony Benn, Arguments for Democracy (Jonathan Cape, 1981), p.183

40. Peter Mandelson and Roger Liddle, The Blair Revolution (Faber & Faber, 1996)

41. Benn, Arguments for Democracy, p.138

42. Morgan, Callaghan, pp.460–2

43. Interview with Michael Foot, 22 June 2004; Parl. Deb., 6th ser., Vol. 24, 484–9 (3 April 1982)

44. Interview with Lord Varley; James Cameron to Foot, 26 May 1982 (Foot private papers)

45. Interviews with Michael Foot, 3 June 2003, 22 June 2004

46. Guardian, 15 April 1982

47. Ibid., 28 April 1982

48. Pearce, Denis Healey, p.568; interview with Michael Foot, 13 September 2004

49. Guardian, 21 May 1982

50. Foot, Another Heart and Other Pulses, p.99

51. Neil Kinnock, note on the Falklands, ? May 1981 (Kinnock Papers, Box 112)

52. Guardian, 28 December 1982

53. Ibid., 4 September 1982

54. Ibid., 2 September, 28 October 1982

55. Tony Blair to Foot, May 1982 (Foot private papers), quoted in Robert Taylor, ‘My Socialist Dream’, New Statesman, 15 June 2006; the letter is quoted in full on the New Statesman website. Tony Blair’s nomination for Sedgefield is discussed in Francis Beckett and David Hencke, The Blairs and their Court (Aurum, 2004), pp.63–4

56. For Militant Tendency, see John Callaghan, The Far Left in British Politics (Blackwell, 1987), pp.196ff; Nick Thomas-Symonds, ‘A Reinterpretation of Michael Foot’s Handling of Militant Tendency’, Contemporary British History, 19, 1 (spring 2005), pp.25–49; obituary of Ted Grant, Guardian, 27 July 2006

57. Giles Radice, Diaries 1980–2001 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2004), pp.72–3 (17 June 1981)

58. Labour Party Archives, NEC minutes, 18 December 1981 (PHM); Guardian, 18 December 1981

59. Guardian, 9 February 1982

60. Material in Foot Papers (PHM), L5, and conversations with Lord Corbett

61. See Peter Tatchell, The Battle for Bermondsey (Heretic Books, 1983)

62. Ibid.; Labour Party Archives, NEC minutes, 16 December 1981

63. Material in Foot Papers (PHM), L7, especially Kate Hoey to Michael Foot, 14 December 1981

64. Joan Lestor to Foot, 14 December 1981 (Foot Papers, L7)

65. Bob Mellish to Foot, 1 August 1982, Foot to Mellish. 3 December 1981 (Foot Papers, L6)

66. Guardian, 28 September 1982

67. Memorandum by Derry Irvine and Tony Blair (Foot Papers, L6); Guardian, 25 February 1983

68. Guardian, 26 February 1983

69. Interview with Michael Foot, 22 June 2004

70. Interview with Robert Worcester, 23 February 2005

71. Material in MORI archives, private polling for 1983 general election (with kind permission from Sir Robert Worcester)

