“Nicholas Kardaras's book recounts one of the greatest, most dramatic shifts that anyone could ever have experienced—not only from life at the top of the pyramid in New York's big city nightlife to rejection, failure, and poverty, but from a life brimming with vitality and energy to the very portals of physical demise. This dramatic shift had an equally dramatic conclusion: he came out of it a bigger and better man, through the unusual and prima facie implausible stratagem of turning to philosophy for guidance—to classic Greek philosophy, to be exact. And guidance he received; a whole new sense of life, existence, and purpose. His is an amazing story that's more than a personal tale: it's a story with vast and direct application to everyone. To you and to me, who also need to experience a shift. I recommend reading this book both for the mind-boggling and highly entertaining story of someone who made it through the biggest rollercoaster ride anyone could imagine, but also for the pointers it gives for shifting, for being, in Gandhi's celebrated words,' the change we want to see in the world.'”
—Ervin Laszlo, author of Science and the Akashic Field and Chaos Point 2012
“Nicholas Kardaras has undergone a perilous, life-and-death journey and has emerged with a story that must be told. This riveting account reveals the timelessness of authentic wisdom, as well as the majestic, infinite reaches of the mind.”
—Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Healing Words and The Power of Premonitions
“With wisdom and wit, this is an accessible account of Greek philosophy— not as a dry academic discipline, but as a lived practice of purification and enhanced awareness, with rich transformative potential for all of us. Readers will enjoy the balanced blend of science, philosophy, and practical and spiritual wisdom; and carrying out the experiential exercises can help improve bodily, mental, and spiritual health and well-being, allow greater access to a deeper and more meaningful life and worldview, and foster a fuller realization of our true human potential.”
—William Braud, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology; co-author of Transforming Self and Others through Research and author of Distant Mental Influence
“A masterful integration of mystical Greek philosophy and contemporary, cutting-edge science. Kardaras's lucid and engaging work brings to life the distilled wisdom of the ancient Greek sages and suggests practical ways for a saner and more fulfilled life.”
—Kyriacos C. Markides, Ph.D., author of Fire in the Heart: Healers, Sages, and Mystics
“Emerging phoenix-like from the glamorous, seductive—and destructive—world of the New York club scene where he mingled with the likes of JFK Jr. and New York's rich and powerful, Dr. Kardaras discovers a powerful and transformative method towards wholeness based on the wisdom of his ancient ancestors. You'll never look at reality—or yourself—in quite the same way after reading this book.”
—R. Couri Hay, former editor, Interview magazine; society editor and columnist, Hamptons magazine, LA Confidential, and Gotham magazine