Something I wrote caught the attention of my college professor. The story interested him, and he wanted to hear more.
I’d been writing down the ideas flying around in my head ever since I was a little girl, but having an outsider walk into that world with me made me realize that I was the only one who knew the territory, who could navigate the way around this otherwise hidden place—my mind. This was my creation, and now someone wanted to visit. My soul was filled with a soothing feeling of hope, inspiration, and optimism.
I grew up with a big creek running through my yard, and I spent many long days down there by myself, digging in the dirt, looking for frogs, racing leaves downstream—curiosity guiding me. Something always happened, a story always unfolded right before my eyes, keeping my imagination fresh because I never knew what to expect. I never knew what I would find. That voice of “wondering” lures my soul to this day, and hundreds of collected memories run through my head like water rushing down that creek out back. I continue to gather as many as I possibly can. There’s always something just around the end, something new always on its way.
Magic’ll come at ya if you’re open to it. As did this book. Out of nowhere.
So many stories came at me from so many people for this project, there are thousands more I didn’t get to hear due to time restraints. I connected with a variety of people, gave them an idea of what I was curious about, and then let them lead the way. I merely followed them, recorded the memories as we went along, gathering experiences inspired by this band called the Grateful Dead, whose music weaves the road the whole way there.
Giant's Stadium, New Jersey, July 1989 © Bob Minkin