Select Bibliography


Archival Material

British Public Records Office (National Archives), Kew

Central Bureau of Statistics, Jerusalem

Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem

European Union Archives, Brussels

Knesset Archives, Jerusalem

Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Margaret Thatcher Foundation Archive

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Ministry of Defence, Tel Aviv

President Bush Presidential Library Archive

President Carter Presidential Library Archive

President Clinton Presidential Library Archive

President Reagan Presidential Library Archive

State Department Library, Washington, DC

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UN Secretary General – Official Records, New York

UN Security Council – Official Records, New York

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Annual Review for Israel for 1990

Annual Review for Israel for 1991

Annual Review for Israel for 1992

Annual Review for Israel for 1993

Annual Review for Israel for 1994

Annual Review for Israel for 1996



American Spectator

The Atlantic

Baltimore Sun

Daily Telegraph

The Economist

Financial Times


Globe and Mail (Canada)




Huffington Post


Jerusalem Post


Moscow Times

National Post (Canada)

National Review

New Republic

New Statesman

New York Times

New Yorker





Time magazine

The Times

Times of Israel

Vanity Fair

Wall Street Journal

Washington Post

The World Today

Yedioth Ahronoth


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