Chapter 6: Choosing Index Options

The Index Options are slightly different types of contracts, and working with them can drastically change the way that you are working with options contracts. They are simply another style that you can use when you are trading and when you have the different aspects of your trades lined up. When you choose to use an index option stock, you are simply choosing a different way that you can invest your money in the stocks that you think will be profitable.


The most common type of index options that are available is the DJIA and the NASDAQ, which are both included in different sectors. The Dow Jones is included with companies that have very large caps on them. The initial investments, or premiums, are usually much higher with the DJIA. With the NASDAQ, you will be getting an investment that is closer to the technological side of investing, but it will cost you much less money than if you were doing it in any other way.


You can choose any sector within the two major types of indexes. This will allow you the chance to make sure that you are going to be able to get the different benefits that come with the sectors. If you are particularly interested in a sector or if you find that it is one that seems to do well according to the research that you have done, you should make that choice. It can sometimes be difficult to decide what you have done and what you are going to do in the future. If you do not know what choice you are going to make, it is wise to check with your broker. While the broker will not be able to tell you which decision you should make, he or she can give you the various beneficial points that come with each of the investments.


The best part about the index options is that you will be able to profit in several different sectors when it comes to investing. You can get your hands into the business of many different types of investments, and that will help you to get exactly what you need with your investing opportunities. You will also be able to make more money.

The more streams of income that you have that come from investing in general, the more you will be able to profit and the more you will be able to benefit from all of the different stock price increases.

If you are going to use index options for stocks, you should make sure that you are trying more than one sector. Doing this will enable you to truly get an understanding how each of the sectors works, as well as giving you the added perk of diversified investments.


The cash that comes from index options is the settlement amount. Since you are not actually purchasing money or investing cash in the way that you would with traditional investments, you will need to make sure that you are converting your indexes into cash. While this can sometimes be difficult to do, you need to make sure that it is something that you are prepared for. The difference in the values of the index is calculated by using the strike price. What is leftover from the strike price is what you will collect on in cash. That is what your return will be.

Capping Index

The capped index options are available to people who have options contracts. They were created so that the index option can be sold off as soon as it reaches the cap. There is no other type of trading option that gives you this type of choice. When you are making the decision to invest in options stocks, you will need to determine whether or not you want to take advantage of the capped index options and whether or not that is going to be worth the extra amount that you need to do to get to that point.

Risk Leverage

When you are looking at the risks that are associated with Options contracts and the index style of these stocks, you will need to figure out which ones are the riskiest and which ones are going to bring a low risk to you. Of course, the lower that you put the premium, the lower the risk is going to be for the stock options so you should always keep that in mind when you are looking at stock options and at the different aspects that come with them. Be sure that you are always leveraging the risks that are associated with the trades so that you can make sure that you are putting all of the options that you have in your trading portfolio.

Multiplied Contracts

When you are choosing your index options, you can get a contract multiplier. This is something that will allow you the chance to cash out on the value of the index and of the options contract that is included with the index. Make sure that you are using the options contracts that you have to be able to get the best experience possible for your trade options. Always work to provide yourself with the best trades for your portfolio and for the different things that you are adding to it.

The Premium

As with traditional options stocks, you will need to pay the premium with cash. It’s sad, but true; paying premiums is an absolutely necessary part of working with options. If you are using cash for your premium, you will then be able to get the multiplier and cash in on the amount that the options stock has built up for you over the period of time that you have had it in your portfolio.