The University Press of Mississippi is a member of the Association of American University Presses.
“Living with Light” originally written for Shadow Patterns: Essays on Fay Jones, Architect, edited by Jeff Shannon (University of Arkansas Press, 2016).
“Pollen, Part II” was originally published as “Living with Sudafed” in House and Garden, 2008.
“My Paris and My Rome, Part II” was originally published as “Watching the Water Run” in Smithsonian, November 2006.
“Ode to New Orleans” was originally published in Yoga Journal, October 2006.
“Proving Once Again I Will Do Anything for My Granddaughters” was originally published as “Dancing Across the Waves” in Washington Post Magazine, March 2003.
“Being Wooed” was originally published in Harper’s Bazaar, October 2002.
“Summer, A Memory” was originally published as “On Her Terms” in Washington Post Magazine, July 2001.
“In Praise of the Young Man” was originally published in Vogue, September 1997.
“Christmas Past” was originally published as “Surviving the Holiday Season” in Harper’s Bazaar, December, 1994.
“Keeping Houses” was originally published in O at Home, Summer 2008.
Copyright © 2016 by Ellen Gilchrist
All rights reserved
Manufactured in the United States of America
First printing 2016
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Gilchrist, Ellen, 1935– author.
Title: Things like the truth : out of my later years / Ellen Gilchrist.
Description: Jackson, Mississippi : University Press of Mississippi, [2016]
Identifiers: LCCN 2015039893 (print) | LCCN 2015051464 (ebook) | ISBN
9781496805751 (hardcover : acid-free paper) | ISBN 9781496805768 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Gilchrist, Ellen, 1935–—Anecdotes.
Classification: LCC PS3557.I34258 A6 2016 (print) | LCC PS3557.I34258 (ebook) | DDC 814/.54—dc23
LC record available at
British Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data available