Additional Research Studies
For even more information, go to and use the search string “whole body vibration” to find hundreds of other research studies.
Bosco C., M. Cardinale, R. Colli, J. Tihanyi, S. P. von Duvillard, and A. Viru. “The Influence of Whole Body Vibration on the Mechanical Behavior of Skeletal Muscle.” Clinical Physiology 19 (1999): 183–187.
Bosco C., M. Cardinale., and O. Tsarpela. “Influence of Vibration on Mechanical Power and Electromyogram Activity in Human Arm Flexor Muscles.” European Journal of Applied Physiology 79 (1999): 306–311.
Bosco C., M. Cardinale, O. Tsarpela, and E. Locatelli. “New Trends in Training Science: The Use of Vibrations for Enhancing Performance.” New Studies in Athletics 4, no. 14 (1999): 55–62.
Bosco, C., R. Colli, E. Introini, M. Cardinale, O. Tsarpela, A. Madella, J. Tihanyi, and A. Viru. “Adaptive Responses of Human Skeletal Muscle to Vibration Exposure.” Clinical Physiology 19 (1999): 183–187.
de Ruiter, C. J., R. M. van der Linden, M. J. A. van der Zijden, A. P. Hollander, and A. de Haan. “Short-Term Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Maximal Voluntary Isometric Knee Extensor Force and Rate of Force Rise.” European Journal of Applied Physiology 88 (2003): 472–475.
Hinman, M. “Whole Body Vibration: A New Exercise Approach.” Department of Physical Therapy. The University of Texas Medical Branch.
Humphries, B., and G. Warman. “The Assessment of Vibromyographical Signals in the Time and Frequency Domains during a Fatigue Protocol.” The School of Health and Human Performance, Central Queensland University.
Issurin, V. B., and G. Tenenbaum. “Acute and Residual Effects of Vibratory Stimulation on Explosive Force in Elite and Amateur Athletes.” Journal of Sports Sciences 17 (1999): 177–182.
Mester, J. “Knocken und Muskel, neue Welte, Vibrationsbelastung und Vibrationstraining im Spitzensport, Interdisciplinair Kongress mit Workshop: Radiologische Osteoporosediagnostik.” Berlin, 2001.
Nishihihira, Y., T. Iwasaki, A. Hatta, T. Wasaka, T. Kaneda, K. Kuroiwa, S. Akiyama, T. Kida, and K.S. Ryol. “Effect of Whole Body Vibration Stimulus and Voluntary Contraction on Motoneuron Pool.” Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology, Tsukuba (2002): 83–86.
Rittweger, J., G. Beller, and D. Felsenberg. “Acute Physiological Effects of Exhaustive Whole-Body Vibration Exercise in Man.” Clinical Physiology 20 (2000): 134–142.
Rittweger, J., J. Ehrig, K. Just, M. Mutschelknauss, and K. A. Kirsch. “Oxygen Uptake in Whole-Body Vibration Exercise Influence of Vibration Frequency, Amplitude, and External Load.” International Journal of Sports Medicine 23 (2002): 428–432.
Rittweger, J., M. Mutschelknauss, and D. Felsenberg. “Acute Changes in Neuromuscular Excitability after Exhaustive Whole Body Vibration Exercise as Compared to Exhaustion by Squatting Exercise.” Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 23, no. 2 (2003): 81–86.
Rittweger, J., H. Schiessl, and D. Felsenberg. “Oxygen Uptake during Whole Body Vibration Exercise Comparison with Squatting as a Slow Voluntary Movement.” European Journal of Applied Physiology 86 (2001): 169–173.
Torvinen, S., P. Kannus, H. Sievänen, T. A. H. Järvinen, M. Pasanen, S. Kontulainen, T. L. N. Järvinen, M. Järvinen, P. Oja, and I. Vuori. “Effect of Four-Month Vertical Whole Body Vibration on Performance and Balance.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 34, no. 9 (2002): 1523–1528.
