



I went shopping and when I got back to the hotel I was still pensive, with something bothering that something doesn’t fit, I’m almost sure Manfred is hiding something, but I’m going to find out. As soon as I get to Portland, I’m going to get to know my assets, I think that if mom wanted dad far away from my inheritance, there must be a really strong reason to make her think like that.

Getting to the suite I’m in with Hunt, I find him doing push ups in the middle of the room, wearing only boxer shorts, that’s just dirty, that’s not fair, geez, I’m made of flesh and bones. And my desire for my Big Guy is so frail.

The thoughts that invade my mind by looking at his muscly arms are countless. Sweat running down his body, his focused air in every movement, his contracted thighs against each other, watching him turn his belly up getting ready for a series of chin ups.

Sweat still runs down his chest and slides through his chiseled six pack by a very unjust God. Ah! Life is hard...

Hunt folds his arms over his head and starts a quick series of ten, as soon as he sees me, he gifts me with a side smile, dirty, the way he knows I like it and he doesn’t care about that.

“Hi, baby, how was you stroll?”

He lets me know his going to stop exercising and I sign with my hands telling him to keep going, hypnotized by the sight of his thick thighs flexed and the huge bulk in his underwear, Hunt looks at me and winks. TEASING SON OF A BITCH!!!

I disguise the fact I’m fucking him with my eyes, looking randomly to our suite, without looking at him.

“Alright, Hunt, I was able to do everything I wanted to.”

I go by Hunt going to the bathroom, before I step away, he jumps me and pulls me throwing me on the floor.

I take him on a leg lock and he smiles, throwing his head back.

“Are you trying to lock me, baby?”

I nod staring at him, he knows what I want.

Hunt rolls, fits himself between my thighs and I open my legs so he can rub his hard cock on my clitoris.

He hurriedly opens my blouse and lifts my skirt, pulling my underwear to the side, without taking his eyes off of me.

“You know what I’m going to do with you, don’t you?”

I smile and shake my head, I like to play with Hunt, I love seeing him narrowing his eyes when his horny, that dirty look he gives me, ah! Christ...

Hunt slides his underwear to his thighs and with no modesty he slides his penis up and down, teasing me shamelessly.

‘I’m going to fuck you baby, strong and hard, till to hit the floor three times, asking for merci, understood, hottie?”

“Ah! So many promises I’m yawning.”

Hunt laughed and tore my panties, pulling my bra to suck my breasts, I bend over when I felt his mouth around my nipples and he licked me wickedly, rubbing his penis on my clitoris, while he sucked my nipples, making me cum screaming in minutes.

Guiding his cock to my soaked opening, he slid inside me, whispering in my ear:

“You asked for this, baby, now you take it!”

His thrusts started slow, becoming more and more intense, inside and out, massaging a spot in my vagina that drove me mad, ah! How can it always be like that, so good?

Hunter was getting it harder, and deeper, moving his hips and hammering in a insane rhythm inside me. I bit his shoulder hard and came really good, moaning till I felt him enlarging inside me and ejaculating intensively, wetting my thighs.

We were lying on the floor, cuddling, caressing one another, till Hunter wake us up from our erotic movement, getting us back to reality

“I’m starving, I’ll take you to a very cool restaurant I know around here.”

We took a shower rubbing each other’s back and body, with an excited care. I put on a black dress hitting the thighs, put on some quick make up, smoking my eyes and putting on a burgundy lipstick I love. When I got out the bathroom, Hunt was ready waiting for me, deliciously wearing dark jeans, black button shirt and a sweater on top of it, that gave him a stripped look, but charming. He looked wearing heels and said he was sorry for the black Converse he was wearing.

“Baby, I’m sorry, but today I was practicing kicks and my feet are hurt, shoes will have to be for the next time.”

I was on the tip of my toes and kissed him rubbing my lips on his chin.

“To me, you are really hot in Converse.”