72. Guardian, 25 March 1983; interview with Francis Beckett

73. Interview with Baroness Gould

74. Interview with Michael Foot, 22 June 2004

75. Material in MORI archives

76. Guardian, 30 March 1983; Roy Hattersley, Who Goes Home? (Little, Brown, 1995), p.238

77. Interview with Sir Gerald Kaufman

78. Sunday Times, 12 June 1983; interviews with Baroness Gould, Sir Tom McCaffrey and Francis Beckett

79. Interview with Francis Beckett

80. Guardian, 20 May 1983

81. Sunday Times, 29 May 1983; interview with Sue Nye

82. Guardian, 28 May 1983

83. Robert Worcester, British Public Opinion 1970–1990 (Blackwell, 1991), p.129

84. A meeting attended by the present writer

85. David Butler and Denis Kavanagh, The British General Election of 1983 (Macmillan, 1984), p.114

86. Material in MORI archives

87. Guardian, 25 May 1983

88. Ibid., 26 May 1983

89. Interview with Sir Tom McCaffrey

90. Interview with Sir Robert Worcester

91. Interview with Sue Nye

92. Guardian, 11 June 1983; Private Eye, 20 May 1983

93. Clive Jenkins, All Against the Collar: Struggles of a White Collar Union Leader (Methuen, 1990), p.211

94. Interview with Sir Tom McCaffrey

95. Interview with Lord Kinnock


1. Davies and Freedland, op. cit., p. 11

2. On these matters, see ibid., pp.425ff; and Robert Taylor, op. cit., pp.265ff

3. Foot, Another Heart and Other Pulses, pp.41, 99

4. Foot to Salman Rushdie, 2 November 1988, and other materials on the Booker Prize in Foot private papers

5. Robert Blake, Disraeli (Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1966), p.190

6. Stanley Jones to Foot, ? April 1978 and 30 October 1989 (Foot private papers)

7. Review in Hampstead and Highgate Express, 16 June 1989

8. Foot, Loyalists and Loners, pp.185–92

9. Ibid., p.87

10. Ibid., p.155

11. Ibid., p.269; Foot to Vernon Watkins, n.d. (Watkins Papers, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin)

12. Michael Foot, The Politics of Paradise (William Collins, 1988), p.364

13. Callaghan to Foot, 7 April 1986 (Foot private papers)

14. Brigid Brophy to Foot, 12 July 1988 ibid.; The Politics of Paradise, p.191 and fn

15. Ibid., p.374

16. Ibid., p.397; Fiona MacCarthy, Byron: Life and Legend (John Murray, 2002), pp.304–5

17. The Politics of Paradise, p.396

18. Ibid., p.244n

19. Ibid., p.79; cf. A. C. Grayling, The Quarrel of the Age (Phoenix Press, 2000), pp.205–6

20. The Politics of Paradise, p.366

21. MacCarthy, op. cit., pp.544ff; Ian Buruma, Voltaire’s Coconuts (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1999), pp.114–15

22. Foot to Oonagh McDonald, ? 1983 (Foot Papers [PHM] C11/3); Foot to Abu, 22 November 1984 and other material in Foot private papers. Abu had written to Foot on 9 November 1984, ‘There is no doubt about it – foreign agencies are attempting to wreck this place. Destabilization has now become universal.’

23. Rajiv Gandhi to Foot, 15 February 1985 (ibid.)

24. Interview for The Statesman, Calcutta, 19 January 1985

25. Foot to Baroness Young, 7 August 1986 (Foot Papers [PHM])

26. Interviews with Ms Vesna Gamulin and Ms Nada Maric, Dubrovnik, 23, 25 August 2005; Foot to Ms Maric, 27 February 1998 (privately owned)

27. Interviews with Ms Vesna Gamulin and Dr Hrvoje Kacic, 23, 26 August 2005. Also see Dr Kacic’s Serving My Country (Bibliotheka Studies, Zagreb, 2002)

28. This account is largely based on conversations with Michael Foot, Vesna and Jadran Gamulin, and Dr Kacic. Also Nora Beloff to Foot, 23 May 1995 (Foot private papers)

