Chapter Fifteen



A week later Joe was following his father about the property. George pointed out things he wanted done, things that Joe would see to. Joe didn't mind the work; in fact, he was eager to do well for his father. He knew he'd have to command the help, but he intended to do it with dignity.

"Cotton is pretty easy to grow. And there's a reason we grow here in Texas especially. You see, it doesn't have to be watered all the time. And it grows well here. We got maize and corn too. The workers here know their job. From time to time you have to reinforce the fact that you are the boss, but you know most of them and they won't give you trouble. Some of the things I tell you here today, you already know, but you've been gone a while and I need to remind you of what we have and what we have to do."

"Have you considered giving them a salary father?" Joe asked.


"Jerimiah, Jonas, Noah, Luke, Matthew and all the others, including Ole Jen?"

"A salary?"

"Yes a full salary. One they could live on."

"For what? No, I haven't and I won't. Money is the last thing they need. I give them food for their bellies, good strong shelters, weekends off except for feeding the stock and Ole Jen and Henry of course. I treat them like family. But I'm not about to pay them money." George insisted. "Despite what you think I should do, I won't do that. Why…what would they do with money?"

"They are free now father. Why not give them a little incentive to do even more?" Joe suggested. "People work harder if they have a good reason to."

"You might have a point there, son. But, because the more you give, the more you gotta give. They'd be taking us over if we did that. It's like givin' them the right to vote. You can't do that; they'd be tryin' to run the country. No sir. I will not pay them." George insisted vehemently. "Not one red cent. They work just fine without that. They'd just get drunk or spend it frivolously anyway. They truly wouldn't know what to do with money."

"I guess you don't understand. They are employees now, not slave's father." Joe reproached him.

"Until you've run this place a while, don't tell me how to do it. I haven't turned it all over to you yet." George insisted. "Good grief you go to war and come back a know it all."

"Alright, I won't argue about this father. But if you want me to take over some day, you are going to have to give me some slack to do just that. You have to be open to new ideas and ways. Times are changing."

"No, I don't. Not yet I don't. You're getting awfully cocky son. I don't like that. You must learn about the land, and believe me; you've got a lot to learn before you can tell me how to run it." George said.

"Very well, father, but I'd think you'd be open to some suggestions." Joe smiled at him. "Especially if you are thinking of turning this place over to me."

"Suggestions yes, orders no." George replied.

"Perhaps I asked in the wrong tone?" Joe smiled to himself.


They spent the entire day going over different areas and George giving him instructions on how to handle certain things.

"Tomorrow I want to go over the books with you, so you can get a clear picture of where we are."

"That would be good, father."

"I know you are anxious to get back to Melanie, but you have taken in a lot today and you will need time to reflect on it."

"Most of it I already knew father, but it was nice spending the day with you."

George stared at him a minute, then lit another cigar and moved on.

When Joe came in, he went upstairs to Melanie, picked her up in his arms, and laid her on the bed, smothering her with kisses and sweet words. She was wearing a frilly white and green dress that rode low on her bosom. He bent to kiss her there. Her breast swelled against his lips.

"My, you are amorous today." Melanie cooed. "And hot and sweaty too!"

"Want me to bath first?"

She pulled him down for a kiss, and then explained. "No, I rather like you like this, so…manly."

"Just glad to be here with you and away from my demanding father." Joe laughed. "Oh my love, you always smell so sweet. This particular dress drives me wild with wants when I see it on you. Of course you know that already, don't you?"

"It's rose water. The smell…And yes, I do know it."


"Was it that bad? Being with your father?" She asked breathlessly.

"It's just he wants to do everything the old way. He's not keeping up with the times and there are easier ways of doing things if he'd listen." Joe insisted. "Which he doesn't. We could grow many things besides cotton, but he insists that cotton is much easier to grow than anything else and there's a market for it."

"Give him time. When a man reaches his age, he begins to think his life is close to over and it is hard to relinquish his command of it all." Melanie explained.

Joe didn't want to hear reasoning, he wanted sympathy and to sidetrack her he kissed her wantonly.

"You're not very tired, I see…," she giggled.

"Hardly. I've been thinking about making love with you half the day…"

She giggled again. "Whatever pleases you. I bet your father wouldn't want to hear you say that."

"Father doesn't have a new and amorous bride!"

He looked into her beautiful eyes. "You please me…my darling wife. I want you."

"Perhaps I'll have to remember to be downstairs when you come in from the field, hot and sweaty." She sighed into his arms.

"It wouldn't matter. I'd sweep you into my arms and carry you up here, to have my way with you." He kissed the crook of her neck, as his need of her grew.

"Oh Joe…I can't deny, I've wanted you all day too…" she cried at last, when he began to undo her buttons.

When he had pushed away the dress he stared wide-eyed at her full breast heaving against the camisole, threatening to spill over. He was speechless. He swallowed hard. She was so beautiful standing there, waiting for him to come to her.

