
Kim stopped herself before she began an argument. No matter what she did, David was going to continue making decisions without consulting her first. It was clear that he still didn’t see her as an equal partner in their relationship, and she felt more justified than ever in her decision.

David reached out and stroked her cheek. “You were saying?”

She reached up and removed his hand. “David, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I don’t think this whole engagement thing is working out.”

A flash of pain shot across his face. “What are you talking about, Kimberly? I love you.” He folded his arms. “Do you not still love me?”

“I don’t know, David. I thought I did.” She backed away. “I don’t understand why you volunteered to leave again without discussing it with me first. The whole time you were gone, I struggled on so many levels. Doesn’t it matter to you what I think—and how I feel?”

“Why didn’t you say something before?”

Kim shook her head. “I wanted to.” She closed her eyes to gather her thoughts before looking him in the eye.

He narrowed his gaze. “And why didn’t you?”

“I felt—I don’t know—unpatriotic?”


“Yeah. You were doing your duty to protect our country, and I was frustrated because you didn’t discuss it with me first. I’m not sure you would have even listened to me anyway.”

“C’mon, Kim, you know I can’t talk about my mission. It’s top secret.”

“We’re obviously on two different wavelengths. It’s not your mission I wanted to discuss. I wanted you to talk about the decision with me and at least listen to how I feel about it.”

David snorted. “How you feel?”


“Okay, tell me now. How do you feel?”

Now he was starting to irritate her. “That’s not the point, David.”

“Oh?” He lifted an eyebrow as he regarded her. “So what is the point?”

She raised her hands at her sides then let them drop. “The point is I don’t feel that I have any say in anything regarding us. You are deciding to volunteer for these missions without talking to me. You choose where we eat when we go out. You even decided you wanted pizza tonight; and without even asking what I thought, you told me you were bringing it.” She gulped back the urge to cry. “And then you forgot. But that’s not really the point.”

“Why do you get so upset over all this insignificant stuff?” His voice had reached a higher pitch, which made Kim feel even worse.

“It’s not insignificant to me.”

“I didn’t realize that. So tell me what else is bothering you.”

“I don’t know, David, but that’s not all that important right now. I thought that once a couple were engaged, they got together and discussed kids and houses and furniture and china patterns.” She paused for a couple of seconds before adding, “And jobs.”

“Oh, Kim, honey,” he said as he reached for her and pulled her to his chest. “I never wanted to make you feel that I don’t pay enough attention to you.”

Don’t cry, don’t cry. She bit down on her lip to redirect the pain and keep a tear from falling.

David stroked her back a few times then held her at arm’s length. “What if I promise to be more attentive? Would that make you happy?”

“It would have before.” Kim hung her head then slowly raised it and looked him in the eye. “David, I don’t think we should stay engaged.”

“Shh.” He reached over and gently touched her lips. “I know I’ve hurt you. I love you. I’ll try to do better.”

“But—” Kim’s chest ached. “It’s not that—”

“Being a fiancé doesn’t come naturally to me,” he admitted. “Someone should teach a class on how an engaged man should act.” He grinned and tweaked her chin. “Why don’t we talk about everything tonight and get it all out? That’s the best way we can settle any problems before they get out of hand.”

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Breaking her engagement with an insensitive man would have been much easier. This surprise show of tenderness had caught her off guard.

The pizza arrived a few minutes later. David paid for it while Kim went to the kitchen to get their drinks. They sat down at the kitchen table.

David took her hand closest to him. “I’ll say the blessing—unless you’d rather do it.”

She shook her head. “No, that’s okay. You can do it.”

As they ate, David explained as much as he was able to about his mission—when he’d leave again and when he expected to be back home. He asked if she wanted him to call his commanding officer to see if it was too late to back out. “I’ve told you already how much I love you, Kimberly. I don’t want to risk losing the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Her heart felt like it would pound right out of her chest. “You don’t need to do that. There’s a much bigger world out there besides what’s going on with me.”

David leaned forward on his elbow. “I just want to make sure you know how important you are to me. I want you to be happy. I’ll do anything to please you, Kimberly, because I love you so much.”

His willingness to do whatever it took to make her happy stunned her. She should have been over-the-moon thrilled. How could she break the engagement after what he’d just said?

After he left, Kim twirled the engagement ring on her finger, something she found herself doing when she was deep in thought about anything related to David. It still bothered her that she had to tell him things any intelligent man should have known.

When Brian’s cell phone rang, he jumped. He glanced down and saw David’s number, so he flipped it open and answered.

“Hey, Brian. Man, I had a close call tonight.”