He smiles, entangles his fingers on mine and I let myself be taken where he wanted to go. The restaurant was really near the hotel, only a couple of blocks away. I had no idea Hunter enjoyed formal restaurants, there are a few chairs outside the restaurant, but we sat on a table by the door. The maître D gives us the menu and I only notice how hungry I am now. Hunt orders a Wellington fillet, done, with massed potatoes, steamed vegetables and caesar salad. I order a funghi risoto with shrimp. The waiter bring us our orders, besides a glass of wine for me and an orange juice for Hunter.

We talked in a relaxed mood, till I notice Hunt getting quiet, stoned eyed to the restaurant door. A German looking man, tall and strong, hugs a stunning blond. She smiles to the man, curving her lipstick red lips. The woman locks her eyes on Hunter and the couple approaches making Hunter visible uncomfortable.

The blond devil puts her hand on Hunter’s shoulder and greets him:

“Hi, Beast, how long.”

Beast?!? What the fuck is this intimacy???

Hunter mutters in a low voice, with his eyes in sparkling anger.

“How are you, Pamela?”

The man stretch out his hand to Hunter and he doesn’t take it, leaving the guy with his hand stretched out, Hunter looks the hand in front of him and narrows his eyes, the man shrugs in a scornful way and greets him too.

“What’s up, Sickle, after you were expelled from UFC I thought I would never see you in New York, still hiding in the end of the world? How’s Portland, that shitty town?”

Hunt doesn’t answer and the so called Pamela looks me up and down, asking:

“Aren’t you going to introduce you your friend?”

Hunter gives it back.

“She’s not my friend, she’s my girlfriend.”

I add it.

“Margareth Hanks, saying that’s it’s a pleasure to meet you would be a lie, but even so, good evening, Pamela.”

She ignores me and reports to Hunter, talking in a affected and high pitched voice.


“Is that true? I would never imagine you dating a woman like her.”

Hunt stops her grunting in a low and deadly voice.

“Like her what, Pamela? Like beautiful, hot, sweet, not a whore like some bitch I met.”

Pamela answered annoyed.

“Like a classless black woman, common, with no spark, extinguished light.”

I intend to get up and Hunt holds my hand, smiles to her and answers it:

“Black yeah, but the rest of it all is your deluded vulgarization, sweetheart, but you can’t understand what I say right? You’re so dumb, I’ll have to explain it to you in an easier way, get out, you bitch.”

The guy accompanying her came to breathe closer to Hunter’s face, the two of them were face to face, Hunter got up and made a fist, I held his arm to stop him from hitting the man, by saying:

“Hunter, leave them alone, we’re not got to ruin our night.”

The guy provoked.

“You and me, again, once more in the ring, are you brave enough to face me now you are out of shape and fucked up, you alcoholic loser?”

Hunter got even closer, his face transformed by anger.

“The time and place you want, Snake, you’ll see the fucked up alcoholic loser will do to you again, but this time, only one of us will get out off the ring alive, are you in?”

“I’m in, and you hottie, when you get tires of this bag of shit, you just have to tell me, I’m Snake. Sickle, you lost one woman to me and if this hottie wants, I’ll do you this favor again, I’ll fuck her too.”

Hunter went to the guy, suspending him from the ground, sticking him to the wall by the throat. His hands were closing themselves little by little and Snake’s face was getting redder and redder, Pamela screamed begging Hunter to let him go and I stood by his side holding his arm.

“Hunt, you are not going to end your career again, let this son of a bitch go, please, I’m the one who’s asking, please, Hunter, it’s me, your Maggie, your baby.”

Slowly Hunter released Snake’s throat and the guy fell on the floor like an old sack. Hunter was breathing with difficulty, passing his hand on his hair angrily.

Snake and Pamela left and the mood was terrible, everyone in the restaurant was looking at us and when the maître D came, probably to ask Hunter to leave, Hunter grunted at him in anger.

“Get out of here and brings me a shot of double whiskey, now.”

