About Open Doors

In the six decades since Brother Andrew’s journey to Warsaw, the organization that developed from his vision has continued to seek out and strengthen the persecuted Church.

Today, Open Doors serves millions of persecuted Christians in over fifty countries, including some of the most dangerous places in the world. Our work has expanded from the communist countries of Eastern Europe to China, North Korea, the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, India . . . wherever Christians suffer for their faith.

These are the places where faith costs the most, where followers of Christ must keep their beliefs hidden and where living the Gospel means facing beatings, imprisonment, discrimination and abuse. For many Christians, it costs them their lives. They understand the full reality of Jesus’ statement “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34 NIV).

Open Doors works with churches and local partners to “strengthen what remains.”

This is not about maintenance. It is not about keeping the persecuted Church going, just so that believers can continue to hold meetings. We support them because their witness means that their communities, neighborhoods—even their nations—can meet the living Jesus Christ. In the words of Brother Andrew, “The work of the church is not survival. She exists to fulfill the Great Commission. Her work is making disciples of all nations.”

And the amazing fact is that the persecuted Church is doing just that. In Syria, North Korea, Iraq, Iran—throughout the world—the persecuted Church is not merely surviving, it is living and growing. That is what happens when, even in the harshest environments, God’s people demonstrate the powerful, transformational love of Jesus.

Ultimately, what took Brother Andrew to Warsaw in 1955 was more than a train or a ticket; it was his willingness to obey God. He had no idea where the journey would take him, but he was prepared to say yes to God and to step out in faith.

Today, more than ever, millions of persecuted Christians around the world need their brothers and sisters to make the same journey. Are you willing to walk alongside them? Are you willing to pray, support and speak up for the persecuted Church? Then this is the moment to start!

Open Doors: How We Help

Open Doors supports and empowers the persecuted Church through

Find out more about how you can be involved in supporting the persecuted Church through Open Doors.