Although wildlife photography is often looked upon as a solo pursuit, securing good pictures frequently requires a great deal of assistance from others. Many of the pictures in this book are the result of such help, and many of those who helped are both fellow photographers and good friends. Special thanks go to Jari Peltomaki, Fredieric Desmette, Dave Kjaer, Roger Tidman and Dave Richards.
A number of people have commented on and helped with the manuscript, notably Rod-wynne Power of Solutions Photographic who, as author of Photoshop Made Simple and as an Alpha/Beta tester of Photoshop™, has brought his immense technical expertise to bear on the relevant chapters in the book, ensuring their accuracy. My thanks too go to Tim Loseby for helpful comments and suggestions.
Nigel Redman and Mike Unwin at A&C Black greeted the idea for this book with enthusiasm and encouraged me to pursue it. I am very grateful to my editor, Julie Bailey for her help, suggestions and open mind as the book developed, and above all for her patience, and to Joanne Osborn and Rod Teasdale for their copy-editing and design work. For work on the second edition I would very much like to thank my editor Lisa Thomas and for the brilliant design Julie Dando.
Finally, last but not least, to my family: Jayne, James and Charlotte have to put up with the demands of a professional wildlife photographer – frequent periods away in far-flung corners of the world followed by long periods locked away in front of my computer. For their support and understanding I am forever grateful.