29. Michael Foot, ‘Dithering While Bosnia Bleeds’, Guardian, 25 August 1992

30. Parl. Deb., 6th series, Vol. 205, 472–6 (5 March 1992)

31. Guardian, 25 August 1992

32. Douglas Hurd, Memoirs (Little, Brown, 2003), pp.444ff

33. Interview with Dr Kacic, 26 August 2005

34. Information from Baroness Gale, July 2005, and from Rt Hon. Peter Hain, 24 January 2006

35. The Times, 21 March 1992

36. Ibid., 23 July 1993. The reports of the People’s History Museum (as it is now called) are a valuable source.

37. Interviews with Michael Foot; Jon Snow, Shooting History (HarperCollins, 2004), pp.337–8

38. Observer, 1 January 1995

39. Ibid., 2 April 1995; Jon Snow, op. cit., p.338

40. Paola Buonadonna, Brussels, to Michael and Jill Foot, 26 May 1995 (Foot private papers)

41. Sunday Times, 19 February 1995, article by David Leppard

42. Ibid., 26 February 1995; Observer, 26 February 1995

43. Tribune, 24 February 1995, p.2

44. Callaghan to Foot, 23 February 1995 and other MS notes (Callaghan private papers, in author’s possession)

45. File on ‘Agent Boot’ in Foot private papers; Foot’s legal affidavit, 17 November 1995 (in the author’s possession); interview with Michael Foot, 17 September 2003; interview with Foot in the Guardian, 18 March 2002

46. Interview with Michael Foot, 7 June 2004; Daily Herald, 16 August 1946

47. John Carey, The Intellectuals and the Masses (Faber & Faber, 1992), p.142; cf. Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie, The Time Traveller: The Life of H. G. Wells (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973)

48. Michael Coren, The Invisible Man (Bloomsbury, 1993), p. 11

49. Foot, The History of Mr Wells (Doubleday, 1995), pp.113ff and 224ff

50. See the obituary of Tanya Alexander in the Independent, 13 December 2004

51. Interview with Michael Foot, 7 June 2004

52. John Foot to Michael Foot, 7 December 1998 (Foot private papers)

53. Michael Foot, Dr Strangelove, I Presume (Victor Gollancz, 1999), pp.92ff and 101ff

54. Tony Blair to Foot, ? 1996 (Foot private papers)

55. Attended by the present writer, 10 April 2003

56. Jill Craigie, ‘Political Bloodsport’ in Geoffrey Goodman (ed.), The State of the Nation: The Political Legacy of Aneurin Bevan (Victor Gollancz, 1997), pp.88–105, loc. cit., p.103

57. See pp.168–9. For more detail on the news coverage of Koestler’s rape of Jill, see Observer, 9, 23 April 1995.

58. Evening Standard, 13 December 2004

59. Foot and Highet, Isaac Foot; see also Darley Anderson to Dingle Foot, 26 October 1977 (Churchill College, Cambridge, Dingle Foot Papers 8/3)

60. Geoff Hoon to Michael Foot, ? July 2002; interview by Sean O’Grady, Independent, 22 July 2002

61. The Times, 1, 2 October 2003

62. Western Mail, 6 May 2005; ‘Labour Kicks out Activists who Backed Welsh Rebel’, Guardian, 25 May 2005; obituary of Peter Law by Tony Heath, Guardian, 26 April 2006

63. Times Literary Supplement, 17 March 2006

Envoi: Toujours L’Audace

1. Michael Foot, ‘Credo of the Labour Left’, New Left Review, 49 (May – June 1968), p.24

2. Snow, Shooting History, p. 148

3. Guardian, 26 May 2006, a discussion of Geoff Mulgan’s ideas. Foot’s passion for reading is well brought out also in in his ‘Storied Earth and Unread Heavens’, Times Literary Supplement, 4 November 1977, with particular reference to Hazlitt, Stendhal, Heine, Swift, Blatchford and his father.

4. Robert Colls, The Identity of England (Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 129–30

5. For an interesting discussion of this theme, see Greg Neale, ‘Essay’, New Statesman, 5 January 2006

6. Tebbit, Upwardly Mobile, p. 192

7. See H. N. Brailsford, Voltaire (Home University Library, 1935), described by his biographer, F. M. Leventhal (The Last Dissenter, p.239), as ‘the most perfect piece he ever wrote’. Also see Roger Pearson, Voltaire Almighty (Bloomsbury, 2005), especially pp.395ff