List of Figures


Onto the Earth, the steeple of Katrine Malinovsky and Randi Jørgensen’s ‘The Village’ via the Turbine Hall, Cockatoo Island, Sydney, Australia. Photograph by author (2014).

0.1Diving, Plongeoir, Carnac. Photograph courtesy of David Collins (2006).

1.1Francis Bacon, Lying Figure, 1969. Oil on canvas. © The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved/DACS. Licensed by Viscopy, 2016.

1.2Leonardo Da Vinci, Vitruvian Man, c. 1490. Pen and ink with wash over metalpoint on paper.

1.3Exterior of Serpentine Pavilion. Photograph by author (2011).

1.4Interior corridor. Photograph by author (2011).

1.5A garden within. Photograph by author (2011).

2.1John Deakin, Lying Figure Photograph. John Deakin, Henrietta Moraes at 9 Apollo Place, c. 1963, © The John Deakin Archive. Licensed by Getty Images, 2016.

2.2The Net. Photograph courtesy of Chris Hawes, ‘Where the sweet peas used to scramble’ (2014).

2.3Rhythm. Photograph courtesy of Frederick Sarran, ‘Labyrinth’ (2010).

2.4Empty Warehouse. Photograph courtesy of Ashley Albin, ‘These Ghosts Aren’t my Own’ (2011).

3.1Douglas Darden, Plan at nurse’s level. Image courtesy of Allison Collins, 2016.

3.2Dis/continuous Genealogy. Image courtesy of Allison Collins, 2016.

3.3‘Anatomical section’. Image courtesy of Allison Collins, 2016.

3.4Douglas Darden, Frontispiece. Image courtesy of Allison Collins, 2016.

4.1Bernard Tschumi, Advertisements for Architecture, Ad no. 8., from Bernard Tschumi, Architecture Concepts: Red is Not a Color (New York: Rizzoli, 2012), 46.

4.2Orpheus in the Underworld. Photograph courtesy of Jean-Étienne Minh-Duy Poirrier (2006).

4.3Place Léon Aucoc, Bordeaux. Photograph courtesy of Lacaton and Vassal (1996).

5.1The stair, Mémorial des Martyrs de la Deportation. Photograph by author (2013).

5.2The bunker. Photograph courtesy of Kieran Richards (2015).

5.3Entrance to the chamber. Photograph courtesy of Kieran Richards (2015).

6.1Lucian Freud, Girl in a Blanket, 1953. Oil on canvas. Private Collection © The Lucian Freud Archive/Bridgeman Images.

6.2Brion-Vega Cemetery, San Vito d’Altivole. Photograph courtesy of Scott McLemore (2009).

6.3Concrete gate. Photograph courtesy of Kendra Jaen (2010).

6.4Concrete stairs. Photograph courtesy of Ingrid Berniga Dotras (2010).

7.1Barns against the sky. Photograph courtesy of Marco Casagrande (1999).

7.2The burning. Photograph courtesy of Marco Casagrande (1999).

8.1John Deakin, Double exposure. John Deakin, Henrietta Moraes at 9 Apollo Place, c. 1963, ©The John Deakin Archive. Licensed by Getty Images, 2016.

8.2Göteburg sauna. Photograph courtesy of RaumLabor (2015).

8.3Svettekörka. Photograph courtesy of Gallasato, RaumLabor (2015).

8.4Sauna interior. Photograph courtesy of RaumLabor (2015).

9.1Gliding, Plongeoir, Granville. Photograph courtesy of Aliocha Photographie (2009).