“Oh yeah? What happened?” Brian put down his book and repositioned himself in the chair.

“Kim let me have it.”

“What did she let you have?”

“You know,” David said, chuckling. “She read me the riot act about what a lousy fiancé I’ve been.”

“Why don’t you start from the beginning and explain?”

David cleared his throat before giving Brian a play-by-play accounting of his conversation with Kim. “Who knew she was so sensitive? I never saw that in her before.”

“She’s not any more sensitive than anyone else would be in her situation.” Brian had to work hard not to blast David for his lack of understanding.

“I don’t know, man. She obviously doesn’t get how the military works.”

Brian bristled. “Have you thought about explaining it to her?” Anger bubbled in Brian’s chest, but he used every ounce of self-restraint to tamp it down. He needed to keep his head straight for Kim.

“Yeah, maybe I should.”

“I think so.” Brian dug deep to find the right words to say—for Kimberly. “I know you’re the one putting your life on the line for our country, but you need to remember that it’s not easy on Kim, not knowing where you are or when you’re coming home.”

“Point taken.”

Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. He had to know. “Did the two of you work things out?”

David chuckled. “Yes, of course we did. You don’t think I’m a fool, do you?”

“No, I never thought that.”

“The last thing I need to do is have Kim mad at me when I take off again,” David continued. “I love her, and I want to marry her as soon as I return.”

Whoa. “Back up, David. You’re leaving again?”

“Yes, that’s the next thing I wanted to tell you. I’m being deployed in two weeks. You did such a nice job of looking after Kimberly, I wanted to thank you and ask you to do it again. Maybe you can remind her how much I love her when she’s unhappy.”

“I don’t need someone to tell me to look after Kim. First of all, she’s perfectly capable of taking care of herself. And second—”

“Okay, okay, I hear ya. I just don’t want some other guy coming in and sweeping her off her feet.”

“Kim is trustworthy.” Even if he couldn’t have her, he’d defend her honor to the end.

“I know she is, Brian.” David let a couple of seconds pass before he continued. “In the meantime, I think we all need to get together as much as possible before I leave. It’ll give me some memories to reflect on when I’m in the trenches.”

“Just say when,” Brian said as he continued to hold back his temper. “I’ll be there.” For Kim.

Brian couldn’t help the fact that he resented David more as each day passed.

Kim got to work five minutes early the next morning, but Jasmine had already arrived. The shop was open and ready for customers.

“Enjoying having David home?” Jasmine asked.

Kimberly nodded and looked away. “Of course.”

Jasmine regarded Kim with suspicion. “Really, Kimberly?”

“Yes.” Kim heard the frustration in her own voice.

“Oh, sweetie, what’s wrong?”

This was one time Kim wished she’d waited a few minutes and come in late. Oh well. She figured she might as well fess up, or she’d have to pretend all day.

“David told me he’s going back on another mission.”

“You’re kidding.” Jasmine shook her head and made a henlike clucking sound. “What is that boy thinking?”

“He’s a dutiful military man.”

Jasmine cast a you’ve-got-to-be-kidding look her way. “There’s dutiful, and there’s obsessed. I’d say he’s about to cross that line if he hasn’t already. Did he discuss it with you first?”

“Well, sort of.”

“Sort of?” Jasmine asked.

“Not exactly. He was asked if he wanted to put in for the assignment, and he accepted. But when I told him how I felt—”

“You told him?”

Kim nodded. “Yes, and he was surprised by my reaction.”

“Good for you, Kimberly! I’m proud of you.” Jasmine beamed. “So what did he say when you told him your feelings?”

“He said it probably wasn’t too late to talk to his commanding officer. But I could tell he really wanted to go.”

“Don’t tell me you said it was okay.”

Kim’s shoulders sagged. “Jazzy, what could I do when he reminded me that he’s in the military to protect our country? It makes me feel like such a slacker for whining about my feelings.”

“No, you are not a slacker, Kimberly Shaw. You’re just a woman who wants her man around so you can get on with your life.”

“But he has this really important job, and I knew how much his military career meant to him when I first agreed to be his wife.”

“That doesn’t mean you have to let this continue.” Jasmine widened her stance and planted her hands on her hips. “Have you discussed this with Brian?”

Kim shuddered as she remembered her conversation with Brian and the unspoken words that still lingered in her thoughts. “No, but I’m sure he probably already knows.”

“Don’t make a mistake with your life just because you thought you knew what you wanted before you had all the facts.”

“I’ll try not to,” Kim said, just to end the conversation. She had to change the subject. “Have you seen the latest flatiron? That thing’s amazing. It can straighten a whole head of ringlets in minutes.”