His hands unlaced her, as his nose nudged the material away from her. His lips captured one rosey hued nipple. "Hmm…this is what I'm hungry for."

"You are down-right naughty," she murmured, but sighing with satisfaction at his eagerness to have her.

He laid his head against her there and kneaded the softness of her with his hands. "A man could die happy here."

"My breasts are too big." She gasped. "I'm sure of it."

"No…they are just right." He smiled against her and took the nipple that puckered for his touch. "I dream about them sometimes. They are so creamy, round and beautiful, and bursting to be let loose."

His hand reached to pull up her skirt and in seconds he had her bloomers down around her knees as his hand crept up to gently message her moist little nest.

"You are so moist."

"It only happens when you are around," she purred, moving her hips slightly to be closer to him.

"Off with these clothes. I want to look at you. Admire you, feast upon you." He smiled at her heated expression. She blushed profusely.

She pushed his shirt away from his chest and kissed him. "I sometimes think about it all day long…"

He stopped and looked at her with a smile. "Of what…"

"Making love with you. I never thought I would enjoy it so much. But, I find myself wanting to go fetch you and lay you down in the field and have my way with you there."

"My…I'm glad I please you so much you fantasize about it."

"I do, my darling. Promise me…if you ever tire of me, you'll tell me. Do I please you?"

"Please me? My God woman, loving you is pure heaven on earth. You have my heart, my soul, my body. The pleasure of taking you is all mine. And I dream of it too, at some rather embarrassing times." Joe laughed.

"Oh Joe…take me!" She cried as she felt his manhood against her thigh.

"Yes," he removed his clothes and for long moments, they just lay there on the bed, looking at each other, exploring each other anew.

Her fingers caressed his nipples and he jerked.

Then slowly, her hands went over his chest, and she sighed. "I love touching your chest. You have very little hair there, it shines sometimes in the night and I want to just look at you." She admitted timidly. "Do I sound like a whore?"

"Never! And I you. You have the most lovely breasts I've ever seen. Full, round, and soft. If you went without a top, I'd be in heaven always. I wouldn't get any work done, I can assure you!"

She smiled. "Have you seen many?"

"None as lovely as you, my darling…" he answered.

"You don't like the rest of me?" she pouted.

"I love the rest of you. Especially…here." He moved to kiss the sweetness of her. His tongue was hot and wet and she squirmed as he touched her most intimate places.

"I never dreamed it would be so wonderful between us." She cried out as his lips and tongue caressed her.

She began to thrash about as his tongue danced against her. Her body readied for him.

"Oh Joe…I want you so…"

"And so you shall, but first I want you going wild for me. I want to see your body move against me, begging me for release."

"I'm so hot now, I don't know if I can stand another moment of it," she protested as her hips reached to find his mouth, and his tongue dipped inside the love nest between her legs. His tongue found the clit of her and slowly waltzed against her there until she was was clawing him and moving so exotically that he had to take her to end their misery of not having each other.

They climaxed once, but he wouldn't let up and again they came together, madly, with the need to be loved. The thrill of the moments together sent them over the edge and she nearly screamed his name as she clawed his back and caressed him.

They lay spent, entwined in each other's arms until Ole Jen was knocking on their door telling them that dinner was ready.

"I'm a mess," she cried glancing at herself, hot, sweaty, and filled with their loving.

"You are gorgeous. And the truth be known, I'd rather have you again, than go to dinner, but Ole Jen might be mad. She hates cooking when no one eats." Joe laughed.

"We must hurry…"

"Let me kiss your breast one more time and then we'll go." He bent his head and took the nipple that was now raw and well loved into his mouth, caressing it gently. "I could spend all day kissing you there….but alas, your nipples are raw from my touches. I dare not hurt you."

"I could spend all day, letting you…" she smiled at him.

"I love you Melanie…"

"I love you Joe…"

He helped her dress, and then threw on his pants, shirt, and boots. She combed her hair and let it fall against her shoulders. He fingered it, kissed her hotly on the lips and took her hand as they walked down to dinner.

His father stared at them a moment.

"My God son, her cheeks are raw!" George blurted out.

Melanie touched her cheek and looked away.

"Well, I see you two have been busy…." He waited to see her pink. "Looks as though I'll have a grandchild sooner than I thought."

Melanie turned red.

Joe smiled. "Next year, father."

"Why wait so long?"

"We want time to enjoy each other." Joe explained.

"Son, you've been doing that ever since you came home."

"I did not compromise her." Joe insisted. "She was pure as the driven snow the day I married her."

"Perhaps, but close, I'm sure of that." George snickered.

"This is no conversation to have in front of a lady." Joe insisted.

"Of course, you are right. I must say, I'm glad the two of you are so well suited though. And I am anxious for grandchildren."

"In due time, father, in due time."

George laughed. "I'll hold you to that son!"