Getting a Reference to the Excel Application Object

Once the proper references are set, we can declare an object variable of type Application:

Dim XlApp As Excel.Application

which the Automation client will understand, because it can now check the server's object library. Note that we need to qualify the object name, since other object models have an Application object as well.

Next, we want to start the Excel Automation server, create an Excel Application object, and get a reference to that object. This is done in the following line:

Set XLApp = New Excel.Application

At this point, we have complete access to Excel's object model. It is important to note, however, that the previous line starts the Excel Automation server, but does not start Excel's graphical user interface, so Excel will be running invisibly. To make Excel visible, we just set its Visible property to True:

XLApp.Visible = True

We can now program as though we were within the Excel VBA IDE. For instance, the following code creates a new workbook, adds a worksheet to it, puts a value in cell A1, and then saves the workbook:

Sub MakeWorkbook()

Dim XlApp As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet

Set XlApp = New Excel.Application
XlApp.Visible = True

Set wb = XlApp.Workbooks.Add
Set ws = wb.Worksheets.Add
ws.Name = "Sales"
ws.Range("A1").Value = 123

wb.SaveAs "d:\temp\SalesBook"

End Sub

Note that the Excel server will not terminate by itself, even if the XLApp variable is destroyed. If we have made Excel visible, then we can close it programmatically, as well as from the user interface in the usual way (choosing Exit from the File menu, for instance). But if the Excel server is invisible, it must be closed using the Quit method:


(If we fail to terminate the Excel server, it will remain running invisibly, taking up system resources, until the PC is restarted.)

The approach described for programming Excel from within another application is the preferred approach, since it is the most efficient. However, there is an alternative approach that you may encounter, so let us discuss it briefly. As before, we assume that a reference has been set to the Excel object library.

We have been assuming that the client application has a reference to the server's object library. However, it is still possible for a client application (an Automation client) to program the objects of an Automation server (such as Excel) without such a reference. Under these circumstances, we cannot refer to objects by name in code, since the client will not understand these names. Instead, we must use the generic Object data type, as in the following code:

Dim XLApp As Object
Dim wb As Object
Set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
XLApp.Visible = True
Set wb = XLApp.Workbooks.Add
wb.SaveAs "d:\temp\SalesBook"

This code will run even more slowly than the previous code, which, in turn, is slower than the first version.

Thus, we have three versions of Automation:

  • Using the New keyword syntax (requires an object library reference)

  • Using CreateObject and specific object variable declarations (requires an object library reference)

  • Using CreateObject with generic As Object declarations (does not use an object library reference)

These versions of automation are sometimes referred to by the names very early binding, early binding, and late binding, respectively (although you may hear these terms used somewhat differently).

These terms refer to the time at which VBA can associate (or bind ) the object, property, and method names in our code to the actual addresses of these items. In very early binding, all bindings are done at compile time by VBA—that is, before the program runs. In early binding, some of the bindings are done at compile time and others are done at run time. In late binding, all bindings are done at run time.

The issue is now evident. The more binding that needs to be done at run time, the more slowly the program will run. Thus, very early binding is the most efficient, followed by early binding, and then late binding.