I finally went to the hospital and had just gotten home when Barby approached me at the door. What was wrong with this girl? It was the day of the party and my mind was doing flips after just seeing Maceo in a catatonic state.
He was officially deemed brain dead and his family was trying to make a decision if they should authorize the hospital to pull the plug. So the last thing I felt like doing was talking to Barby. But that didn’t stop her from walking up to me and invading my space.
“How are you?” She whispered following me through the living room. “Can I do anything?”
I trudged into my room and she was on my heels. “Not good, Barby.” I flopped down. “But what can I do?”
“So what they saying?” She sat on the bed and I leaned against the wall not trying to be close to her. “About Maceo? He gonna make it?”
“He’s brain dead, Barby. So no, it doesn’t look like he’s gonna make it.”
She covered her mouth with her fingertips and she looked super fake. I can’t deal with this girl right now. “Oh my gawd, you lying!”
“No, Barby,” I rolled my eyes. “I’m not lying.”
“Can I do anything for you?” She scooted closer to me. “Maybe get you some breakfast? I’m no Tabitha but I can wrestle up something if you want. The refrigerator packed with the food for tonight so I’ll have to make it work but—”
“Leave her alone tonight, Barby,” I said seriously. “That’s what you can do for me.”
She blinked several times and looked around. For some reason in that moment I realized I was dealing with a mad woman. “What you mean leave her alone?” She played with one of her red locs.
I leaned in closer. “Don’t do whatever you’re planning to do to Tabitha.”
She rolled her eyes. “You still protecting that chick after all this time?”
When I looked at her she didn’t look as angry as she did before. I wasn’t sure but I had a feeling she knew all of her opinions were wrong about Tabitha. In the past whenever I had anything to say about Tabitha that contradicted what she felt her nostrils would flare and she would tense up.
But now I think she knows.
Maybe she’ll leave her alone after all.
Or maybe she’s so crazy that she doesn’t care.
“I’m protecting her because what you think went down is not what went down,” I continued. “Leave her alone. I’m begging you.”
“You love her so much don’t you?”
“I care about her.”
She frowned. “Everybody loves Tabitha.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “But sadly, your world is about to rock. Or, collapse.”
My eyes widened. “What you mean?”
“You have something coming your way and its all her fault. Tabitha is not the person you think she is and I was right about her all along.” She pointed at me. “Soon everyone will see.”
I moved closer. “Can you say whatever you gotta say and stop beating around the bush?”
“I’m not sure but I think I heard her call the cops on you.” She giggled. “Last night.”
I held my stomach. “Fuck you talking about?”
“Like I said I’m not sure but the police got called.”
“She called the police about what? I didn’t do anything.”
She shrugged. “Again, I’m not sure but I walked by her room and I could’ve sworn I heard her telling the cops about you and Maceo. And the choking thing.”
“But I didn’t tell anybody but you about Maceo!” I stood up and walked in front of her. “Please say you didn’t do that, Barby. Please say you aren’t that evil!”
“Like I said I heard Tabitha—”
I smacked her and for the first time she seemed genuinely scared. I hit her again just because. I was about to claw out her eyes when there was banging at the front door.
I climbed off her body, left my room and headed to answer it. The moment I opened it three police officers rushed inside. One of them, a big man with an angry face flashed his large silver badge. “Are you Paris Porter?”
“Yes…I…yes…” My words flitted around in my mouth.
“You’re under arrest for the murder of Maceo Carter.”
I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was whisked around and handcuffs were slapped on my wrists. “But I didn’t do anything. Why are you taking me away?”
“Well if you’re innocent that will be discussed in court,” the officer said. “Now it’s time to go.”
Tears rolled down my eyes and when I looked across the living room I saw Barby staring at me with a sly smile on her face. When our eyes made contact she tried to appear sad but it was obvious what happened.
This wasn’t Tabitha’s fault.
This was all her doing.
Everything evil that happened here was her doing.
I don’t know how but I needed to get in contact with Tabitha like yesterday. This chick was selfish and dangerous and Tabitha had to leave this apartment if she wanted to be safe.
Paris did just what I thought she would do. Make two phone calls here to try and get in touch with Tabitha while in jail. But because I’m as smart as I am I made sure that I blocked all jail calls. So Kaden’s cousin from down south would be short too.
Oh well.
All I knew was this, Paris wasn’t about to fuck up my shit.
I don’t care what she thought.
When Tabitha walked in the apartment with Kaden holding more food bags I approached them. “I got bad news, guys.” I tried to put on my best performance ever. I tried to act like I really, really cared about people and things when I didn’t. “It’s about Paris.”
They both walked over and placed the bags on the table. Tabitha placed her hands on her hips. “What…what is it?” She looked me up and down, as if trying to see if I was hurt. “What happened? Say something.”
“First off Maceo died.” I could’ve said that nicer but like I said I didn’t care.
Kaden looked like she was gut punched. “No! Please don’t say that.”
“It was confirmed earlier so it’s not a joke.” I said. “His parents just called to say he didn’t make it. They were very distraught but wanted us to know so they called.”
“Did anything else happen, Barby?” Tabitha continued, her body trembling. “Because you look…you look like something else is on your mind.” She touched her forehead.
“The cops arrested Paris about an hour ago.” I sighed. “They took her into custody. I tried to help but they pushed me away and told me to stay out of it. There was nothing I could do.”
I saw tears immediately fill the wells of Kaden’s eyes. “Oh, no! But why? This isn’t her fault. She didn’t do anything but try to take care of him! Why would they do that?”
“Exactly!” Tabitha said.
“Actually, Tabitha, it kinda is her fault.” I smiled. “You don’t know everything because Paris was trying to keep it on the low. But Maceo’s blood is on her hands.”
“What?” She paused. “Why you say that?”
“Actually there’s a lot about her and Maceo you didn’t know. I never told you because I wanted to keep you out of it but those two were really freaky. Into some sadistic shit. The type of shit you go to hell for.”
“What does that have to do with Maceo?” Tabitha asked.
“Because she—”
“Wow, you way out of line, Barby,” Kaden said walking away. “You’re fucking gross and out of line!” She slammed her bedroom door.