I’ve thought that I thought about death

I’ve thought that I thought about death, but in fact I don’t know how one should think of death. Death is probably very hard, as hard as life, but life is something you live piece by piece, whereas you die once and for all… Once and for all you have to tear away all the lived life – seven, seventeen, seventy, and if someone is very strong, eighty years – and to let them fall into an abyss, into the void. A tiny pale bodiless soulless somebody lingers for moment on the rim of the abyss. This is the one who has thrown away his life; it would be better to say he has let it loose. Seen from the other side life is death, life and death are one and the same thing. Life is something you must keep and guard all the time like a rat in a cage. Because it is so hard to think of death, I prefer to think of the currants: black, red and white currants which are so ripe that they fall when you touch the bush.