I looked at him without believing in his words, even though Snake hurt him cruelly, a shot of whiskey would only make Snake right, it would transform Hunter again in a anesthetized person by alcohol, depending on a vice that only ended his dreams, your career. I got up saying nothing and I went to the bathroom, without knowing what you say, unhappy for seeing my love sink down and not being able to get him out off the fog.

I get in the bathroom and I think that I’ll leave tomorrow, I don’t want to witness Hunter dive in alcoholism again.  

I look myself in the mirror and cry, why does life has to be so hard sometimes, it’s my father pressuring me to go back to Fred, his lies or false trues and now this... losing the man I love to a bottle of whiskey.

Two women get our of the bathroom, one of them is adjusting her hair and the other is putting make up on. The older one notices me crying and says it with the complicity of us women

“Don’t cry, my dear, you’re too pretty to that.”

The other woman smiles and the three of us are taken by surprise when Hunter bursts in the women’s restroom, saying in a low voice, letting hell loose on the two women.

“Get out, now.”

The two of them try to go through the door at the same time and they leave us alone. I stare at him through the mirror and he gave me a suffered smile, stunned.

“Let’s get out of here, Maggie.”

I look at him through the mirror and answer in a low voice:

“You can go, I want to be alone.”


I exploded, throwing on him all the anger I was feeling at that moment.

“What, Hunter, what are you going to say? What was that on the restaurant right now? The anger for being challenged or for the bitch that Snake did you a favor of taking out of your life?”

Hunter tries to apologize, explaining himself:

“That has nothing to so with Pamela, one of these days Snake and I would face each other again. How do you want me to feel? That son of a bitch was my friend, he was going to be best man of my wedding. Both of them betrayed my trust.”

“And you just betrayed mine you promised you would keep yourself away from booze and what did you do? It was just things getting hard again that you went back drinking.”

Hunter came close to me, turning me to him.

“Fuck, I didn’t drink!”

I stepped back and he got even closer to me, begging.

“Maggie, for the love of God, smell my mouth, I didn’t drink, I didn’t have the courage to disappoint you, to disappoint me. Believe me, smell my mouth.”

He got his mouth near mine and blew it on my nose, there was no smell of alcohol in his mouth. Hunter lowered his head slowly and suspended me by my ass, putting his arm on my waist.

“Maggie, I love you, I need you, don’t leave me, please.”

I didn’t answer anything, Hunter got in one of the restroom stall and took my mouth on his, kissing me intensively, as if he wished to dump all his pain, his fears, his desire to me through his lips. I gave a little moan with my lips on his and he pulled my panties to the side, leaning me against the restroom wall.

Hunter penetrated me hard and I moaned louder, our lips losing themselves with no barriers, I wanted to show him how strong my love for him was through my kisses and he seemed to have noticed... Moaning with me, he bit my shoulder hard and hammered his cock deeper in me, rubbing my clitoris with his pelvis. I grew my head back and let myself be taken by the insane pleasure of him having empaled me, by the strength of his love, by the intensity of his soul... Faulty, imperfect, human and so beautiful.

We came together, murmuring each other name and as soon as we got to the hotel, after having loved each other in a hurry, we made love slowly, healing our wounds in each others arms.

Still inside me, Hunter touches my forehead and cry, in a low voice, in silent, contained. I kiss his cheeks and lick his tears, mixing them with my saliva.

“I’ll do what you want, I’ll drop the fights, I’ll kneel at your feet, I ask with no shame at all... don’t ever leave me Maggie, you’re my fucking life, I know I’m a fucked up guy, full of flaws, but know that no man will ever love you the way I do. Promise, Maggie?”

I kiss his mouth slowly and bit his chin, kissing his face and soft lips through the tears that kept falling.

“I promise, if you promise never to give up on me.”


Hunt gets my hand and put it on his chest, making me stare him.

“You take care of mine.”

I get his hand and raised to my chest, giving the promise back.

“I’ll take care of yours.”

We slept entangles, exhausted and stronger, after a storm that almost carried us away from once another.