Chapter Thirty

“Dude seems pretty tall,” Billy Ray said as they watched the video evidence the old folks’ corner had found.

“Not taller than you, or Stevenson, or Willie Lee for that matter. What makes you think it’s a dude? Edmée’s probably that tall in heels,” Raven said.

“So if we were using height as a way to identify this suspect, so is your brother,” Billy Ray countered.

“Brothers and girlfriends. They put the ‘D’ in dysfunctional,” Raven said, trying to keep the mood light.

“She’s not my girlfriend, just a friend,” Billy Ray emphasized. “But I’m glad that we know something about the motherfucker now. I bet you he’s taking Noe to the kill spot.”

Raven felt something happening between her, Billy Ray and Stevenson as they grappled with this new evidence. Maybe it was their shared interest. Each one of them, no matter what stage they were at in their career or lives, had a job that could stop evil people from doing evil things.

She got up and started rummaging through Billy Ray’s desk.

“You know,” he said mildly, “if you’re looking for a map you could’ve just asked.”

“Never mind, got one.”

She walked with the map spread out toward the whiteboard. She placed it over the pictures, and placed magnets at each corner. After the map of Byrd’s Landing was displayed on the whiteboard, she found the coordinates for the street names of the bus stop where the boys were last seen on camera. Using a Sharpie, she drew a red star. With her finger, she drew a line between the bus stop and the place where they saw Noe, or thought they saw Noe, attempt to escape his kidnapper. She didn’t need to look that up. Kingfisher, the same road she and Stevenson took to scout the fictional movie location when he was still masquerading as Wynn Bowen.

“That’s pretty far away,” Stevenson said, coming to stand beside her.

“Yeah,” Billy Ray agreed. “About fifteen or twenty miles.”

Raven’s heart was beating so fast that her throat hurt. Wait until she told Cameron that she had this lead. They were so close. She could feel Noe with a sense she couldn’t explain calling for her. Maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe he was still alive.

“So, whoever they met up with on Friday was driving them out of town,” Raven reasoned.

“Whoa, now,” Billy Ray said. “Don’t let’s get ahead of ourselves. We need to figure out where they caught that ride.”

Billy Ray drew a big circle around the bus stop with a purple Sharpie. “How far do you think those boys could walk without getting tired?”

“Dunno,” Stevenson said. “Nowadays, lazy as kids are, maybe three or four miles.”

“Noe and Clyde loved running the streets together,” Raven said. “My brother left Noe on his own a few times, and Clyde wasn’t exactly having a dance party in the house with his stepdad. I’d say they had a little practice walking around, especially being too young to drive.”

“Okay, give it five or six,” Billy Ray said, drawing another ring around the circle to extend it. “Where does your ghoul live?”

“My ghoul? You mean Willie Lee Speck?” Raven responded.

Stevenson was already back at Billy Ray’s desk rifling through a folder. He read out Speck’s address. Raven quickly found it and drew a red star next to the location.

“He’s in the circle. Right inside it, too,” Raven said. “Close to the bus stop. Should we pull him in for questioning, this time not so nicely?”

“Might not be the worst idea you ever had,” Billy Ray said. “But he’ll just lawyer up.”

“Wait a minute,” Raven said. “Doesn’t Edmée live somewhere up on Lakeshore?”

“I think so,” Billy Ray said. “What about it?”

“Maybe they stopped by there?” Raven said. “She was really fond of Clyde, and him of her. Maybe he went there to whine about his stepdad?”

“She would’ve said something about it by now,” Billy Ray said.

“Maybe she wasn’t home?” Raven responded. “But that’s a fancy neighborhood. I’m sure she has help around the place. Could they have talked to a housekeeper or gardener?”

“That could be,” Billy Ray said.

“You think we should swing by there?”

“Sure. I’ll go with you.”

“I don’t know, Billy Ray. Her husband might be home.”

“I don’t give a rat’s ass who’s at home,” Billy Ray said.

“Detective Stevenson,” Raven said. “Do you mind updating the chief and getting the uniforms to canvass the neighborhood to see if someone saw these boys?”

“Already on it. What about Cameron?”

“Let’s not say anything just yet,” Raven said. “I want to make sure we have something solid first.”

After Stevenson left, Billy Ray asked, “You happy?”

“Happier than I’ve been since Monday night,” Raven said. “We’re going to find him, Billy Ray. I just hope he’s alive.”

Just then, Raven’s phone rang. It was Rita telling her to get over to the morgue. She hung up before Raven had a chance to argue.

“You want to come with me?” she asked Billy Ray.

“Watch Rita cut up a body?” he said. “Hell no. What about talking to Edmée?”

“That’s not important. Rita sounded pretty insistent. We can swing by Edmée’s house after I talk to Rita. You want to meet me over there?”He gave her a two-finger salute in an answer that she took as an affirmative. She left Chastain’s feeling hopeful. She was going to restore their nascent family, and reboot her stalled new life.