Chapter Twenty-nine


The magnesium burned hot, keeping the Nighthawk team from getting close to the remains of the Jet Ranger for over thirty minutes, even though they used fire extinguishers to put out most of the flames.

Working his way between the still-smoldering wreckage, the team leader approached the remains of the Jet Ranger's cabin. There were two bodies smashed up against the instrument panel, dark green flight helmets partially melted, flight suits charred black.

Using the tip of his MP-5 submachine gun, the team leader pried back the helmet on one of the bodies. The face revealed was battered and burned, but still recognizable. The team leader stared at it for a few seconds, then did the same to the second body.

There was no doubt.

He looked at his men poking through the wreckage. "Got the briefcases?"

He got their answer, then signaled for the Nighthawk to pick up the search team.