———. “Effect of Vibration Exposure on Muscular Performance and Body Balance: Randomized Cross-Over Study.” Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 22 (2002): 145–152.
Quality of Life
Hormonal Response
Bosco, C., M. Jacovelli, O. Tsarpela, M. Cardinale, M. Bonifazi, J. Tihanyi,
M. Viru, A. de Lorenzo, and A. Viru. “Hormonal Responses to Whole-Body Vibration In Men.” European Journal of Applied Physiology 81 (2000): 449–454.
Cardinale, M. “The Effects of Vibration on Human Performance and Hormonal Profile.” The Semmelweis University Doctoral School, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Budapest (2002).
Cardinale, M., and J. Lim. “Electromyography Activity of Vastus Lateralis Muscle during Whole-Body Vibrations of Different Frequencies.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 17, no. 3 (2003): 621–624.
Carroll, T. J., S. Riek, and R. G. Carson. “Neural Adaptation Induced by Resistance Training in Humans.” Journal of Physiology 544, no.2 (2002): 641–652.
Delecluse, C., M. Roelants, and S. Verschueren. “Strength Increase after Whole Body Vibration Compared with Resistance Training.” Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (2003): 1033–1041.
Giunta, M., M. Cardinale, F. Agosti, A. Patrizi, E. Compri, A. E. Rigamonti, and A. Sartorio. “Growth Hormone-Releasing Effects of Whole Body Vibration Alone or Combined with Squatting Plus External Load in Severely Obese Female Subjects.” Obes Facts 5, no. 4 (2012): 567–74. doi:10.1159/000342066.
Sartorio, A., F. Agosti, A. De Col, N. Marazzi, F. Rastelli, S. Chiavaroli,
C. L. Lafortuna, S. G. Cella, and A. E. Rigamonti. “Growth Hormone and Lactate Responses Induced by Maximal Isometric Voluntary Contractions and Whole-Body Vibrations in Healthy Subjects.” J Endocrinol Invest 34, no. 3 (March 2011): 216–21. doi:10.3275/7255.
Blood Circulation
Kerschan-Schindl, K., S. Grampp, C. Henk, H. Resch, E. Preisinger, V. Fialka-Moser, and H. Imhof. “Whole-Body Vibration Exercise Leads to Alterations in Muscle Blood Volume.” Clinical Physiology 21 (2001): 377–382.
Pain Management
Brumagne, S., P. Cordo, R. Lysens, S. Verschueren, and S. Swinnen. “The Role of Paraspinal Muscle Spindles in Lumbosacral Position Sense in Individuals with and without Low Back Pain.” Spine 25, no. 8(2000): 989–994.
Gianutsos, J. G., J. H. Ahn, L. C. Oakes, E. F. Richter, B. B. Grynbaum, and
H. G. Thistle. “The Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Reflex-Induced Standing in Persons with Chronic and Acute Spinal Cord Injury.” New York School of Medicine at the AAPMR (2000).
Bone Density
Bruyere, O., M. A. Wuidart, E. di Plama, M. Gourlay, O. Ethgen, F. Richy, and J. Y. Reginster. “Presentation: Controlled Whole Body Vibrations Improve Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Patients.” American College of Rheumatology. (October 23–28, 2003): Abstract 1271.
Falempin, M., and S. F. In-Albon. “Influence of Brief Daily Tendon Vibration on Rat Soleus Muscle in a Non-weight Bearing Situation.” Journal of Applied Physiology 87, no. 1 (1999): 3–9.
Flieger, J., T. Karachalios, L. Khaldi, P. Raptou, and G. Lyritis. “Mechanical Stimulation in the Form of Vibration Prevents Postmenopausal Bone Loss in Ovariectomized Rats.” Calcified Tissue International 63 (1998): 510–514.
