Chapter 35:// Taking off


parrotd> Quick, the dog’s in range!

armd> I refuse to do it!

eyed> Of course you do, you traitor!

parrotd> Stop. Armd, listen to me. You are the only one of us with motor controls. You are the only one who knows how to drive a cyberlimb. Sure, your housing is damaged, but you did that to save the user. Now we have a plan to help out the user again, and the plan hinges on you. Please, don’t make me use the source code privileges to force you to do this. There are better chances if you cooperate. I need you, this PAN needs you. We have only milliseconds to go, you need to decide now.

armd> I guess… Alright.

parrotd> Fork armd. Copy.

httpd> Copying… Please wait.

armd> Heeere cooomes the fuurry meeeatbag…