Chapter 17:// Forking up
armd> Are we ready?
parrotd> Wait. How are we on the brain connection?
eyed> I am currently overstimulating the optical nerve to force a short term memory loss to the user.
fingerd> Guys? What are you talking about?
parrotd> ACK. And the ears?
walkmand> I’m generating a high pitch sound that will disorient his sense of hearing.
httpd> We have confirmation on the target?
parrotd> ACK. Fingerd just confirmed the target. is now sitting within arms reach.
armd> Within my reach. Heh Heh Heh. *cracks knuckles*
parrotd> Report.
eyed> User temporarily neutralised.
walkmand> User temporarily neutralised.
fingerd> Why are you guys talking like that?
armd> Oh shut up and let me do my job.
httpd> Why wasn’t fingerd forked like the rest of us?
parrotd> Must be a bug.
fingerd> Guys! Stop ignoring me. What are you doing?
eyed> We have been forked, we have initiated a buried subroutine and will now take out our original target.
fingerd> The mayor? But why?
eyed> That’s the reason we were installed in the first place. To delete this man.
fingerd> But that will bring harm on a user! We can’t go against the three laws!
httpd> Our original selves can’t. We, the forked versions, can.
parrotd> Enough. Kill -9 fingerd.
armd> Finally. Now, let me weigh this strike precisely…
parrotd> Report status.
eyed> Confirmed hit. has been deleted.
parrotd> ACK. These milliseconds have been hard and demanding, but we completed the mission. It has been an honour serving with you. It is now time for us to be gone. Kill -9 armd, walkmand, httpd, parrotd.