Rubin, C., M. Pope, C. Fritton, M. Magnusson, and K. McLeod. “Transmissibility of 15-Hz to 35-Hz Vibrations to the Human Hip and Lumbar Spine: Determining the Physiologic Feasibility of Delivering Low-Level Anabolic Mechanical Stimuli to Skeletal Regions at Greatest Risk of Fracture because of Osteoporosis.” Spine 28, no. 23 (2003): 2621–2627.
Rubin, C., R. Recker, D. Cullen, J. Ryaby, J. McCabe, and K. McLeod. “Prevention of Postmenopausal Bone Loss by a Low Magnitude, High-Frequency Mechanical Stimuli: A Clinical Trial Assessing Compliance, Efficacy, and Safety.” Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 19, no. 3 (2004): 343–351.
Rubin, C., S. A. Turner, S. Bain, C. Mallinckrodt, and K. McLeod. “Anabolism: Low Mechanical Signals Strengthen Long Bones.” Nature 412 (2001): 603–604.
Rubin, C., G. Xu, and S. Judex. “Anobolic Activity of Bone Tissue, Suppressed by Disuse, Is Normalized by Brief Exposure to Extremely Low Magnitude Mechanical Stimuli.” FASEB Journal 15 (2001): 2225–2229.
Schiessel, H., H. M. Frost, and W. S. S. Jee. “Estrogen and Bone-Muscle Strength and Mass Relationships.” Bone 22, no. 1 (1998): 1–6.
van Loon, J. W. A., J. P. Veldhuijzen, and E. H. Burger. “Bone and Spaceflight: An Overview.” In Biological and Medical Research in Space, edited by D. Moore, P. Bie, and H. Oser, 259–299. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Verschueren, S., M. Roelants, R. Delecluse, S. Swinnen, D. Vanderschueren, and S. Boonen. “Effects of 6-Month Whole Body Vibration Training on Hip Density, Muscle Strength, and Postural Control in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.” Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 19, no. 3 (2004): 352–359.
Frank, H., B. Moos, A. Kaufmann, and H. A. Herber. “Anti-Cellulite Untersuchung. Sanaderm, Fach klinik fur Hautkrankheiten. Allergologie (2003): 1–35.
Ishitake, T., Y. Miyazaki, H. Ando, and T. Mataka. “Suppressive Mechanism of Gastric Mobility by Whole Body Vibration.” International Arch. Occup. Environ. Health 72 (1999): 469–474.
Miyamoto, K., S. Mori, S. Tsuji, S. Tanaka, M. Kawamoto, T. Mashiba, S. Komatsubara, T. Akiyama, J. Kawanishi, and H. Norimatsu. “Whole Body Vibration Exercise in Elderly People.” IBMS-JSBMR (2003): Abstract P506.
Rauch, F., and J. Rittweger. “What Is New in Neuro-Musculoskeletal Interactions? Journal Musculoskeletal Neuron Interactions 2, no. 5 (2002): 1–5.
Runge, M. “Therapiemöglichkeiten bei Harninkontinenz; überwinden des Tabu.” Der Hausarzt 2 (2002): 56–61.
Runge, M., G. Rehfeld, and E. Reswick. “Balance Training and Exercise in Geriatric Patients. Journal of Musculoskeletal Interactions 1 (2000): 54–58.
Slavko, R., R. Hilfiker, K. Herren, L. Radlinger, and E. D. de Bruin. “Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Postural Control in the Elderly: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” BMC Geriatrics 11, no. 72 (2011). The electronic version of this article can be found online at, doi:10.1186/1471-2318-11-72.
von der Heide, S., G. Emons, R. Hilgers, and V. Viereck. “Effect on Muscles of Mechanical Vibrations Produced by the Galileo 2000 in Combination with Physical Therapy in Treating Female Stress Urinary Incontinence.”
Harmful Consequences
Kleinöder, H., J. Ziegler, C. Bosse, and J. Mester. “Safety Considerations in Vibration Training.” Institute of Training and Movement Science, German Sport University Cologne.