
This book was inspired by a short story I wrote called (confusingly) “Saint Ivo” and also by a conversation I had with my husband, Derek Buckner, who’s an essential reader of everything I write. Derek, thank you for that conversation, your encouragement, and your truest support.

Jennifer Gilmore, Joanna Rakoff, Elisa Albert, Sallie Sills, Laura Rebell Gross, Catherine Lloyd Burns, and Merrill Feitell—huge thanks to all of you for reading that story and offering various forms of indispensable advice. I’m grateful to Dorian Karchmar and also Eve Attermann at WME. Thank you to Granta, especially to Rosalind Porter, for such an engaging editorial process, and to Sigrid Rausing for connecting with “Saint Ivo” and publishing it so thoughtfully.

Ellen Umansky read the first draft of this novel and gave me remarkable notes as always, as well as the faith to continue. Hilary Reyl and Jennifer Cody Epstein were both soulful and seriously smart readers. Hilary—thank you for that brilliant twist. Eliza Factor, Bliss Broyard, Sharon Guskin, and Nina Collins: I treasured those sustaining evenings, the individual and collective insights. Thank you, Lizzie Gottlieb, for an encouraging early read, Lauren and Ben Shenkman for many steps along the way, and Tanya Larkin—cherishing writerly friendship since 1989.

Thanks to Scott Adkins, Erin Courtney, and the Brooklyn Writers Space, where I’ve written three books during my time as a member. I highly recommend this quiet safe haven for writers.

Thank you, Julie Orringer, Nell Freudenberger, and everyone in that wise circle who offered advice and encouragement during the publication process.

My agent and dear friend for more than twenty years, Elizabeth Sheinkman at Peters, Fraser & Dunlop: you have my forever gratitude.

Jenna Johnson, my keen editor: all of our conversations are thought-provoking, and I’m very grateful for your brilliant work. Heartfelt thanks to Lydia Zoells, Brian Gittis, and everyone at Farrar, Straus and Giroux, where I am so fortunate to have landed with St. Ivo.

And, of course, I’m beyond grateful for my family—chaos, music, and boundless love.