
Thanks once again to everyone at St. Martin’s/Minotaur, including (but not limited to) Claire Cheek, Hector DeJean, Stephen Erickson, Nicola Ferguson, Meryl Gross, Paul Hochman, Kayla Janas, Andrew Martin, Sarah Melnyk, and especially my editor, Pete Wolverton. And thanks also to the Art Department for another beautiful cover.

More thanks to my agent, Ellen Geiger, and all the folks at the Frances Goldin Literary Agency for taking care of the business side of things so I can concentrate on writing.

For this book I owe a special debt to the dedicated people who create my favorite true crime podcasts. Alas, Virginia Crime Time, Meg’s nephew Kevin’s podcast, does not (yet) exist in real life, but you could always check out some of the true crime podcasts that helped inspire it—Buried Bones, Crime Analyst, Cup of Justice, Mind Over Murder, The Murder Sheet, The Philosophy of Crime, Real Crime Profile, True Crime Garage, and True Sunlight …

Many thanks to the friends who brainstorm and critique with me, give me good ideas, or help keep me sane while I’m writing: Stuart, Aidan, and Liam Andrews; Deborah Blake, Chris Cowan, Ellen Crosby, Kathy Deligianis, Margery Flax, Suzanne Frisbee, John Gilstrap, Barb Goffman, Joni Langevoort, David Niemi, Alan Orloff, Dan Stashower, Art Taylor, Robin Templeton, and Dina Willner. And thanks to all the TeaBuds for two decades of friendship.

Above all, thanks to the readers who make all of this possible.