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We are grateful to those professional colleagues who over the years have worked with our ideas and techniques independently in their own seminars and therapeutic work and discussed their experiences with us. They include Dr. Roger Bach (Salt Lake City), Dr. Lew Engel (San Francisco), Dr. David Lowry (New York City), and Dr. Lee Pulos (Vancouver, British Columbia).

Among our European colleagues who have utilized aggression techniques in their settings abroad we wish to thank Professor Guido Groeger (Berlin), Dipl. Psych. Herman Latka (Mimich), Dr. Herman Paula and Dr. Udo Derbolowsky (Hamburg), and Professor Adolph Daiimling (Bonn). Their work has reassured the authors that our approach is not culturebound or limited to the American scene.

Mr. Ed Monsson and his staff at the University of California, Los Angeles, have provided us with a hospitable setting where, over the past ten years, we have been able to try out and refine many of our techniques on an intelligent, normal adult population.

We are also indebted to the laboratory leaders on our staff whose work with us has been important in communicating the spirit and essence of our approach to the public. They include Dr. Eric Field, who has been highly instrumental in the development of office aggression techniques. Claudia Bach and Luree Nicholson have developed a special expertise utilizing aggression techniques with children in school and family settings. Catherine Bond, Yetta Bern-hard, Joan Hotchkis, Sandra Burton, Alex and Johanna VUumsons, and Sascha Schneider regularly teach our techniques in various educational settings. We also wish to thank Connie Grippo and Judy Black for providmg many


useful illustrations on the effects of indirect and repressed aggression in work settings.

CertaiQ professional colleagues have been especially important to us through their own therapeutic and theoretical work and have given us helpful insights during the course of many conversations. They include Dr. Seymour Fesh-bach (UCLA), Dr. Robert W. Zaslow (Los Gatos, California), Dr. Carl Whitaker (Wisconsin), Dr. Zev Wanderer (Los Angeles), Dr. William C. Schutz (Esalen), and the late Dr. Eric Berne and Dr. Alvirdo Pearson.

For giving us personal encouragement and for providing a congenial environment in which the two independent and not always agreeing coauthors could "fight it out" creatively, we acknowledge the hostess artistry of Peggy and Stephanie Bach and Stephanie Goldberg.

In the actual production of the manuscript we are indebted to Mr. Alex Liepa, the editor who gave relevant encouragement and expert guidance for the direction of this book. Last but not least, Mr. Marvin Moss applied successful pressure where and when needed to meet our deadlines.