Jasmine offered an understanding smile. “There are a lot of things we need to straighten out, Kimberly. Too bad the latest and greatest flatiron can’t fix everything.”

Kim laughed. “You got that right.”

“Oh, your first appointment canceled. There was a message on voice mail when I got in.”

Relieved, Kim went to the storage room and pulled out what she needed for her next appointment. After she got everything organized at her station, she went to the break room with her cell phone and called Brian.

“You’re not gonna believe what happened,” she said as soon as he answered his phone.

“David called me.” Brian sounded angry. “He said you weren’t happy about it.”

“That’s putting it mildly. But we talked it out, and I think he understands how I feel now.”

“But it doesn’t change anything, does it, Kim?”

She thought for a moment before replying, “No, I guess it doesn’t. He’s still going, but I told him I was okay with it.”

“Are you, Kim?” Brian asked with a sarcastic tone. “Do you know what you want?”

“I have no idea how to answer that. Please don’t make this harder than it already is.”

He audibly exhaled. “So why did you call me?”

“I just wanted to make sure you knew he was leaving again.”

“Does this mean I have to have another party when he comes back?” Sarcasm was evident in his voice.

“Only if you tell me first.”

“Trust me, I will,” he said. “I learned my lesson.”

“David mentioned something about everyone getting together before he leaves. Got any ideas?”

“Why should I have ideas for David? If he wants to get together, he can organize it himself.”

“I’m sorry, Brian. It’s just that—”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said, interrupting her. “What do you think about bowling and pizza one night?” His monotone let her know he’d put his emotions on the back burner for her. Again.

The line grew silent for a second. “Brian?”

“Yes, Kim?”

“Thank you.”

He laughed. “Why are you thanking me?”

“For being there,” she said softly. “For being my friend.”

After they hung up, Brian stared at the phone. Even though he felt a kick in the gut every time he saw her with David, she’d always brought light into his life by being there when he really needed her, even when he didn’t deserve it. He couldn’t let her down, no matter how he felt about her.

In the afternoon meeting, Jack gave him a thumbs-up for his presentation. At least something was going his way.

That night David called. Brian told him the same thing he’d said to Kim about things the group would enjoy.

“Sounds good,” David agreed. “How about bowling this Friday night?”

“Fine. I’ll e-mail everyone.”

“Thanks, buddy. See you then.”

After he got off the phone, Brian sat back and thought about hanging out with Kim and David. He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but he wasn’t about to disappoint Kim.

She called him on Tuesday just to chat. When he said he was too busy to talk and cut their conversation short, she sounded hurt, but she said she understood.

On Wednesday, Brian felt bad, so he called her and asked if she was okay. She was slow to respond, but after he prodded her with a couple of teasing comments, she chuckled. The sound of her laughter warmed him from the inside out. He’d settle for any kind of relationship he could have with Kim—just to be in her life.

“I’ve contacted everyone about getting together Friday night,” he said. “Too bad about the circumstances, though.”

After they got off the phone, Brian prayed. Lord, give me the strength to handle the inevitable with Kimberly. You know what is right for both of us, so if I can’t be the love of her life, help me to be a better friend. He opened his eyes for a few seconds before shutting them again. And I pray that these romantic feelings I have for her will subside.

Thursday and Friday seemed to crawl by, but finally Friday night arrived. After work he went home and changed into some bowling clothes. Everyone was supposed to meet at Graziano’s for pizza; then they’d all head over to the bowling alley.

Brian was the first to arrive, so he secured a couple of tables next to each other. People from their singles group trickled in—some in pairs and others alone. The last to arrive were David and Kimberly. All heads turned when they entered.

As people tossed jokes and comments about David taking off again, Brian sat and tried hard not to stare at Kim. However, he did allow himself a glance every now and then, and he could tell she wasn’t happy—even behind that plastic smile frozen on her face.

When the pizzas arrived, Brian forced himself to eat. But when he looked in Kim’s direction again, he saw that she’d barely nibbled the one piece on her plate. David, on the other hand, was reaching for his third slice, talking with Jonathan on the other side of him and acting as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

Brian was about to speak to Kim, but David leaned over in her direction and pointed to something behind Brian. Must be nice to have someone to whisper to—especially if that person was Kim. He worked at averting his gaze, but David stood up and tapped his fork on the side of his glass.

David lifted his hand, cleared his throat, and looked directly at Brian. “Now that everyone’s here, we can finish dinner and head on over to the bowling alley.”

Brian glanced over his shoulder and saw a very tall, very blond, very made-up woman smiling back at David. He’d never seen her before in his life.