You can play your own version of Captain Jack Sparrow with this role-playing game—just get ready to capture the bootie!
Reach under her skirt and secretly pleasure her while the other pirates continue drinking, eating, and making noise. She’s your captive, but you’re her protector!
Hot and spicy: This time she’s your captive, but you’re the horny pirate who’s been at sea far too long. It’s been months since you’ve seen a woman, let alone touched one, and she’s beautiful to boot. Tie her hands behind her back and manhandle her breasts, or rip off her dress and tie her naked to a chair for your viewing pleasure. Tease her breasts and nipples with your lips and mouth until she’s wet, then pull her hair and kiss her roughly. Take her any way you want—you’re the captain of this boat!
• If your lover is willing, make her your sex slave. Rip her clothes off, then make her perform all the duties of a captive maiden completely naked. That might include hoisting the sails (removing your clothing), walking the plank (sucking you off), and swabbing the deck (cleaning up the mess!).