This book opens with a quotation by Walter Benjamin. The quotation was used in Lars Fr. H. Svendsen’s book Kjedsomhetens filosofi (A Philosophy of Boredom) (Universitetsforlaget 1999), which has been a great source of inspiration and help in writing What Never Happens.
On page 193, there is a quotation from an unnamed source: “And you’re dying so slowly that you think you’re alive.” I am obliged to say that this is taken from the title poem in a collection of poems, Og du dør så langsomt at du tror du lever, by Bertrand Besigye (Gyldendal 1993).
I would like to thank Alexander Elgurén for his irrepressible enthusiasm and Randi Krogsveen for her invaluable help.
This book is for you, Tine, as all my books are.
Anne Holt
Oslo, June 18, 2004