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Chapter 18

Ribbon Day

THE MORNING OF THE RIBBON DAY dawned clear, and Vicki and her sisters woke at 6 a.m. to groom and plait their ponies’ manes and tails. Unlike when she’d ridden Cardiff, Vicki wasn’t expecting lots of ribbons — she was just excited to get Dandy out to his first show. She wanted it to be a good experience for him, and hoped it would be the first of many.

Once the ponies were ready, Vicki, Kelly and Amanda loaded them onto their little horse truck and their parents drove them the five minutes to the showgrounds.

“I can’t believe we’re at our first show,” Vicki said to Dandy as she unloaded him. “It’s been less than a year since you were wild, and now look at you!”

Cars and trucks were everywhere and people bustled backwards and forwards. Dandy stood alert, taking everything in, while Vicki oiled his hooves and brushed out his tail. She was careful to make sure no one approached Dandy, as he was still a little unsettled around strangers and she didn’t want him upset before the show started.

Dandy’s coat shone like copper from all the grooming. As Vicki saddled him up she couldn’t help but admire him.

“I think you’re the most beautiful pony in the whole world,” she said. “I’m so lucky to have you.”

Once he was ready, Vicki changed into her jodhpurs and Pony Club uniform, then helped Kelly and Amanda get ready. Soon they all looked identical in their matching yellow-and-black jerseys. Dashing outside, they pulled on their helmets and bridled their waiting ponies.

Finally, it was time for the show to start. Vicki led Dandy over to the ring.

As they waited by the gate to go in, one of the other ponies snaked its head at Dandy, trying to bite him. On instinct, Dandy reared up, striking out with his hooves, and the other ponies scattered.

“Woah, boy, calm down,” said Vicki, firmly tugging on the reins.

Above the chaos, Vicki heard a snarky comment from one of the girls waiting to compete.

“Those sisters always have the most feral horses,” she said, her nose in the air.

“And their gear is always so old,” her friend replied. “I’d be too embarrassed to be seen in public if I looked like that.”

Turning away, Vicki brought her focus back to Dandy, careful to keep him relaxed. “You might have been wild once, but you’re certainly not feral,” she whispered to him. “We’ll just have to prove them wrong, won’t we?”

When the judge finally called them into the ring for the Best Groomed category, Vicki was careful to keep Dandy beside Twinkle so he wouldn’t get stressed by the other ponies. The fire in his eyes had long subsided, however, and he stood calmly waiting for the judge to walk down the line.

All the hours of grooming paid off, and Vicki was thrilled to place third in the class. It was Dandy’s first ribbon! The next class was Rider on the Flat, Ten Years and Under.

“I can’t wait till you’re eleven. It not fair that I have to compete against you!” Kelly complained.

Vicki laughed. “I think you’ll have plenty of chance to beat me today, since it’s Dandy’s first show,” she told her sister.

A hopeful gleam entered Kelly’s eyes and she urged Twinkle into the ring.

Judging soon began, and everything was going well until the judge asked everyone to canter. A pony rushed up behind Dandy and he got a fright, tossing his neck as he leapt in the air. Unbalanced, Vicki lost her stirrup and it took all of her strength to stay on.

“It’s OK, boy,” Vicki said as she shortened her reins and steadied him. Soon Dandy was settled and they continued on, changing pace and direction before the judge called the winners into the centre.

“First place is number thirty-nine.”

Vicki continued trotting, waiting for the judge to call out the next placegetters before dismissing the other riders. “Can I please have number thirty-nine, the chestnut,” the judge repeated.

Looking around, Vicki saw the judge waving her arm to call her in. Her jaw dropped in surprise. She’d won the class!

Asking Dandy back to a walk, she approached the judge and lined up for her ribbon. “Sorry,” said Vicki. “I didn’t think it could possibly be me.”

“I thought you rode remarkably,” the judge replied, smiling. “He’s obviously an inexperienced pony and you weren’t at all flustered when he leapt about. You have such a good seat and kind, soft hands. Well done.”

Unable to contain her grin, Vicki led the other placegetters out of the ring, cantering out on a lap of honour.

In the next class, Best Paced and Mannered, Dandy didn’t place. Although his paces were beautiful, his manners left much to be desired — unlike Twinkle, who placed second, much to Kelly’s delight.

Next was Novice Pony, for any pony that had never won a first-place ribbon. Unlike the other classes, which each had about twenty ponies competing, there were only four novices.

Dandy worked well, and again the judge called him in, this time in second place. While she waited for the judge to announce the rest of the placings, Vicki leant forward and gave Dandy a hug. She was so proud of how well he was going. It was even better than she could have dreamed.


At lunch, they headed back to the truck to eat. First, they loosened the girths on their ponies’ saddles and offered them food and water. It had been a big morning for them, too. All three ponies dozed while Amanda filled in the older girls on her successes with Charlie, since she had been competing in a different ring.

“I won three red ribbons,” Amanda said proudly.

“Really? That’s amazing!” said Vicki. “Which classes?”

“We won Best Groomed, even though I forgot to pick out Charlie’s hooves,” Amanda said with a cheeky grin. “Luckily the judge didn’t check!”

“There’s a first time for everything,” Kelly said with a laugh. “Your pony is never the best groomed.”

Poking out her tongue, Amanda continued. “I also won Rider on the Flat and Best Pony Club Mount.”

“Congratulations,” Vicki said. “That means you’ll be in the Junior Ring next time, competing with us!”

“It hardly seems fair having to compete against you, Vicki — you’re twice my age!” Amanda said, as she took a bite from her apple.

“I’m sure you’ll hold your own,” Kelly said.

“My plan is to beat you both,” Amanda said confidently. “Charlie and I are on a winning streak.”

“Good luck with that,” said Vicki. “Dandy is by far the best pony I’ve ever owned. He’ll be a champion in no time!”