A Note to Teachers

We hope you will find this book useful, especially those of you who are teaching in the growing network of Core Knowledge schools. Throughout the book, we have addressed the suggested activities and explanations to “Parents,” since you as teachers know your students and will have ideas about how to use the content of this book in relation to the lessons and activities you plan. If you are interested in the ideas of teachers in Core Knowledge schools, please write or call the Core Knowledge Foundation (801 East High Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902; 434-977-7550) for information on ordering collections of lessons created and shared by teachers in Core Knowledge schools. Many of these teacher-created lessons are available through the Core Knowledge website: www.coreknowledge.org.

Author’s earnings from sales of the Core Knowledge Series go to the nonprofit Core Knowledge Foundation. E. D. Hirsch, Jr., receives no remuneration for editing the series nor any other remuneration from the Core Knowledge Foundation.