I sat in the room with my cousins and Kaden waiting for the situation to fall in place. I was loading my gun just in case, even though the idea was a good firm choking. Sahira was stuffing the pillow with extra clothes which we were gonna use as a silencer if nobody could squeeze the life out of Tabitha.

I was getting excited about the money that would come my way when I saw Kaden looking crazy in the corner of my room. Like she lost her best friend and couldn’t find her. I knew what her problem really was, somebody told her that Dandre was proposing to me which was why Tabitha had been spending so much time with him. And now she felt guilty.

Look, I don’t care if she was only helping Dandre propose to me, Kaden. She still acting dirty.”

Her eyes widened and slowly her head rotated in my direction. “Hold up…what you talking about?” She walked toward me. “What you mean Dandre was proposing to you?”

I rolled my eyes and breathed in her face because I hated repeating myself. “I said I don’t care if she was talking to him about the ring. Which supposedly explained why they spent so much time together.” I sighed. “At this point I want this money.”

She covered her mouth and I realized at that moment she didn’t know. Fuck! I shouldn’t have said anything. When she looked like she was about to run out of the room I stuffed the gun under the pillow and grabbed her. People were already in the living room for the party and she was ‘bout to blow up my set.

I closed the door again.

So Tabitha didn’t tell you? About the proposal? I thought that was the reason you were looking crazy in the mirror.”

You started all of this drama over Dandre and all Tabitha was doing was helping him propose to you? Don’t you feel wrong about any of this?” Tears rolled down her cheek. “How could you be so cold?”

I shrugged. “I’m sure she did something else, Kaden. The girl is evil! I know it when I see it. Maybe it’s because I am too. I can’t be sure. But she deserves to die. Now let’s not play the Real Housewives of Atlanta.”

She tried to walk past me and Sahira stopped her this time. “Where you going long legs? It’s almost time for action and we need all team players on deck.”

I’m not gonna be a part of this,” Kaden said looking at all of us. “I’m not gonna hurt somebody innocent.”

But I thought you said Lakota wanted to move in with you,” I reminded her as I watched Sahira stand behind her and braid Kaden’s last piece of hair without asking. It was creepy too because Kaden winced and I loved it. “How you gonna do that when he ain’t got no money and scared to pump on the streets?”

She squinted a little because Sahira was braiding that shit tight, I could tell. “We gonna make it work,” Kaden whispered.

Really?” I stepped in front of her. “And how you gonna do that?”

Barby, you have started so much shit since you been here,” Kaden said. “You pointed out a few things that Tabitha did but what about you and your shit?”

I put my hands on my hips. “What you talking about?”

Where is your rent money? I checked the banking account and you didn’t deposit it like we did.”

I blinked a few times. “It doesn’t matter. We moving in a place of our own remember?”

But where is your part on the bill?”

Sahira had finished braiding her hair and looked at me.

I shrugged. “The question is dumb, Kaden. The last thing I’m thinking ‘bout is rent money when I know we leaving.”

You know what, I realized something with you.” She pointed at me. “Every time you don’t have your rent money you start a fight with us or Dandre and threaten to leave. Usually I pay your way because I never wanted to find another roommate. But now…but now I finally get what’s going on.”

Oh really. And what’s that?”

She stepped so close our titties were touching. “That you the one we shouldn’t trust. Not Tabitha.”

Bitch, you better step out my cousin’s face.” Sahira said stepping in front of her. “Before I snap your neck.”

Hold up, sis. I think Kaden is right,” Georgia said fluffing her bush with her fingertips. “You do be starting fights when the rent due, Barby. Did it when you lived with me and Sahira too.”

I looked at her. “So now you taking her side? Over your own flesh and blood?”

It’s not ‘bout that,” Georgia said. “It’s about you being a trouble maker. Auntie said the same thing when I told her we were on our way up here. Told us to stay the fuck home and let you tend to your own business.” She shook her head. “You did ask me to borrow some money a few days ago for rent. When I told you I didn’t have it, the next thing I know we killing this bitch. It’s like we went from zero to a hundred.”

Kaden nodded. “Exactly, because she’s greedy and selfish.”

Sahira stepped up to Kaden and punched her in the stomach before pointing at her sister. “You not gonna fuck this up for me. I never had this amount of money and this my chance to be fly and rich for a change, Georgia. Don’t make me hurt both of you.” She looked at Kaden.

I’m going to get some air,” Kaden said holding her stomach.

I blocked her. “No you not. You ain’t in no condition to do anything but lie down somewhere.”

She rolled her eyes. “Listen, I was a little out of it mentally but now I’m back. All I need is some fresh air. I’m not going to the police or Tabitha.”

If you gonna get some air Sahira going with you.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Wait…you serious?”

Do it look like I’m playing?”

Barby, I don’t have time for this. I said I’m not going anywhere so stop—”

Bitch, this is going down today. If you want me to trust you then you better be worthy of it first.” She looked over my head at Sahira. “Now…let her go with you. She needs some air too.”

Kaden rolled her eyes as she walked out the door with my cousin behind her like the warden in a prison. With the door closed me and Georgia placed everything we needed under the bed. When we were done Georgia asked, “So why you didn’t volunteer me to go?”

To go where, Georgia?” I stood up and checked my locs in the mirror.

With Kaden outside to get some air?”

I laughed. “You don’t have to ask me questions you already know the answer to with your, weak ass.”

When there was a knock at my door I opened it. It was Dandre. “Listen, I want to tell you something.” He looked behind me at Georgia. “In private.”

Let’s go to Kaden’s room,” I smiled.

What?” he looked over my shoulder and back at me. “Why can’t we stay here?”

Because Georgia taking care of something for me.” I paused and grabbed his hand. “Come with me. Nobody in her room.”

He followed me and we walked into Kaden’s room, closing the door behind us. “What’s up?” I was bracing myself for foolishness.

I can’t marry you.” He looked away from me.

My jaw opened and closed several times. “What…why? Because of Paris? If that’s the reason you wrong, Dandre. I can make a good wife. A nice wife.”

Nah. That ain’t it.”

Then what is it?”

Because I’m not feeling you.”

I walked around the room before finally sitting on the edge of the bed. “Dandre, you can’t do me like this. It’s not fair.” I cried. “You can’t tell a person you marrying them and then change your mind like this. It’s wrong, Dandre.”

He frowned. “How the fuck you sound? I didn’t tell you I was going to marry you. You found out and fucked your own head up.”

Were you really gonna marry me?”

What?” He glared. “Fuck you talking about? You sound dumb.”

Because it doesn’t make any sense how a person could want to be with someone forever and then change their mind so easily. I’m not understanding. Unless you really wanted Tabitha all along.”

There’s nothing more I can say to you, Barby. You not the person I thought you was.”

So all the times you were running around with Tabitha, what was that about? You wanted her instead right? Just be honest for a fucking change!”

Look, I’m staying for the party but beyond that I don’t know what else to say.” He shrugged. “Me and you gonna have to work on some things if we gonna make it. I’m out.”

He walked out and when he opened the door Tabitha was looking at me, with a sly smile on her face.

Her look gave me chills.

All of this time I thought she was naive but now that look told me that she was something else.

Something worse than me.

Who are you really Tabitha?