The climb took many hours, for Nori was weakened and slow. Song and Karina walked at either side of her, supporting her. Even Song felt dizzy with fear and lack of sleep. Grandfather stumbled in the rear with Kintu at his heels.
And as they walked in silence, fear and dread began to grow in Song’s mind. Perhaps he could face the dragon, but how could he defeat him? He had no weapon. How could he use his little store of knowledge? With his small body and short years of experience, how could he bring down one of Ju-Long’s greatness? He felt altogether inadequate.
Grandfather sensed his thoughts. “Fear,” he told him, “is of the enemy. It is his most potent weapon. He will use it to disarm you, to freeze you where you stand. Do not let yourself be stricken with it. Instead, dwell on the stories. Find your courage in their words.”
“I cannot,” he whispered.
“Then I will repeat them to you.” And as they walked, Grandfather told him again the stories recorded on his staff: of Zumari and the city of Zuminka, of the Guardian and Ju-Long’s evil plan, of Zumari’s three sons, of the token of Mutan’s promise hidden so long within the puzzle box, of the son of Pavu and the Five Great Gifts, of the secret name for the Maker of Stars. And last, he recited the prophecy:
“Mud and mire shall birth a tree;
A sprout shall grow of ancient seed.
The five unite to break the one;
The curse of man shall be undone.
But brothers rise ere dragon’s bane;
The last shall smite the first again.”
The girls listened in rapt attention, Karina hearing the stories for the first time, Nori believing them for the first time.
And Song felt his fear lessen.
The words of the prophecy. Song went over them again and again. He was the seed spoken of in the riddle, Grandfather had said, rising from obscurity. The brothers had played out according to what was written. Only the middle couplet had not been fulfilled. And on these he pondered.
The five unite to break the one;
The curse of man shall be undone.
The curse, he knew, was the consequence of Zumari’s disobedience, the long years living under the threat of Ju-Long. And Ju-Long was the one that must be broken. But the five unite? The five what?
Of course the answer was obvious. The gifts! Mutan had given Pavu’s son the gifts of water, fire, earth, wood, and metal. Hadn’t they defeated evil once before? The old story was a picture, a miniature, of the battle that was yet to come. And in the union of the gifts, Pavu’s son had found strength.
If only Song knew the secret of their power!
Just yards away from where the path broke out of the forest that crowned Kamiratan’s bald dome, Karina told them gravely, “We are being followed.”
Within minutes, the others also heard the tramp of many feet on the path behind them. They were discovered!
“It is Asito,” Grandfather said, turning on the path. “Song, take Kintu and the girls to the tree.”
“What tree?”
“The heir of the Guardian.”
The seed? It could not have grown already! But Song obeyed, pressing slowly on, guiding Nori upward.
The noise of confrontation soon followed them, and they turned to glance behind.
A score of men faced Grandfather, swords at the ready. Song saw Keeto trailing at their rear, and Asito stood at their head. “I have come to claim my inheritance,” he said. “Get out of my way, old man.”
Grandfather stood firmly in his path, garbed in his blue robe. “You may not hurt the girl.”
Asito’s smile held arrogance and malice. “Long has my line awaited this moment. Today, the wealth and blessing of my forefather will pass to me.”
“I was deceived by you, Asito. Your path merges with that of Ju-Long because your heart is infected with the same evil. Yet I offer you a warning so that you may turn from your path. Heed my words: your own destruction will come of this plan.”
The warrior’s face twisted with hatred. “Not my destruction, old fool. Only that of the girl—and the boy, for I can be Zumari’s only heir. Did you think I would not find him out? I have made this mission my life’s work. And it is written that I will succeed.”
“You are wrong. It is written only that you will raise your hand to smite, not to conquer.”
Beside him, Song heard Karina gasp, “Li-Min!”
For with his words, Grandfather revealed his true form, as it had been revealed to Song at the Keeping Stone. He stood tall and powerful. His staff was in his hand, and blue light shone around him.
The men on the path cowered in fear.
“Asito, Son of the Least, you have chosen your end!”
The soldier growled and tried to push past Grandfather. “Out of my way, sorcerer!”
Even as he spoke, the black face of Ju-Long rose from the cliff beside them.
Asito whirled, his sword drawn, and faced the monster eye to eye.
There was stillness in the forest, broken only by the beat of the dragon’s wings. Then Ju-Long let out a roar that trembled the rocks and split the trees.
Asito lunged, striking a blow on the dragon’s snout that bounced off with a clang of metal.
The dragon laughed. “Fool!” His voice was black as his scales. “I cannot be defeated with pinpricks.” And he laughed again.
Asito used the moment to rush him, jabbing the sword far up the dragon’s nostril.
Ju-Long roared with pain and fury. Eyes blazing, he rose to the height of the mountain’s crest. Then, with a graceful twist, he swooped downward like a striking eagle, snatching the man up with huge, taloned feet.
Asito’s sword clattered to the ground. Dangling helplessly above the cliff, the struggling man groaned with terror.
“This is what will happen to the next man who threatens me,” Ju-Long growled. Beating over the valley, he dropped Asito into darkness, to the boulders far below.
The man’s followers fled to the forest, fighting one another in their panic, but Keeto stood frozen on the path, his eyes wide with horror.
Li-Min transformed into Grandfather once again and spoke gently to the boy. “Keeto, though you played a part in this evil day, you may yet change the course you have chosen. Follow me.”
Grandfather turned and saw Song and the girls still watching. “To the tree, Song!” he called. “He will be back!”
But Song’s attention was focused on Keeto, twice his enemy. And as he watched the boy accept the comfort and safety of Li-Min’s invitation, hatred froze within him. It chilled all his compassion and filled him with cold, hard fury.
“Song!” Grandfather shouted. “Your moment has come! Fly!”