Chapter 8: ETF and The Future Options

Just because options trading is slightly different from future trading does not necessarily mean that you can avoid everything about futures trading. It can sometimes be difficult to figure out exactly what you need to do to make sure that you are going to get each of the different options contracts to go your way; knowing more about everything related to options can help with this, including futures.

As you are looking at the options stocks, you should also consider the ETF, or exchange traded funds, along with the future options so that you can make sure that you are getting the best deal possible.

Exchange traded funds are the mutual funds of the options trading world. They are handled just like mutual funds, and they can be traded like stocks and shares are traditionally traded. If you are working with the different types of ETFs, you can look at them in the same way as mutual funds and trades.

You do not need to have a special margin account to be able to use ETFS. This is because they are available and it is legal to trade them on the regular stock exchange. You don’t have to worry about the way that they are being traded or any of the implications that come along with using a smaller account or a margin account that could bring about problems in your portfolio. Always make sure that you are working with your ETFs in the same way that you would work with traditional stocks and shares.


When you are using options trading, ETF is one of the best chances at gaining diversity in your portfolio. Since they can be traded on the open stock market, they are simple to add to your portfolio, and they can make a huge difference in the way that your portfolio looks. Always make sure that you are trying new things and that you are working to promote the different aspects of your portfolio. With ETF, you can see that there is a major difference in the way that stocks are traded in the field.

Larger Volumes

ETFs are also great if you want to have a large volume of stocks. They can be purchased in mass quantities, but the prices are generally close to the same of what a similar stock would cost you on the open market. Since they are slightly more complex than a traditional stock, they will eventually grow to be worth more than what the stocks are. This will give you the chance to see that they can be traded and they will be able to be purchased for different amounts. It is always a good idea to try out different stocks and to make sure that you have things like ETFs available in your trading portfolio so that you don’t have to worry about the implications that come along with not having a diversified portfolio.


Perhaps one of the biggest benefits that come with ETFs is also their downfall. Since they are so complex, it is important to note that they cannot be used in the way that other stocks are able to be used. You must make sure that you are diversifying your portfolio heavily. Since you have them in there, you need to trade them.

If you have never had a complex stock like an ETF, you will want to check with your broker for advice on what can be done with the stock and the way that you can work to make sure that the stock is truly working for you.


Despite the fact that futures were the forerunner for options trading, they have not become completely obsolete just because options are now more prominent. In fact, there is actually a chance that futures have grown in popularity as a result of options trading. If you are hoping to diversify your portfolio even further, consider futures but also consider the implications that come with future trading options.

The Stock Exchange with Futures

Similar to options trading, you need to make sure that you have a specific margin account that was designed to be used with futures. This will help prevent you from running into major problems that could happen in the Open Stock Exchange. You cannot use futures on the stock exchange, and they will be separate from it despite the fact that the returns will be determined based on the stock exchange. Try to find the best margin fund for your futures so that you can have them separate from your options trading.


The premium that you would typically see with a future is usually about the same as what you would see with options stocks. This is because they are very similar. Where you must wait for the date with futures, you must wait for the price with options stocks. It is a good idea to always try and make sure that you are dividing your investments evenly between the two so that, if you lose out on one, you will still have a chance to profit on the other.

Strike Dates

There is no expiration date on the futures. This is because they are meant to go infinitely unlike the options trading. There is, however, a price that you must reach before you can buy or sell the contract. That is the downside to the trades and is something that propelled the reasoning behind the options trading. It is important to know that you cannot sell unless you are at that price. You must also be able to reach a future date before you can sell. Without the expiration date, you don’t have to be in such a hurry to sell, but you do have to wait a specified amount of time.